Is this game worth playing if I'm not prepared to repeatedly keep re-rolling for a 'good' monster from the egg machine? Been wanting to get into something like this for a while and I've been resetting for a few hours now and I just can't be bothered anymore.
Is this game worth playing if I'm not prepared to repeatedly keep re-rolling for a 'good' monster from the egg machine? Been wanting to get into something like this for a while and I've been resetting for a few hours now and I just can't be bothered anymore.
For those who want a better idea of how these new active skills work and what monsters will get them, check out the new pad.wikia page:!_+_more_collab_awokens
can someone put up a blue noel or gabriel?
I want to try a 4/1/4 team for legend blue mystic.
is it worth to try and skill up king shynee for a valk team?. that's a lot of wasted xp or coins for a five turn cooldown.
Just put my gabriel up.
Think I could beat Hera-Is?
90 cost. Low, I know. I keep putting off leveling up... it's so boring.
is it worth to try and skill up king shynee for a valk team?. that's a lot of wasted xp or coins for a five turn cooldown.
edit: 4 o clock is so far away. i want to try and skill up my pierdrawm and starter dragon.
Think I could beat Hera-Is?
90 cost. Low, I know. I keep putting off leveling up... it's so boring.
Think I could beat Hera-Is?
90 cost. Low, I know. I keep putting off leveling up... it's so boring.
Can't wait until either my Kirin team or D. Meta team is ready to try to take on descends, it just takes too long to grind out with 2xLucifer.
Depends on what you use Valk for. Normal dungeons and Hera farming don't need it. If you are running the tougher descends, then it is absolutely worth it. Shynee is the longest skill timer on any Valk team, and can make or break your run if you need to burst through because your HP is too low to take hits.
Legend, maybe? Skill ups on Pierdrawn? You can run Lucifer/Pierdrawn/Hades/Dub-myth/Rainbow Keeper/Lucifer for 86 cost.
man i feel bad, im 10 ranks more than you and you have A LOT of good stuff.
I'd save the trouble and keep pushing forward in other areas. You have team compositions that can tackle the dungeon, but you need, well, leveling up to do to get to that point. Her dungeon has appeared monthly since first showing up so opportunities will present itself on a regular basis. Can't help with the boredom part, though.
For those who want a better idea of how these new active skills work and what monsters will get them, check out the new pad.wikia page:!_+_more_collab_awokens
Is there a good reason to keep a second Pierdra around? I max skilled my main Pierdra this morning and I have 10 extra Pierdras. I plan on keeping 3 to max awaken my Drawn Joker in the future and fuse the rest into a second one. Is that a good idea?
My spike team (or my orb matching skills) is not ready for prime time had to eat a stone on hera-is on legend so mythical is out of the question, at least it was 15 minutes and not 2hrs. I did miss one 16x attack on her but I doubt it would have finished her. Maybe next time.
Great to have a max skilled un-evolved pierdra if you go mono dark with condition limited dungeons like Tengu or draggie
Ultimates for earth/light ripper dragons, Fafnir/Leviathan announced. Ultimate healer girls upcoming, including light/blue Angel. That megane!
Another ultimate announcement coming later today.
You can beat Hera-Is legend with a resist (Drawn Joker or Abyss Neptune)/Odin team.
That is what I used last time it took me 2+ hrs and still it cost me 1 stone I did not have keeper up when she binded the second time and on top of that she did not drop.
This time I used wireshark and saw I would get the drop I did not mind spending the stone because I knew I just needed one more x16 times attack to kill her and get the drop.
I just need to put more levels into my Horus subs and I don't have Valk she probably would have been better sub then Kirin.
This time I used wireshark and saw I would get the drop
You need gravities to speed things up. You should have at least 2 Heras before you tackle Hera-Is.
Edit. If you have Kirin, why don't you lead with her instead of Horus?
pretty much you packet sniff dungeons that don't have 100% drop rate to determine if you will get the drop. If you know your going to get the drop then you can spend the stone to continue if you die, if its not going to drop and you die whatever it just cost you only stamina. Technically gungho does not like it but there is nothing they can do about it.How does this work?
pretty much you packet sniff dungeons that don't have 100% drop rate to see if it will drop to determine if you will get the drop. If you know your going to get the drop then you can spend the stone to continue if you die, if its not going to drop and you die whatever it just cost you only stamina. Technically gungho does not like it but there is nothing they can do about it.
Those awakening skills, lol. I doubt that the Lemon Dragon will fare any better.
Leviathan and Fafnir are Super(or similar wording) Ultimates. I wonder if you need to rollback and do another ult upgrade. or upgrade from ultUlt Holy Lightning (Light/Wood)
Ult Graviton (Wood/Fire)
Ult Leviathan (Water/Water)
Ult Fafnir (Wood/Wood)
Ult Archangel
Cool, cheers
So, in a pure fit of madness (or hilarity), I'm going to try a monogreen team of fun!
Leader: Flowerdragon Brachys
1st: Earth Golem (lvl 30, got it ages ago from REM)
2nd: Leek
3rd: Leek
4th: Leek
Friend: "dunno lol"
What's a good leader to replace Brachys though?
Also, advice on starter dragons: Should I go for ultimate evolutions, or just level them up in their final evolution stage?
6 feed on pierdra no skillup.. SO FRIGGING FUN!
on a side note, best place to farm pengdra (base one) for each colour?
they should look at indian gods first before going back at monsters that already have ultimates.
GungHo going after them glasses fetishists, I see