I should probably copy/paste that +egg write up someone did in the last topic. It was very useful info for money saving +egg feeding.
Yeah. Link to it in the op.
I should probably copy/paste that +egg write up someone did in the last topic. It was very useful info for money saving +egg feeding.
First one i ever saw dropped. haven't seen it since.At least you're running into the damn things, I've not seen hide nor hair of one in the wild yet.
It's the weekend, so grind Tower of Giants stage 3 while it's half off stamina for easy rank ups.So I have apparently hit a wall and I am really just unsure how to continue. I have a few good monsters. Horus and Isis from the starting like fest but I need to get some stronger subs for higher level dungeons.
The other issue is that my team cost is around 40 so Horus is 20 and Isis is 20 and so I can't use both.
I just realized tomorrow is the perfect time for me to roll for a GrOdin on a second device, to use for Zaerog farming. It's Godfest and there's the guaranteed TAMADRA dungeon. Roll until I get GrOdin, then clear the TAMADRA dungeon for an instant Awakening! Just posting this in case anyone else wants to do it, also.
I just realized tomorrow is the perfect time for me to roll for a GrOdin on a second device, to use for Zaerog farming. It's Godfest and there's the guaranteed TAMADRA dungeon. Roll until I get GrOdin, then clear the TAMADRA dungeon for an instant Awakening! Just posting this in case anyone else wants to do it, also.
So I have apparently hit a wall and I am really just unsure how to continue. I have a few good monsters. Horus and Isis from the starting like fest but I need to get some stronger subs for higher level dungeons.
The other issue is that my team cost is around 40 so Horus is 20 and Isis is 20 and so I can't use both.
You guys think Expert or Master will be better for ECO 2x drop today?
Pretty much just Cacti.What are you hunting for?
When I checked last night PDX did say it was 2x, but you're right, it doesn't now. PAD Guide still lists it though.is ECO going 2x drop today? I don't see it on PDX listed, just the two dragon dungeons. If so, I'm wondering if I can get a near 100% drop rate on Tiny on Master. I'm still three skillups away on my Venus.
Pretty much just Cacti.
When I checked last night PDX did say it was 2x, but you're right, it doesn't now. PAD Guide still lists it though.
I'll be farming with Odin friends so I'll have my max Ama up most of that day. 346 431 299
317,077,201I have one I can put up. What's your ID?
Your "big break" (no pun intended) will be to get to the point where you can finish the Two Heroes dungeon and (eventually) Valkyrie and Hera-Is. That's a long way off though, until then rank up in Tower of Giants on the weekend and try to farm/skill up a vampire and an naga.
Isis and Horus both want mostly the same kind of monsters on their teams-hard hitting multicolored monsters with the ability to remove hearts from the board.
Why those 2 monsters?
I have both a Naga and Vampire ( enhanced to Vampire Lord (?) ) but see no usage in my mono green team atm.
Been building up a mono-blue team as this game seems to love fire enemies.
until then rank up in Tower of Giants on the weekend and try to farm/skill up a vampire and an naga.
Why those 2 monsters?
I have both a Naga and Vampire ( enhanced to Vampire Lord (?) ) but see no usage in my mono green team atm.
Been building up a mono-blue team as this game seems to love fire enemies.
that was said earlier. Was curious why those 2 were mentioned, since I have both ( comment not directed toward me )
haha nice, well I will have to work on my Naga then. Think I have it maxxed on first form, will need to farm the items needed for the upgrade once I get done with this emerald dragon dungeon that is up. 5x Kings so far!
Take your time with her. She's a bitch - like, max skilling a gravity is hard because there's a LOT of levels and it's a descended drop (Hera being the best gravity fodder). Skilling an Echidna is hard because getting her to drop is mind-numbing. Having a max skilled Echidna is sort of a luxury, but if you're at all serious about PAD (which is humorous to say, but some of us are!), she's a must have.
Probably Expert then. If you don't care about the boss drops, I think 2x on Expert is 100% drop rate for non-boss mobs. I think...
So this is my current Athena team. Paired with a max awoken Satan, that's 80% chance of +orbs, which is nice. But I'm still worried about Sieg. Viable?
So no ECO 2x drop then. I wish I had known that earlier. I definitely would have gone on and run emerald dragons.
Satan doesn't have that ability. It's ability is extra damage when clearing a row
Ergh, no Echidna drop on Legenday Flame Dragon, Hellfire-Master. I was really hoping that would be assured, I'd trade 50 stam for a guaranteed echidna drop to try to skillups all day.
I guess I will do it later not wasting my stamina on it now.Yeah, all stages for the stone.
Do you choose which skill of the 3 you get or is it random?
SOD Lucifer
Chaos Dragon Knight
Duke Vampire Lord
which of these is worth using the Tamadra on?