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Puppeteer |OT| $40, No Strings Attached


So I finished the game about an hour ago after picking it up Friday and... well I'm glad it wasn't 60$.

It's not a bad game, nowhere near, it's absolutely charming, the presentation is amazing. But something in the level design and gameplay is... lacking. I can't put my finger on it. It's a bit short too. And easy.

Again, it's a REALLY good game, it's just missing... something.

I went into this game completely blind except for the fact that the main character would be able to switch heads. I was kinda expecting each head to give different abilities, and not specific actions that must be used at very specific locations. I guess I was expecting something like Alex Kidd or Kirby in term of abilities.

I can relate to that feeling, I also felt that way about the game at certain points but on replay I really came to appreciate the design more. Finding all the heads is alot more fun than I expected it to be, it's all mostly self contained and the hints they give you are perfect.

I also had slightly different expectations than what the game ended up delivering but it's really well designed for what it actually is. Try going back to it later now that you know what to expect, you might appreciate it more then.


I think the game delivers fully for what it is, which is a hybrid platformer and puzzle-based puzzler, using your gadgets to get around the environment.

It definitely holds up well on replay. 6-1 was kind of a fractured experience the first time around but is now one of my favorite levels having played it again. :)


Membero Americo
I'm debating if I should go for the Platinum. It doesn't look hard at all to do, I'll have to juggle between this and Wonderful 101 starting tomorrow, though.

I'm curious to see why Eurogamer (or was it EDGE?) gave it a 5. (Or was it a 6?)


It's not a bad game, nowhere near, it's absolutely charming, the presentation is amazing. But something in the level design and gameplay is... lacking. I can't put my finger on it. It's a bit short too. And easy.

Again, it's a REALLY good game, it's just missing... something.

I tend to agree. I'm near the end (7-1) and i hope to write a mini review later on but once you look beyond that amazing and dazzling presentation (it's easily one of my favourite games of all time in the visual and audio department... it's just so creative and full of imagination), the flaws in the gameplay/controls become really apparent.

That being said, i'd love to see this team have another go at making a new Puppeteer game.

Anyway, nearly finished now so i'll post some more thoughts on the game later.


Browsing through these trophies.... Just brutal, but very creative. I wonder if graverobber will attempt to Platinum this game.

I intend to do it once there's a good guide, probably won't be for a while though since GTA V is coming out soon, and I also need to play The Wonderful 101.


Trophies don't look particularly hard to me, unless some of the hidden ones are.

Only the one involving getting all the hundredsparkles could get annoying. There's no way to track how many you have or how many are in a level, some of them are hidden pretty well.
As I got further to the end, I decided I need to take some notes because things were just too good to go unmentioned.

Act 6: The path to the
was better than the one taken to the
. I was worried that it was going to be too similar. I was wrong, this was even better.
Act 7-1:
Warp speed
is an overwhelming visual treat. It's like playing the ending of the movie
Speed Racer. So many colors. A great presentation of speed, this time you actually control it. When things get flipped upside down, oh man, wow.
The challenge is there because of the aural overload.

The descent into the
lair with the rocket ship features some great spy movie/inspired by James Bond music.
Patrick Doyle did a remarkable job there and throughout the rest of the game.

I hadn't being blocking that much and then

Act 7-2: happens and you're reintroduced to blocking. In general, you should be blocking more. I actually would have kept my head if I had been using that mechanism more earlier on.

Act 7-3:
Castle Black
Castle Black
Castle Black
, and I can think of is
Game of Thrones.
Also, the area where you encounter the really, really
big gear
is reminiscent of the final section in another exclusive game on this console,
Little Big Planet 2
. In that game your final boss
is a big windmill. To me this is another thing that can be added to the pile of references they added for other Sony exclusives from this generation.

This game is rated E for everyone that there are some definite innuendos that I appreciate for their inclusion.

No matter what the game does or doesn't sell or whatever the future is for creators, this is an experience that I'm happy to have. My top list of games for this years just got more interesting.



If anyone knows how to get the art book for this game, let me know via PM. I needs it had. Real bad.

I only have a few more heads left to get. The more I play and the more I go back, the more I fall in love with this game. Easily one of my favorites this entire generation. Yep. Dead serious.

