I heard you can buy the game, beat it and platinum it all on the same day.
Almost in the first playthrough, yes, but for some trophies you must repeat certain levels though.
Really really easy platinum.
I heard you can buy the game, beat it and platinum it all on the same day.
I heard you can buy the game, beat it and platinum it all on the same day.
I had fun during my playthrough of Resistance on the Vita.. it might not be a looker, but it is fun and varied and had me entertained all the way untill the end (and my platinum trophy).. just don´t try to play the game lying down in a bed onboard a cruise ship, you WILL get seasick..
I heard you can buy the game, beat it and platinum it all on the same day.
Yeah. Like i said before, it's a GOOD game, game wise. But technically it's fucking horrible. Cutscenes look like shit, it sounds like shit, sound effects don't work half of the time. But in terms of being fun, it's good.
As for being an easy platinum, you basically just have to complete it.
Holy shit, looks like SCEE will actually be doing some adverts for Vita this month. LBP Vita and FIFA, at least.
Bit of a behind the scenes preview on this week's Playstation Access if you're interested
Yeah, the sound is just awful, some weapons sound like microwave popcorn
Wow, it's like SCEE a shit about Vita. SCEA sure doesn't. And if they do, I'd like to see proof.
Yeah, the sound is just awful, some weapons sound like microwave popcorn
Wow, it's like SCEE a shit about Vita. SCEA sure doesn't. And if they do, I'd like to see proof.
Finally took a look at the Earth Defence Force videos that were posted earlier.
The game actually looks like quite a lot of fun - I haven't played the original or any from the series - I think the art style and colours put me off a bit but gameplay looks pretty great to me.
Wow, it's like SCEE a shit about Vita. SCEA sure doesn't. And if they do, I'd like to see proof.
I really want Vita to last. This hardware is too damn great to never get fully used. If they can do games like Uncharted GA and Wipeout 2048 at launch, just imagine what might be possible by good devs after a couple of years. Hope we get to see that.
I'll tell you another really depressing thing about Vita...
Remember when Namco was awesome? Remember brilliant PSP games like Ridge Racer and Tekken DR? What are the chances we'll even see a Tekken for Vita? And just look at the mess they made of Vita RR. *cries*
Yeah. Like i said before, it's a GOOD game, game wise. But technically it's fucking horrible. Cutscenes look like shit, it sounds like shit, sound effects don't work half of the time. But in terms of being fun, it's good.
As for being an easy platinum, you basically just have to complete it.
notice to Canadians:
you can pre-order LBP Vita, Persona 4 Golden, or any other $39.99 Vita game for $24.99 right now. Check the Canadian Deals thread for details.
Alternate Costumes Pre-order Bonus
Pre-order Street Fighter X Tekken for PS Vita and receive the alternate costumes for all 12 new characters. In addition to the robust roster of 43 characters from the PS3 version, the PS Vita version features 12 new playable characters Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Guy and Sakura from the Street Fighter side and Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie Monteiro, Jack, Lars Alexandersson and Lei Wulong from the Tekken side. For players who choose to own the PS Vita version and already have the PlayStation 3 version of the game, they will receive these additional 12 characters and 38 alternate costumes for the original roster of characters as free DLC. We will send you the code to access this bonus content via email within two days of your order shipment. Offer valid when shipped and sold by This offer will be extended to all existing pre-orders. Limit one per customer. Amazon reserves the right to change or terminate this promotion at any time.
Ended up picking up a Vita on the day the PS1 support patch happened (which was a nice surprise!) I have MK, MVC3, Gravity Rush, MGSHD, Rayman Origins, and Unit 13. Also put FF7-9 , Vagrant Story, and Tactics Ogre on it. The biggest surprise so far is that every game I have purchased is pretty great. MK and MVC3 are pretty amazing ports (though MVC3 does look better), The gameplay in both is amazing though, and the D-pad is so amazing. Gravity Rush is a really awesome open world quirky experience, MGS is MGS looking better with no compromise. Rayman Origins is my favorite platformer I have played in a long time. Most surprising though is that Unit 13 is a really fun score/time attack 3rd person shooter. It is not perfect for sure, but makes me really look forward to 3rd person shooters on this thing. Only thing left to get is BlazBlue and maybe Uncharted, then its waiting a bit for AC, and Persona 4. Very happy with my purchase. I have wife and kid and don't get to game much on the PS3, so it has been really great to be playing more games (and I like playing portables more anyway.)
IMO, Resistance Retribution is a much better game - it even looks better to me, despite being a PSP game. Certainly the sound design is superior, and the story and characters were more interesting... Granted, Retribution doesn't have trophies (if you care about that, which I don't), but it's a superior experience to Burning Skies...
Ended up picking up a Vita on the day the PS1 support patch happened (which was a nice surprise!) I have MK, MVC3, Gravity Rush, MGSHD, Rayman Origins, and Unit 13. Also put FF7-9 , Vagrant Story, and Tactics Ogre on it. The biggest surprise so far is that every game I have purchased is pretty great. MK and MVC3 are pretty amazing ports (though MVC3 does look better), The gameplay in both is amazing though, and the D-pad is so amazing. Gravity Rush is a really awesome open world quirky experience, MGS is MGS looking better with no compromise. Rayman Origins is my favorite platformer I have played in a long time. Most surprising though is that Unit 13 is a really fun score/time attack 3rd person shooter. It is not perfect for sure, but makes me really look forward to 3rd person shooters on this thing. Only thing left to get is BlazBlue and maybe Uncharted, then its waiting a bit for AC, and Persona 4. Very happy with my purchase. I have wife and kid and don't get to game much on the PS3, so it has been really great to be playing more games (and I like playing portables more anyway.)
