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PS5 Pro will be a glimpse into the future of gaming hardware much like PS4 Pro was


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
The base consoles can do RT,the issue is how big of a gulf exist between the Pro and PS5. As for ML,FP16 can only go so far and how much ML is necessary for decent results? Maybe the PS5 has enough performance for games.
Sure they can, but there won't be a PS5 game built around RT (or any game anytime soon, really). They're added after, and often removed in the performance modes.
Pro released 2016.

No catching up, its a newer method than the 2016 method.
Quantum Break uses upscaling, you ignoramus.
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How many years after NVIDIA went all in on RT and ML frame reconstruction? Has the OP slept under a rock or is this just willful ignorance to incite discussion?
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Tons of games and emulators used upscaling tech before the Pro.
PC is already also bringing AI upscaling tech for itself since years ago at a steal price for everything it can run, and is also bringing those techs to future consoles.
Did they? Please do tell and come correct with it.


I said a glimpse into the future of hardware meaning we are headed to a point where compute will be more dominant over the old rendering pipeline so instead of these games supporting Ray-Tracing & ML they will be built around it because compute is more dominant.
GPU driven rendering (via compute) has been an ongoing trend for years. Eg. see: https://advances.realtimerendering....siggraph2015_combined_final_footer_220dpi.pdf

It's culminating in UE5 and Nanite where the rasterization is being done in a compute shader (for small triangles). But these trends don't require the PS5 Pro and will be seen on the PS5, just at a lower resolution/quality level.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Already told.

Examples: MGS4 on PS3 and KZ Shadowfall on base PS4.
Quantum Break came out before the PS4 Pro and uses upscaling. Watch_Dogs 2 came right around the time of the PS4 Pro and also uses upscaling. Dozens upon dozens of games used upscaling before the Pro was a thing.
I really think something is wrong with them lol
How has this got anything to do with PCMR? The premise of your thread is incorrect unless you meant that the PS5 Pro will give us a glimpse into the future of consoles.
Always happens.
We can't just like and discuss multiple gaming platforms.
It's always gotta be a vs thing and everyone picks a side.

Please not another PCMR thread, for the Love of God
Wait, coming from two guys who are known to come into PC threads just to shit on it? Do you want me to dig up your post history so we can all laugh? Let's not because it won't be good for either of you and will derail the thread.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I'll read the original post in this thread when the OP quotes himself in a semi-related thread four years from now.

You think he's gonna wait 4 years ?

feels game of thrones GIF


« generous god »
Just remembered the Xbox 360 was using hardware to upscale to target resolution. Do that count?
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Resolution has been mattering less and less for a while now. The new reconstruction techniques and particularly the 'better than native' AI methods such as DLSS (and likely PSSR) are making native res a thing of the past. And even in terms of native 4K resolutions, the TV sizes and the typical viewing distances required to appreciate the difference puts a limit on its usefulness. I mentioned in another thread that i'd expect 4K to be an end-game resolution and any attempt to push for 8K - both in gaming and home cinema - will be a fools errand (unless you have a 200 inch TV, sit a meter from the screen and or have the eyes of a hawk - all of which 99% of people do not have). With the resolution arms race over, and improvements being made to ray tracing performance, hopefully more of the processing power can now go back into frame-rates. People perhaps expected too much from this gen when it came to "60fps as standard", but I think in the next couple of gens we might actually get it. In a relatively short time we'll reach a point where it's the budget that is dictating the visuals, not the technology.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Ratchet and Clank plus Spider-Man was built with RT in mind,RT is doable on current gen consoles.
Never said current-gen consoles couldn't do RT, but the talk is about games being built around RT, not games where it's tacked on. Spider-Man 2 and Rift Apart having RT reflections doesn't make them built around RT. Games built around RT are titles such as Metro Exodus RT or Portal RTX.
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I only see some with dirty peasant syndrome.
Who's dirty and who got the dirty peasant syndrome?

I think we can safely assume you don't own a PS5 and don't plan on buying a Pro or any PlayStation that uses the tech discussed in this thread.

Don't matter what you choose to see anyway as the posts in here speak for themselves.

Aren't you supposed to be in threads crying about aim assist or something?


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Dude do you even have a top of the line PC to shit post in PC thread…
Before you ask
Isn't that the Zotac RTX 4090? I love its design.

And you sure live dangerously placing your PS5 right on the edge of your table...or did you move it to take this photo?
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PS4 Pro brought in the era where the native resolution was no longer important & a look where GPU hardware was heading with Rapid Packed Math .

Many of you laughed when I warned that you shouldn't just look at the FLOPs number because things were changing now look where we are "Dual Issue Compute"

So what should we expect from the future of gaming hardware based on PS5 Pro?

PS5 Pro will be the 1st console where the compute pipeline far exceeds the normal rendering pipeline so we are really close to the point where Ray-Tracing & other compute rendering techniques will be the best choice when making games over the traditional rendering pipeline.
No you mean PC. Just like the PS4 gen, and the PS3 gen and the PS2 gen... And the PS1 gen with the advent of the GPU and fuck even the SNES gen with Doom launching in 1993.