I've been waiting for a game like this for nearly 8 years. About damn time I got it


There's an art book?! I'm the guy who started that massive Puppeteer love-fest thread and I didn't even know this!

@ ReturnOfTheRAT -- Excellent notes, I wish I'd been taking them myself, there's just so much amazing stuff it's hard to keep track of it all!
Just finished it.

What a wonderful, wonderful game! You can tell that a lot of love blood sweat and tears went into this one. The amount of variety and charm crammed into the game is unlike any other game I’ve ever played. I thought it would lose its creative edge towards the end, but the game just keeps on surprising you time and time again! This is like a God of War game for me – it might not be as strong as other games in its genre when it comes to the actual gameplay and depth.....but holy hell was the experience and presentation out of this world! Graphics, music and voice acting were all seriously incredible too. And the animation, HOLY CRAP the animation! It’s probably the best I’ve ever seen in any game and would even make the animators at Pixar blush. I just wished after the credits ended
all the characters took a bow.
I was waiting for that to happen and was disappointed when it didn't. Seems like a missed opportunity.


Just finished it.

What a wonderful, wonderful game! You can tell that a lot of love blood sweat and tears went into this one. The amount of variety and charm crammed into the game is unlike any other game I’ve ever played. I thought it would lose its creative edge towards the end, but the game just keeps on surprising you time and time again! This is like a God of War game for me – it might not be as strong as other games in its genre when it comes to the actual gameplay and depth.....but holy hell was the experience and presentation out of this world! Graphics, music and voice acting were all seriously incredible too. And the animation, HOLY CRAP the animation! It’s probably the best I’ve ever seen in any game and would even make the animators at Pixar blush. I just wished after the credits ended
all the characters took a bow.
I was waiting for that to happen and was disappointed when it didn't. Seems like a missed opportunity.

I was hoping for that too. It would have been the perfect final touch. Even after playing through it twice, I still want to go back and explore. It's been years since a game has captivated me this much. It truly is a masterpiece and worth much more love and attention. I can't get enough. Plus, the music is stuck in my head.

Seriously, it's the best game I've played in years, one of the best this gen and yeah...one of the best I've EVER played. Utterly remarkable how much went into making this. I'm amazed from start to finished, top to bottom.


Just finished it too. I need some time to think about this one :) I might go through it again starting tomorrow and approach it from a different angle. I know now what the game is and what it isn't.

One thing is for sure though: the presentation was absolutely crazy. It was a feast for eyes, ears and heart from start to finish. It was also one of the most imaginative and original looking games i've ever seen. Kutaro and the rest of this crazy cast of characters have found a way into me heart :)
OK, for those who were reporting the use of 3D in this game as subtle and very good. Kudos I love the use of 3D in this game, very colorful as well.


The first level (and first world, in many respects) is a tutorial. Try up through 2-1 -- things start to ramp up. (I personally think it really steps up at 3-2, but 2-1 is nice).

I just did Acts 6 and 7 yesterday and I was dying multiple times per level. Once you have the shield, bombs, grappling hook, wrestling slam, Calibrus dash and learn how to jump on ziplines, the way they layer all of these elements together with collapsing platforms, tilting platforms, spinning platforms, moving hazards, aggressive enemies, etc, and extra urgency from waves of fire or rising quicksand makes the platforming much more aggressive and intense.

But again, it's always going to be a bit more deliberate because it's more puzzle-based and exploratory than a straight-up platformer. :)

That sounds cool. I'll try a few more levels. I want to like it because the presentation is tops blooby, but the gameplay is leaving me cold thus far.
Completed. What a game - brilliant and beautiful from start to finish, and obviously a real labour of love by those who created it. It's not quite the gen-defining classic to overthrow The Last of Us as my game of the year, but second place is nothing to sniff at. I'm just sad that the magical journey had to end, and even sadder that, given sales numbers, the likelihood of a sequel ever happening is wishful thinking at best.

Cult classic status awaits.


One thing bothering the hell out of me is that either the narrator, your companion, or on screen button prompts tell you exactly what to do way, way too damn often. It's intrusive and unnecessary. I'm sure 95% of people can figure this stuff out without any sort of trouble so please stop catering to lowest common denominator.

