Where do you get Lilith? I have one, just not sure where I got her.
Any specific part of that dungeon?
Any specific part of that dungeon?
Hey guys im trying to upgrade my mystic light knight while the blade of justice is still up. do you guys know if im able to upgrade the skills and once i evolve him it'll be the same?
ex. mystic light knight with rank 3 = lower cd then evolve to 4* = "rank 3 skill"? still?
Thanks Cobalt for your awesome red dragon resistanceGot me through my dungeon (5 gems now burning a hole in my pocket!)
So I noticed under the special dungeon tab I have a technical dungeon. Is that the ones you guys talk about? Or is that a special technical?
Thanks Cobalt for your awesome red dragon resistanceGot me through my dungeon (5 gems now burning a hole in my pocket!)
So I noticed under the special dungeon tab I have a technical dungeon. Is that the ones you guys talk about? Or is that a special technical?
Skill level resets to 1 after evolving
Edit: I'm only 100% sure about this if the skill actually receives an upgrade. Skills which are exactly the same through evolution I'm not sure if they reset
317248206 I swapped my orochi in for you
You need about 2x15,000 HP to survive his skill (because he attacks twice) without taking leader skills into account. Good luck!hey guys do you know what damage of the mecha dragon on flame of conviction - MASTER- 40 stamina one. i dont know how much healing i have to pull or even if im gonna live so yeah if any body can tell me![]()
You need about 2x15,000 HP to survive his skill (because he attacks twice) without taking leader skills into account. Good luck!
i have 1x4500. this game could curbstomp me soon...
(i'm nowhere close to trying master level anything)
Thanks Cobalt for your awesome red dragon resistanceGot me through my dungeon (5 gems now burning a hole in my pocket!)
So I noticed under the special dungeon tab I have a technical dungeon. Is that the ones you guys talk about? Or is that a special technical?
Add me 317 248 206Arghhhh need a Viper Orochi on friends list. Where have you all gone. It's the only way my crappy account can beat the mask expert
Wow I'm a little less annoyed with the 3 rare pulls I got yesterday after seeing that the Ivory Dragon can later evolve into a dual element form. I don't believe we're on that version yet but something to look forward to I guesss. The other 2 pulls I got were a Succubus and a Mystic Dark Knight. So not bad overall. Was hoping for something crazy like Shiva or Orochi something like that but not bad.
Watching people go into technical dungeons blind is fun. The shift in reactions from "oh, that's cute" at the more benign skills to "what the fuuuuuuck" at bosses disabling your autohealer or healing back to full is hilarious.
Is there a weekly time when Pal Egg machines get better rare chances? I've been saving up my tries just in case that comes around again.
Add me 317 248 206
Close the APP and restart!
Anyone need to trade level 20 gifts I need you!
Just realized I am level 21! I don't understand trading presents, how does it work?
Not sure I will check after this dungeon I think it is in OP. So we just have to add eachother, and then send the gift vs the gift tab. my id is 346, 738, 296
when you hit id search it will give you your 9 numbers
mine should be art* GAF
and hopefully that worked for you, I got a bird lol
Sent! I got both Light and Dark dragons!
I wish that every monster in the game was obtainable without magic stones, even if it was difficult. Either that, or I wish magic stones were purchasable with gold, even if it were a lot of gold. Even though I've bought some stones, I admit it does kind of suck that certain monsters are literally only available to people who pay
I got 1 2star bird pterra lol I never know what is going on in this game
Pterra is the Light Dragon. You should get the second pull whenever my gift reaches you.