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PS5 Pro vs Rough Equivalent PC Specs


PS5 runs it at 4K, PS5 Pro would run it at a higher resolution, lets call it 6K, and then AI fills in the gaps to make it 8K.

Remember this is AI based now and not the old tech initially created back in the PS4 Pro days, of course we were going to see large improvements.

Not all games will run at 8K, it’ll be similar to how PS4 Pro attempted 4K.

No games will run at 8k. At least nothing more demanding then the touryst or tetris for sure.
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No games will run at 8k. At least nothing more demanding then the touryst or tetris for sure.
They will use a form of 8K for some games.
upscaling costs performance. upscaling to 8k from 4k is impossible especially if they alos upped ratyracing. its a racing game so anythings possible but i wouldnt count on that. the pro is not that fast.
It will use AI upscaling
Don't be so sure this will be the best way to play it at launch
Wanna bet?

Thread is not about PC for console price. Just PC with the "same" power.

That a new one. LOL. Congratulations.
Which doesn't exist


how about power equivalent in term of DBZ form?

Xbox Series S :


PS5 :


Series X :


PS5 Pro :


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Gold Member
Typo. 8K DLSS Performance is 4K input. Point is simply that we've always called the input and output resolution separately when they differ and we shouldn't start changing that now. I'm sure 4K upscaled to 8K looks every bit as good as native 8K, maybe even better, but we're data-driven. What we care about are the hard numbers. We can discuss the merits of PSSR (and I'm sure there will be) separately and then try to analyze how it stacks up to DLSS, FSR, and XeSS. As far as numbers go, we should remain consistent.

I hear you, but what purpose does it serve in today's gaming environment? Wouldn't it be silly to ask for RT performance comparisons strictly on shader compute basis without consideration for dedicated HW? Same concept applies with AI upscaling particularly when we discuss pixel rasterization imo. And the dialogue/perceived importance of different tech features needs to evolve now to avoid misconceptions such as the one we're discussing in regards to 7700xt vs PS5 Pro; 7700xt, despite any on-paper, traditional compute similarities, will rarely if ever match the fidelity output of PS5 Pro.

John Wick

Still worse than a 3080 from 2020 which can be bought for $350 from the bay.

Sad times for all hardware enthusiasts to be honest.
So now we are comparing 2nd hand GPU's to the Pro?
Let me know if the 3080 can run games without the rest of the components?


Wouldn't be shocked at this point.

I don't think Nintendo is gonna risk alienating people after the success of the Switch.
they are probably scared shitless that the Switch 2 could bomb. because they know now very well that having a super popular system doesn't mean the next system will carry that success forward.

never has there been a fall as steep as the one from the Wii to the Wii U.

they will do everything they can to make the generational shift as smooth as possible


Developers won't bother with this. Even 8k Performance requires 4k NATIVE image to work with, using lower base resolution won't look very pretty.

There is no target audience for 8k so outside of few hardcore developers (like PD) no one will care.
8K is the new 4K.

The writing was on the wall when Epic did an entire demo around UE5 and 8K before the gen even started.
They will no doubt be updating Fortnite to 8K because they always want to sell what their engine is capable of.
Other UE devs will be able to easily follow suit as it is built into the engine.

Sony of course are pushing it, they have TV's to sell, and not to mention they also worked on the UE engine enhancements to support 8K, and we also have GT7 as a shining example.

Ubisoft will likely follow as well, particularly the Rainbow Six team as they are always deep into deploying the latest advancements.
RSS was one of the first/few to incorporate 120FPS.

No Mans Sky, goes without saying, they love their updates.
Indies in general can push 8K, they have plenty of headroom so it is a non-issue.

There isn't that many devs who won't opt for 8K, as I said it is the new 4K and devs will use it as a selling point to show off how amazing their games look.
The target audience is all gamers, even if you aren't on the bandwagon yet.


its not really fair to compare the mighty PS5 pro to a PC. This is the ultimate console.

the one that can't beat a 3080 which can be bought for 350$ ( used of course ). and doesn't even have DLSS. ...

but aside from comparing it to PC, consoles are supposed to be all-in-one gaming system that is cheap to the general public. not to us hardcore gamers that spend 1000s of $ on gaming and consoles. Yet even we think this is crazy expensive.

of course, it's going to be sold out this year because scalpers will buy it and will try and sell it for more, just like with any new popular product. There are people that always do not care and they just want to have the best thing, but once the dust settles, this thing won't sell for shit.

1060$ CAD plus tax for a console and physical drive is crazy. like seriously crazy. wtf were they thinking....


4K went through the exact same transition from 1080P.

It was very quick and 4k was actually needed above 40 inches, 1080p was too low. Needs for more than 4k are above typical tv sizes used in homes.

Not to mention almost zero content.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
As per your link it was a measly 10M sold.
PlayStation has always been the tech tipping point.

4K TV's were 56% of sales by Q4 2016. 4K content was widely available.

8K TV's are expected to be at 1% of total TV adoption by the end of next year and 8K content is trickle feed at best at this point.