The innovative bosses continue to impress. The music during the level select screen is just...so good. And Pikorina, Pektorina, or whatever her name is is such an awesome companion.
Man, Act 6 Curtain 1 had some fairly difficult platforming!

The pressure is definitely on considering you're essentially
in an hour glass filling with sand in the middle to second half. You need to push forward and keep going. I got caught waiting on the decks to fall in parts of that
and hard to restart the section I didn't complete.


6-1 is one of my favorite levels! And Act 6, as a whole, is probably one of the best acts in the game. :)

Yeah, it's awesome. I still have to do Curtain 3, but I am loving it.

The pressure is definitely on considering you're essentially
in an hour glass filling with sand in the middle to second half. You need to push forward and keep going. I got caught waiting on the decks to fall in parts of that
and hard to restart the section I didn't complete.

Yeah I fell
in the sand
several times, haha.


This game is totally on my "will get" list. Just been distracted playing other titles that came out. I take a lot longer to finish games these days.


Playing international version of the game. Both English and Japanese voice work is really really good, I'll finish English first run and Japanese for second.
Great experience so far.


Did I miss something, or why does Pikerina pronounce Kutaros name differently than everyone else. Was that just a massive blunder no one caught until after it was recorded?

Only on level 5 , but this has got to be some of the most imaginative amazing art and presentation I've seen in a game. I hate to say it, but it's too bad this this is being held back a bit by the PS3. Seeing this in higher-res and/or 60fps would be mind-blowing. Still nothing beats it.

The gameplay doesn't excite me all that much, and some of the cut scenes feel too long, but it's definitely worth playing through for the experience.


Did I miss something, or why does Pikerina pronounce Kutaros name differently than everyone else. Was that just a massive blunder no one caught until after it was recorded?

I might be misremembering, but doesn't she actually alternate between a couple of different pronunciations? I feel like I remember hearing her say it as both koo-TAH-row and KOO-tah-row at different times.



So I pulled out my Move controller for the first time in a year or so and my 3d glasses to play this with the full experience...but my Move controller isn't working with the game!

I tried Infamous Festival of Blood and it works just fine.

But with Puppeteer the sphere light is just a blinking white and it recognizes the buttons and oddly enough the controller ONLY IN THE PAUSE MENU (I can hit start and use the move controller to move up and down on the menu selection) but unpause and it's just a blinking light and it won't let me use it as the searchlight. It also assigns the controller and the navigation unit to weird positions like Controller 7 and 6. But even changing them to 1 and 2 doesn't fix it. The navigation controller works fine as controller 1, but the move controller is just not registering as the searchlight.

What the heck should I do? :\


Have a fun! Enjoy!

So I pulled out my Move controller for the first time in a year or so and my 3d glasses to play this with the full experience...but my Move controller isn't working with the game!

I tried Infamous Festival of Blood and it works just fine.

But with Puppeteer the sphere light is just a blinking white and it recognizes the buttons and oddly enough the controller ONLY IN THE PAUSE MENU (I can hit start and use the move controller to move up and down on the menu selection) but unpause and it's just a blinking light and it won't let me use it as the searchlight. It also assigns the controller and the navigation unit to weird positions like Controller 7 and 6. But even changing them to 1 and 2 doesn't fix it. The navigation controller works fine as controller 1, but the move controller is just not registering as the searchlight.

What the heck should I do? :\

Move is supported only in co-op mode (partner controls the flying cat/searchlight). Think Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves.

Ports assignment is actually normal. Move and Navi are supposed to be controller 7 and 6.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Finished the game last one. Its a magical experience and absolutely charming. Most, if not all the memorable moments came from the cutscenes, not from the gameplay which is a little disappointing. Its an awesome little game on its own but quite weak as a 2D platformer. Yes there are really creative moments but the gameplay itself never really evolves. A friend came over today, I fired up the Snake level for him. After that, he jumped straight to the final level and had no trouble beating the game (he didn't care much for spoilers). Can't say its a game I would have an easy time recommending to someone.

