I have literally never charged the Vita any way other than PC-USB o.o
I would have imagined that it would take too long to ever be that useful, guess not.
I have literally never charged the Vita any way other than PC-USB o.o
I'd do it.
That Vita fund will come in handy for the already released titles and the slew of games coming out the rest of the year.
What do you guys think? Am I just desperate to pick up a Vita, or should I hold out for something better? My 'Vita Fund' is 450'ish right now, and I've been waiting for a deal on a new one, but this would let me use most of that 450 on games and accessories.
Is anyone else having issues getting Netflix to work? I've been having an issue since launch where I'm told the title I've selected is unavailable and I should try a different one. I've tried both changing the video quality settings on netflix.com (Good, Better, Best) as well as deleting the application and reinstalling. Nothing works.
Netflix works perfectly on every other device I own. The issue has persisted across two different ISPs I've had at my house + countless different modem/router setups. Not to mention it also doesn't work even when connected to my school's wi-fi.I just installed and used Netflix for the first time tonight, and it's working great.
So I dunno, could it be a router issue? Netflix streams OK on other devices for you?
So, yes, I'm kinda torn, guys.
I'm working on this trade with a guy, my 360S for his Vita. I don't use the 360, I haven't since I bought it, and I probably never will.
He wants to trade straight across, my 360 for his Vita, 4GB card, and cables.
He would ship his first, so I would have some hands on time with it to make sure it's acceptable before sending him my 360.
Only catch is one of the corners, where you'd put a strap, is dented, and there's a scratch on the back that he says doesn't affect functionality.
What do you guys think? Am I just desperate to pick up a Vita, or should I hold out for something better? My 'Vita Fund' is 450'ish right now, and I've been waiting for a deal on a new one, but this would let me use most of that 450 on games and accessories.
If you don't use the 360, why not? The scratch doesn't look like a big deal, and the systems are about equal in value.
Netflix works perfectly on every other device I own. The issue has persisted across two different ISPs I've had at my house, + countless different modem/router setups. Not to mention it also doesn't work even when connected to my school's wi-fi.
I should mention that this isn't an isolated issue. I've seen others with the same problems on different message boards.
Do it, those cosmetic faults are insignificant, and that 450 can get you a 32GB stick.What do you guys think? Am I just desperate to pick up a Vita, or should I hold out for something better? My 'Vita Fund' is 450'ish right now, and I've been waiting for a deal on a new one, but this would let me use most of that 450 on games and accessories.
='[ My dreams of watching Netflix on my Vita while waiting between class will never come to fruition I suppose.Wow, that sucks. I really have no idea. Works great on my end. :-/
Thought I'd share some cam shots with you guys ...
PSP Ridge Racer
='[ My dreams of watching Netflix on my Vita while waiting between class will never come to fruition I suppose.
Thought I'd share some cam shots with you guys ...
PSP Ridge Racer
Is that with anti-aliasing on for Ridge Racer? I've been wanting a good racing game on my Vita and I've heard if I want all the content on the Vita version I'd need to buy an extra Gold code or whatever. And the Single Player content is nonexistant/repetitive.
So, yes, I'm kinda torn, guys.
I'm working on this trade with a guy, my 360S for his Vita. I don't use the 360, I haven't since I bought it, and I probably never will.
He wants to trade straight across, my 360 for his Vita, 4GB card, and cables.
He would ship his first, so I would have some hands on time with it to make sure it's acceptable before sending him my 360.
Only catch is one of the corners, where you'd put a strap, is dented, and there's a scratch on the back that he says doesn't affect functionality.
What do you guys think? Am I just desperate to pick up a Vita, or should I hold out for something better? My 'Vita Fund' is 450'ish right now, and I've been waiting for a deal on a new one, but this would let me use most of that 450 on games and accessories.
Is that with anti-aliasing on for Ridge Racer? I've been wanting a good racing game on my Vita and I've heard if I want all the content on the Vita version I'd need to buy an extra Gold code or whatever. And the Single Player content is nonexistant/repetitive.
A straight trade for a system you don't use sounds like a no-brainer to me. I guess my only concern would be that dent in the corner. Did the Vita suffer a serious drop to get that kind of dent? If so could something else be wrong with it? I dunno, it's a tough call. On one hand I say do it, but on the other hand I agree with Derrick01 about people not taking care of their stuff.
Yeah, if you want a nice meaty racing game, go with PSP RR and PSone R4. I enjoyed getting all the trophies for RR Vita but at the same time it was depressing because the game could have been so much more. The best single player content in that game occurs when you unlock the "Devil's Gift". And even then, since the game lacks any single player progression/structure, it will feel like a HUGE difficulty spike unless you've played the older titles.
Didn't know if I was being stupid or anything, but is there any kind of way to stretch the PS1 images?
I didn't think it could be charged off a general USB port unless it was turned off? Otherwise the PlayStation Button goes orange like usual.
Is anyone else having issues getting Netflix to work? I've been having an issue since launch where I'm told the title I've selected is unavailable and I should try a different one. I've tried both changing the video quality settings on netflix.com (Good, Better, Best) as well as deleting the application and reinstalling. Nothing works.
And how the fuck do you beat Master level 3 in Lumines Electronic Symphony -_-
I remember having an awesome time with RR Revolution. Is R4 the best Ridge Racer?
No, I haven't. People have tried with no good results, but it really is a no-brainer to at least give it a shot. I'll try calling tomorrow.Did you try calling NetFlx or Sony help desk ?
I watched a few movies from Vita NetFlix. No issue so far.
I passed on R4 recently because it looks like cars move a fair bit slower than they do in newer Ridge Racers. I'm still pissed we never got RR2 on PSP over here. =\
No, I haven't. People have tried with no good results, but it really is a no-brainer to at least give it a shot. I'll try calling tomorrow.
Hey guys.
I might be trading for a Vita unit soonish.
Does the warranty transfer over? Anything special I or the trader need to do?
I don't know if anyone was planning to send me any treasure sheets now but please wait until daytime, or I might end up having to delete them all again![]()
Oh, but I just sent you about 5 of them...
Is it the official PlayStation Protection Plan? If so, NOT transferable.
Hah, just kidding! I didn't send you any! Don't play that "no, not really" game with me!oh, dammit...
Then I believe you should be good... I'm not great with warranty stuff. ):No, I think it's the just the regular factory warranty.
No, I think it's the just the regular factory warranty.
Oh, Cecil, can you use Treasure Park now? I want to make sure it's all good before I send you that sheet I owe you.
Not sure about other regions, but I know it's available on the Vita in EU and NA, at least.Hello, want to ask, do all of u guys buy mgs 1 from ps3 and transfer it to vita to play it?
Since i did not found mgs at the store?
If it does, sucks for psvita only owners![]()
Then I'll send one your way!Yup! It's working now! =D
Oh, is that what treasure guarded means?I NEED TO STOP PLAYING TREASURE PARK WHEN I'M TIRED DAMN IT