Temporal AA has been used as far back as Halo Rech and quantum break even had reconstruction.
Sony was smart about the dedicated hardware for checkerboard rendering but it was a dead end. Checkerboard rendering kinda sucks compared to was DLSS and even some TAA solutions we have now.


Gold Member
Do we believe the new PS5 Pro will allow in home streaming at 4K/120?

Stuck at 1080p/60 is pretty lame outside the portal. On my PC's its ass


Resolution has been mattering less and less for a while now. The new reconstruction techniques and particularly the 'better than native' AI methods such as DLSS (and likely PSSR) are making native res a thing of the past. And even in terms of native 4K resolutions, the TV sizes and the typical viewing distances required to appreciate the difference puts a limit on its usefulness. I mentioned in another thread that i'd expect 4K to be an end-game resolution and any attempt to push for 8K - both in gaming and home cinema - will be a fools errand (unless you have a 200 inch TV, sit a meter from the screen and or have the eyes of a hawk - all of which 99% of people do not have). With the resolution arms race over, and improvements being made to ray tracing performance, hopefully more of the processing power can now go back into frame-rates. People perhaps expected too much from this gen when it came to "60fps as standard", but I think in the next couple of gens we might actually get it. In a relatively short time we'll reach a point where it's the budget that is dictating the visuals, not the technology.
The best use for 8K will probably be glasses-free 3D but that craze died out also so we will only see that when the tech just becomes so cheap that it just becomes something to do lol.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Dec/1/2015 for Rainbow Six and April/5/ 2016 Quantum Break.
Wait so before the PS4 Pro?
I thought it was progenitor of Checkerboarding and other upscaling techniques......this thread is so confusing.


Cross-gen should work well next gen across PS5-PS5 Pro-PS6.

The PS5 low end machine can be a low res (1080-1440p) 30fps box without ray tracing.

The Pro mid machine can be a 1440p+ box with PSSR upscaling, mostly 30fps with some ray tracing.

The PS6 high end machine can be 1440-2160p with PSSR, with 30/60fps modes for all games with high end ray tracing capability.


DLSS changed the game, it retrained the quality and enhanced it in certain points. From DLSS 2.0 and onwards upscaling became the standard. Then for AI, Nvidia is on the forefront of it.

PSSR is just going to be another attempt at DLSS and a late one at that for the simple reason that AMD is just failing massively with there FSR implementation and checkboard rendering is just not competing with something like AI upscaling.

All this shit didn't had to be done, if sony moved to nvidia instead of hugging to AMD with the PS5, it would have had DLSS already for ages, hell even nintendo will have AI / DLSS going for it with the switch 2 which is going to release soonish.

PS5 pro is not a glimps of the future, its basically trying to catch up to market standards as we don't even know if it's going to compete with DLSS to start with or if its going to be another bad attempt at it.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
DLSS changed the game, it retrained the quality and enhanced it in certain points. From DLSS 2.0 and onwards upscaling became the standard. Then for AI, Nvidia is on the forefront of it.

PSSR is just going to be another attempt at DLSS and a late one at that for the simple reason that AMD is just failing massively with there FSR implementation and checkboard rendering is just not competing with something like AI upscaling.

All this shit didn't had to be done, if sony moved to nvidia instead of hugging to AMD with the PS5, it would have had DLSS already for ages, hell even nintendo will have AI / DLSS going for it with the switch 2 which is going to release soonish.
nVIDIA had no comprehensive solution for a high end console, it is no secret both MS and Sony avoided nVIDIA after working with them for a generation. AMD has allowed them to provide input and enhance the designs since they were willing to do semi-custom designs and it is thanks to their flexibility we got Slim consoles / redesigns and Pro consoles at all.

PS5 pro is not a glimps of the future, its basically trying to catch up to market standards as we don't even know if it's going to compete with DLSS to start with or if its going to be another bad attempt at it.
It kind of feels like you are wink wink nudge nudge-ing your way to say it would be another bad attempt 😂.


DLSS changed the game, it retrained the quality and enhanced it in certain points. From DLSS 2.0 and onwards upscaling became the standard. Then for AI, Nvidia is on the forefront of it.

PSSR is just going to be another attempt at DLSS and a late one at that for the simple reason that AMD is just failing massively with there FSR implementation and checkboard rendering is just not competing with something like AI upscaling.

All this shit didn't had to be done, if sony moved to nvidia instead of hugging to AMD with the PS5, it would have had DLSS already for ages, hell even nintendo will have AI / DLSS going for it with the switch 2 which is going to release soonish.

PS5 pro is not a glimps of the future, its basically trying to catch up to market standards as we don't even know if it's going to compete with DLSS to start with or if its going to be another bad attempt at it.
Sony is working with them and if anyone can change the narrative it's them.
HOPEFULLY competition is good as is high resolution gaming, everyone wins.


Neo Member
DLSS works so well because it's machine learning (ML) upscaling algorithm.
So its models can be trained automatically on hundreds or thousands of games.

FSR is NOT doing any kind of machine learning, they're using human rules instead.
Not only does this take way more effort to generate models, but the resulting quality is also much lower.

Checkerboard is also not ML. It's similar to FSR in that sense.

PSSR is similar to DLSS that it's also machine learning based.
I just read that it requires ~180MB from the PSML library (notice the ML) and ~64MB from the game.
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