If you do not pick up PvZ then you are a stoopidhead
that is all
seriously it is an awesome game
Are you talking about the original game or Garden Warefare?
If you do not pick up PvZ then you are a stoopidhead
that is all
seriously it is an awesome game
How'd rain turn out?
Pretty desperate of Sony.
Anything to try and associate with the biggest game of the year I guess.
Dracula X Chronicles has Symphony of the Night as an unlock, right? Is there any reason to get the the PS classic version to play on my vita instead of Dracula X and unlocking SotN (besides the $2 price difference)? I've never played either game
I was excited for Dracula X Chronicles until I realized it was 2.5 D remake. I looked at a gameplay video and my heart sank.
Why. why why why. Why did they get rid of the beautiful 2D sprite art and replace it with low-poly, low resolution, awkwardly animated "3D" on a PSP.
Yeah I went to go look at a video of it to. Shit looked fucking terrible.
And yes, that is Sunset Overdrive's font.
In for Castlevania LoI. Also it's probably the first time ever The Dracula X Chronicles is on sale. Every Vita owner should have that in their library.
How'd rain turn out?
Welp, just beat Project Zero 2 for the second time.
Perfect timing with FF3 on sale.
Are you talking about the original game or Garden Warefare?
I got it for $15 some weeks ago. Glad to see it finally paying off for my fellow GAFfers. I DID IT FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I think it is the outlier in EA's release schedule this year being an actual fun game with no huge flaws.Is Sunset Overdrive on sale?
PvZ is a must buy. Surprised on how good the game is.
So is it a free font or something?
Edit: So it's a free font called "Overdrive Sunset" - http://www.dafont.com/overdrive-sunset.font
If anything, they´re raising awereness for a game that is not on their platform.Hmm is this honestly the case?
Save some money for buying Costume Quest 2!!
hoped to see Outlast DLC discounted.
hoped to see Outlast DLC discounted.
Hilariously Fatal Frame 1 and 2 are usually $4 on Amazon for codes. Time to get Fatal Frame 3 though. Bought the originals for PS2 last year and a month ago got FF2 for PAL Wii. Still hoping for the Wii U one to be localized.
Outlast shall be mine. Too Bad the DLC isn't part of the sale.
hoped to see Outlast DLC discounted.
Me too. I didn't grab it when it first launched since I hadn't beat Outlast at the time, so I figured I'd wait for a price drop or sale. Now seems as good a time as any for that.