Wait, is double really active for metal dragons though? Just 3 straight runs with just no kings.
Am I the only one who just uses a standard mono color team to run Wednesday/Friday? As long as your HP is above 20k it's super safe. No point in wasting time charging poison when you can just brute force it.
So, it seems that tamadras can be fed. Good monster to store +1s?
Somebody gettin' dat level up
After all this farming, I only have 1 Eco Tiny, and I've never even seen a Dumpty.
Any thoughts about Haku or Horus for Athena? Seems like no one is using them. I don't have Kirin, and my Satan isn't evolved yet (and his subs aren't ready anyway).
Athena teams from puzzleanddragonsforum via Chinese pad wikia:
Standard spikes: Satan, Horus, Kirin, Ra
Zero stone lineups:
Hera-Ur/Hera-Ur, Duke Vamp, King Baddie, Loki, A.Hera.
Mono-Blue, Hermes/I&I, Hera-Is, B-Odin, Karin, Gabriel
Mono-Red, Ares/FD Grand Tyrannos, PKH, Goemon, Phoenix, Echidna
Byakku/Byakku, Hera-Is, Echidna, Loki, Duke Vamp
Hera-Is/Luci, Luci, A. hera, DJ, Duke Vamp
Hera-Ur/Satan, Hera-Is, Duke Vamp, King Baddie, Echidna
Loki/Luci, Siren, Duke Vamp, A. Hera, Hera-Is - 1 to 2 stones
Hera-Ur/Luci, Luci, Hera-Is, A. Hera, DJ - 1 to 4 stones
Valk team, very high lvl - 3 to 5 stones.
Luci/Luci, A. Hera, Siren, RK, RK - 4 to 5 stones
Successful Kirin Compositions:
Verche, Valk, Hera-Is, Mastering - 0 stoneable (I'm trying this one, but subbing Gigas or Echidna for Mastering (cost))
Sieg, Echidna, Verche, Asgard - 0 stonable
Chu Chu, Echidna, Verche, Hera-IS - 2 stones
Chu Chu, Sieg, Valk, Red Giant Gigas - 0 to 3 stones.
Chu chu, Sieg, Echidna, Horus - 0-4 stones
Echidna, Valk, Hera-Is, Drilling Megalodran - 3 stones
Double Haku (Byakko) works if you have the right subs.
I didn't see a Ra team on there
Standard spikes: Satan, Horus, Kirin, Ra
How does Siegfried work exactly? Does he only attack if you attack or does it only require 1 hit to trigger his attacks?
I guess the real question is this: Horus or Haku--which would be better, in your opinion?
Right now, I'm leaning on Horus because he just outputs more damage, but Haku can stall better against Seig and really ratchet up the juice against Athena, so it's hard for me to decide.
Also, my Loki and Duke are rubbish right now, but I will probably slot in D/D Hades and Hera (or even SOD Lucifer), so it should be workable.
there is an Anubis run on youtube where they do that thing to set up all the skills and then get a huge x100 attack and then grav, grav, grav, luci, counterattack for massive damage against athena
Can you link that Anubis run?
Thanks for the tip. I think it will indeed by Horus's show (again), then.If you are planning to use both Hades and Hera on Athena, you will nullify Byakko's advantage when she switches to green. Without Loki, I think you'd be better off using Horus. He's quite capable of running this dungeon with the proper subs, especially if your rainbow options are higher level than your dark.
cruise controlling through masks / jewel dungeons with liliths is awesome.
were is the best place for a Lilith drop? I've farmed twin temple Diana so many a time with 1.5x drop rate and nothing. I tried looking at the wiki and p&dx but I couldn't see anything concrete.
As someone said about the earth golem, don't look for her; she'll find you.were is the best place for a Lilith drop? I've farmed twin temple Diana so many a time with 1.5x drop rate and nothing. I tried looking at the wiki and p&dx but I couldn't see anything concrete.
were is the best place for a Lilith drop? I've farmed twin temple Diana so many a time with 1.5x drop rate and nothing. I tried looking at the wiki and p&dx but I couldn't see anything concrete.
I only ran Heaven Sent once for the stone. Only been farming Expert because the only monsters I really want are the Salamanders and Shabos, so I didn't see the need to spend twice as much stam per run for Tinys and Dumptys. Just noting the extremely low drop rate for Tiny and appearance rate for Dumpty on Expert.Really only one Tiny? Are you not doing Heaven Sent? That's where all the Dumptys are, too. I am getting a rate of about 1 per 5 runs. Loki skill ups on the other hand...0/7.
I only ran Heaven Sent once for the stone. Only been farming Expert because the only monsters I really want are the Salamanders and Shabos, so I didn't see the need to spend twice as much stam per run for Tinys and Dumptys. Just noting the extremely low drop rate for Tiny and appearance rate for Dumpty on Expert.
were is the best place for a Lilith drop? I've farmed twin temple Diana so many a time with 1.5x drop rate and nothing. I tried looking at the wiki and p&dx but I couldn't see anything concrete.
I got SoD for ya. =PLong shot, but does anybody have an AA Luci in JP? Somehow nobody on my friends list has one.
Long shot, but does anybody have an AA Luci in JP? Somehow nobody on my friends list has one.
Maybe - I store mine on carbuncles, baby slimes, and baby devils. Anything with a max level of 15 or so is a fair +egg whore.
So, it seems that tamadras can be fed. Good monster to store +1s?
Story of our lives.
At least you're running into the damn things, I've not seen hide nor hair of one in the wild yet.
At least you're running into the damn things, I've not seen hide nor hair of one in the wild yet.
I wish those were my images...
I did not know you could do this. Time to start saving a couple of carbuncles.
Very unlikely but does anyone have a maxed out Amaterasu I could use when Hera comes around? I'll be doing that with a resolve team. (US)
Very unlikely but does anyone have a maxed out Amaterasu I could use when Hera comes around? I'll be doing that with a resolve team. (US)