Well, Vita version is a "newer game" ..EDIT: Looking at Amazon... So SFxTekken Vita is gonna be $40, but the console versions are less than $20? WTF?! Capcom, seriously?
You get 12 costumes for the 12 extra characters. Like with UMvC3, getting the DLC on Vita also unlocks it on the PS3 version.So you only get the bonus 12 characters and costumes if you already own the PS3 version? How will they even know if you do?
I heard you can buy the game, beat it and platinum it all on the same day.
Damn nice discounts.
Hahaha, it was just discovered we can also get $10 off any $19.99 game, including WipEout, HSG, etc.
I'm probably going to pass though, $9.99 is good for those games but I have too many things to play and those are pretty low on the priority list. Just happy to get $25 P4G! ^_^
haha yeah. Its honestly hard to not platinum the game.
Its no where near as bad as some people make out. its just increadibly average. It controls really well. Even the touch screen stuff works well I think. Its just very easy. I played it on hard as I heard this and it was easy even then. Until the final boss which is really hard. bit of a dumb decision there. Graphics are OK. not good, not bad. Just totally middle of the road.
All in all im happy I bought it. I just wish the online had a more stable frame rate and the shot gun wasnt so totally over powered that people only use that or the sniper.
The 4v4 works fine as the maps are small.
The campaign is decent enough if rather generic. I honestly preferred it to the totally ham fest / stereo type central crap that was retribution. I had to force my self to finish that game. I honestly don't see how certain reviewers can give retribution such praise for things like its story when that was really rather terrible in that game. stereo types and cheese fest aside the story was still riddled with BS and plot holes. At least resistance BS tries to be a little serious.
Anyway. Resistance BS - a distinctly average game that is fun but wont exactly blow your mind. Mutliplayer is fun till the lag / framerate drops do your head in after a few games.
On my lunch break I thought Id do a little more sound shapes death mode levels as I havnt done much since a couple of weeks ago.
God damn the randomness makes this mode soooo brutal.
I did one of the lvls in album 2. Realised it had taken me 40 mins lol. Then flew through the next few and then got stuck on one on album 3. One attempt I was 1 away. Sooooo anoying. Still good fun and rewarding when you do it. However I kinda wish it wasn't random but actually placed. Random means that it is actually impossible to complete a level sometimes.
It is my fastest platinum yet (if you do not count trine 2, which was faster if you used GraverobberX´s fast guide)...
Do you still happen to have a link to that in the trophies threads? I was thinking of spending two hours doing that this weekend in between some WKC2.
graverobberx said:Trine 2
So easy, it's not even funny.
Go Online, find room with a space, Hopefully Chapter 7+, if you get a Chapter 10+ room and has spots, try to join ASAP.
Even if you don't get in, you just need that intro for that chapter, if you see "Saving", you're set.
You accumulate all of Hosts XP/Unlocks.
Just go to SP, and just grab the Shiny Golds however you like
Whats with Nihilistic and 4v4![]()
HOLY?!?! O_O
I am very, very jealous of Canada right now. FUCK.
BTW, Wipeout and HSG are both great games, you really should get them for that price even if you don't play them right away.
I just want to know how people are getting over 1 billion in the weekly leaderboards.
I average between 1-10 million per turn and my record is 22 mil.
Lightning Gem, TNT Gem and More Gems... Gem. I don't bother with Totems just because you have to line up the same colour twice in a row and it can be distracting.
I know, there are a lot of games I'd love to order right now, believe me...
But I've made several impulse buys recently and am already way over budget. Need to hold back ;_;
I used to complain a lot about Canada being pretty shit for gaming deals, but things have really stepped up in the last little while. Quite sure it was the only place you could get a $150 new Vita in June or a sub-$80 3DS XL on day 1.
Just buying PVZ doesnt unlock that bit no. As thats all I have bought and I dont get trophies or anything still. I think its one of the 4 packs to unlock those features but im not 100% sure as it doesn't make it to clear. Bit annoying really as so far PVZ is the only table I really like (and i think its brilliant)
Ha!it´s simple just join a room with people playing the later chapters.. then just look at the trophy list and get them, they are pretty easy..
There's a link in the OP with a pretty good there a psp games that are compatible on vita thread?
Kinda reminds me of the Ninja Gaiden Sigma (2? or 1?) glitch were you unlocked a few gameplay trophies, by just watching a replay. XD
There's a link in the OP with a pretty good list.
is there a psp games that are compatible on vita thread?
Kinda reminds me of the Ninja Gaiden Sigma (2? or 1?) glitch were you unlocked a few gameplay trophies, by just watching a replay. XD
fuck yeah you guys
fuck yeah you guys
Not if you're from EU. Euro list has nothing to do with US list. :'(
You should be able to get any table specific trophies (there are two for PvZ I think) and the 4 "generic" zen pinball 2 trophies.
damn... nobody plays via Near here in my part of the world.. (news just in: Hanmik is probably the sole owner of a vita in the Faroe Islands)...