Dialogue is really entertaining and all the voice actors put their all into it. Music is mesmerizing, especially the one that plays on the final level during. While I would love to replay it for trophy hunting and another ride, Wonderful 101 and my backlog simply can't allow that.

Sometimes I really wished the game would give me the freedom to figure things out on my own and not handhold everything so much. Just when I would start to get into the gameplay, it would get interrupted with cutscenes. Final act was pretty good in that regard but marking everything with labels telling you which ability to use takes a lot out of the puzzle-solving. was a fun ride and I enjoyed the journey with Kutaro but its time to say goodbye
and yes, I clapped at the end along with the audience.


Move is supported only in co-op mode (partner controls the flying cat/searchlight). Think Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves.

Ports assignment is actually normal. Move and Navi are supposed to be controller 7 and 6.

What. This is like the perfect move game and you can't play it with a move + navigation controller?


Just finished the first Curtain in Act 5.
Dat Candy Halloween.
I want every game to look like this. Hell, I want my life to look like this. So beautiful.

I also greatly appreciate Pikarina's obsession with desserts, which is an obsession I tend to share.


I played the first act completely in 3D, it's awesome.

Crazy how busy Puppeteer is, there's so much going on. This game is made for people with a really short attention span and even they're probably going like this



I played the first act completely in 3D, it's awesome.

Crazy how busy Puppeteer is, there's so much going on. This game is made for people with a really short attention span and even they're probably going like this


Ha. I don't know. I have a short attention span and the opening in one of the middle acts almost made me skip it.

I might be misremembering, but doesn't she actually alternate between a couple of different pronunciations? I feel like I remember hearing her say it as both koo-TAH-row and KOO-tah-row at different times.

I don't know but it kinda bugs me.


I don't know but it kinda bugs me.

I played a little more tonight, and the Narrator was saying KOO-tah-row, while Pikarina was saying koo-TAH-row.

I think it's kinda cute. Seems in-character for Pikarina that she'd either get it wrong, or just say it differently for the sake of being different.
The visuals and art are truly amazing. I'm blown away.

It's seriously unfortunate that it is insultingly easy with no penalty for failing, when that occasionally happens. What a waste.

Are developers more concerned about having everyone who boots the game up see the end, or making a real game?


The visuals and art are truly amazing. I'm blown away.

It's seriously unfortunate that it is insultingly easy with no penalty for failing, when that occasionally happens. What a waste.

Are developers more concerned about having everyone who boots the game up see the end, or making a real game?
Game gets harder as you go further, what act are you on?

Also, you lose a head when you fall into pits
Game gets harder as you go further, what act are you on?

Also, you lose a head when you fall into pits

Yeah but you start right where you died.

I watched dansgaming (on Twitch) play through it like it was nothing, and he's not that good at games. The game does everything it can to make playing it as pleasant and easy as possible. For example, when you have to reflect light using R1-it doesn't even give you a chance to figure it out, the game just tells you what to do when something new happens. QTE boss finishers removes any satisfaction from those. Outside of a few jumps that were unexpected, it was on autopilot.


Yeah but you start right where you died.

I watched dansgaming (on Twitch) play through it like it was nothing, and he's not that good at games. The game does everything it can to make playing it as pleasant and easy as possible. For example, when you have to reflect light using R1-it doesn't even give you a chance to figure it out, the game just tells you what to do when something new happens. QTE boss finishers removes any satisfaction from those. Outside of a few jumps that were unexpected, it was on autopilot.

Same. Dan mentioned that it he thought it would be a bit too difficult for young children, but for himself it was the perfect difficulty. Game provided some challenge but he had more then enough lives.


Same. Dan mentioned that it he thought it would be a bit too difficult for young children, but for himself it was the perfect difficulty. Game provided some challenge but he had more then enough lives.

I had over 75 lives before I finished the game
Same. Dan mentioned that it he thought it would be a bit too difficult for young children, but for himself it was the perfect difficulty. Game provided some challenge but he had more then enough lives.

I like his cast, but he has a low tolerance for challenges. He was annoyed by the last level of Puppeteer, and it looked dead easy.

Rayman Legends is like Volgarr the Viking in comparison.
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