There is no comparison. They will need to ship every PS5 Pro unit with a free 8KTV and sell 10 million of them by the end of this year for them to be similar.
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4K TV's were 56% of sales by Q4 2016. 4K content was widely available.

8K TV's are expected to be at 1% of total TV adoption by the end of next year and 8K content is trickle feed at best at this point.

There is no comparison. They will need to ship every PS5 Pro unit with a free 8KTV and sell 10 million of them by the end of this year for them to be similar.
Because people were getting ready for the upcoming 4K content. (PS4 Pro)

PS5 Pro will drive 8K the same way as it had 4K.

Here’s another prediction of 56M 8K TV’s in homes by end of next year, and I bet there is predictions for everything else in between too. Don’t rely on predictions.

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soooo with the official announcement what are we looking at roughly bs pc?


Lmao 7600X? That's Zen 4. This is the same old 2019 Zen 2 with heavily crippled cache and GDDR6 (bad for CPU) now running at 3.85Ghz instead of 3.5Ghz. Digital Foundry has shown the crippled Zen 2 in the PS5 performs at PC Zen1+ levels (Ryzen 2700 etc.). The PS5 Pro will be equivalent to that plus a tiny 350mhz.

Now the GPU should be a more significant upgrade I expect more or less RX 7700XT performance with maybe a little lower raster but faster RT.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Because people were getting ready for the upcoming 4K content. (PS4 Pro)

PS5 Pro will drive 8K the same way as it had 4K.


4K market was thriving and the sales were increasing long before PS4 Pro came out. This is just some wishful correlation on your part.

Here’s another prediction of 56M 8K TV’s in homes by end of next year, and I bet there is predictions for everything else in between too. Don’t rely on predictions.

This article is from 2019.

8KTV adoption did not surge anywhere close to that article and was considered very low by 2022.

It wasn’t, as per adamsapple adamsapple link it had only sold 10M.

In the US only.

And you're missing one factor, it was severely outpacing HDTV adoption.

“Growth of the 4K UHD market continues to dwarf the transition to high-definition television. Just three years since introduction, cumulative sales of 4K UHD displays are forecast to hit 18.6 million units, while sales of HDTVs reached 4.2 million units in their first three years on the market.”

8K is not even a whisper compared to 4K TV adoption in the last 3 years.
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4K market was thriving and the sales were increasing long before PS4 Pro came out. This is just some wishful correlation on your part.

This article is from 2019.

8KTV adoption did not surge anywhere close to that article and was considered very low by 2022.

In the US only.

And you're missing one factor, it was severely outpacing HDTV adoption.

8K is not even a whisper compared to 4K TV adoption in the last 3 years.
8K lacking content is the reason for why 8K TV’s aren’t selling as good as they should, once content is created the sales will pickup as well, just as it had for 4K once the PS4 Pro came along. Those 10M sales were only US but still dismal because it too lacked content.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
8K lacking content is the reason for why 8K TV’s aren’t selling as good as they should, once content is created the sales will pickup as well, just as it had for 4K once the PS4 Pro came along. Those 10M sales were only US but still dismal because it too lacked content.

How are you so confidently incorrect?

- Your assertion that PS4 Pro was the leading cause of spike in 4KTV sales is just bizarre.
- 4K TV's were selling really fast, much more so than HDTV's, before PS4 Pro came out.
- 8K TV's have not had anywhere near that kind of an adoption spike relative to 4K TV's in similar time frames over the last 3 years. Hell, in 2022 they were deemed to be selling 'much lower than expected'.

Will 8K adoption increase when more native content is readily available? Of course.

But saying '8k is the new 4k' in 2024 is dead wrong.
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8k is only usefull for gaming. Regular content its useless. Unless you have s 100 inch + tv and are sitting 4m from thd screen.

8k and dlss ultrsa performsnce will be fantastic. Rdr 2 looks insane.
You see... no one can do this without being disingenuous.

Fitrrst off, PS5pro GPU is more like a 4070. Which is a $600 GPU. then you should also be getting a 2TB SSD. And no need to splurge on the CPU... keep it consistent. You will still find that you are spending a lot more on the PC that you seem to think that every console gamer would rather be playing.

Then you would start saying some shit about deals and free online....etc.
4070 is a $550 GPU but right now the lowest price new is $540 at Newegg.


How are you so confidently incorrect?

- Your assertion that PS4 Pro was the leading cause of spike in 4KTV sales is just bizarre.
- 4K TV's were selling really fast, much more so than HDTV's, before PS4 Pro came out.
- 8K TV's have not had anywhere near that kind of an adoption spike relative to 4K TV's in similar time frames over the last 3 years. Hell, in 2022 they were deemed to be selling 'much lower than expected'.

Will 8K adoption increase when more native content is readily available? Of course.

But saying '8k is the new 4k' in 2024 is dead wrong.
Your link mentions
Holiday (Q4) shipments of 4K Ultra High-Definition (4K UHD) televisions in the United States are expected to reach 4.5 million units
Meaning it was just picking up steam then, not before. The first 4K TV released in 2012. 2016 was 4 years later and slowly climbing to 10M.

8K is selling worse than 4K but 4K was not doing very well prior to the PS4 Pro’s arrival.
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