So I got a replacement copy of UMvsC3 last week on the cheap (free) and i'm reminded why I really don't like physical copies of games on handhelds. Why does it need to install every time I power on the system? And it's annoying switching cards on a handheld. I'm starting to get to this point with my PS3 rather having my movies, TV shows (dealt with this past weekend watching my Walking Dead blurays in marathon format) and games on the HDD. With a handheld its just become so natural to have everything available at any given time right here at a flip of a screen.
I don't understand it either...must be some sort of additional security check.....? At least it doesn't do it from standby too!
It is annoying switching cards. I tend to just limit it down to games that I won't want to play much after I've completed them (and that take up a lot of space)...but even's a shame to not have them ready to go.
But if they are priced ridiculously, there isn't much you can do. Reserve digital for your favourites I guess.
With a handheld its just become so natural to have everything available at any given time right here at a flip of a screen.
Definitely...this had become a standard for a lot of us since PSP CFW..I'm still used to switching discs with home consoles and for some reason I don't mind it (probably more ready to deal with extra waiting time before the game is on then with a handheld). It's great to have the option for retail with the vita though..especially for some steals.
Btw that guy that got his copy of Super Monkey Ball for £15 from shopto - did you get a chance to try the full game? Let me know what you think please. I imagine it would easily be worth £15...but probably not the sort of game I'd get off my ass to load in the vita
.. digital though, defiantly...spent some more time with the demo. It is fine despite being a bit heavy to move...adds some extra challenge...I imagine people would fly through the game otherwise! It was a bit painful retrying a level though (which I tend to do
a lot).. an instant replay of the death (skippable)...then the level loading cutscene (which I know you can speed up too)..but still.. instant restarts devs. instant restarts. It's a fun game though. Using the left stick with the demo...
Has anyone managed that crossover with the 3 rotating circles? From circle 2 to 3 the direction changes...when I try to do the same I get butt smacked off the course. Retrying...Seems to run pretty well. Loading times are ok, not bad.
Also a bit random, but I love the hot-corners in PSP games so much. For every game I'll have something assigned to them, at the very least I put on the Start and Select buttons since they're a pain.