I do use Echinda in pretty much every team I have. Should i give all 3 types of plus eggs?
So where should my +eggs be going?
I went the other route and placed my +eggs into the leader I confidently felt would take me through descends. While I limit the number of my own teams those +eggs benefit, my friends list gets to enjoy the spoils when she's up. Waiting is also an option. I hoarded ~150 +eggs before deciding to place them into Bastet (post-busty announcement). If you have the urge to place them on a monster from the ones listed, I'd go with Byakko personally. Same with the tamas - if you luck into another Byakko, you'd want her as a sub and not just an Awoken skillup.
Has stuff like Scarlet Snake Princess had x2 drops before? Wondering should I go all out trying to skill up my Echidna or hold off
I went the other route and placed my +eggs into the leader I confidently felt would take me through descends. While I limit the number of my own teams those +eggs benefit, my friends list gets to enjoy the spoils when she's up. Waiting is also an option. I hoarded ~150 +eggs before deciding to place them into Bastet (post-busty announcement). If you have the urge to place them on a monster from the ones listed, I'd go with Byakko personally. Same with the tamas - if you luck into another Byakko, you'd want her as a sub and not just an Awoken skillup.
i agree with this. Although I feed my eggs 15 at a time. Don't think I could stand to store 150 hahaha. She is my farm team for more difficult content I can't clear by using Valk. I picked up a second Haku in the last fest that i'll sub in, but the team can get crazy powerful.
Just shredded Mystic Ice by taking subs of Ur, Is, D/D Hades, Big Baddie. So much damage for the devil subs.
I'm the only one that didn't manage a haku during last godfest?
Considering my 26 roll, it's quite fascinating!
i agree with this. Although I feed my eggs 15 at a time. Don't think I could stand to store 150 hahaha. She is my farm team for more difficult content I can't clear by using Valk. I picked up a second Haku in the last fest that i'll sub in, but the team can get crazy powerful.
Just shredded Mystic Ice by taking subs of Ur, Is, D/D Hades, Big Baddie. So much damage for the devil subs.
I've only been playing for a week, rank 36 and up to the third tier of Normals. I've read about zombie team farming the Dublits in Friday Dungeon and I'd like to blow my stamina on giving it a shot. Does anyone have the good auto-healer leaders (Ammy Ohkami and Siren Enchantress, right?) and friend space to spare a friend invite? I rolled a Horus (currently Lv29) at the moment if that's of use in return. 355,489,287.
You can't skill up leeks since they're Max Lv1 evo there any reason to hold on to multiple leeks or should I shoot for leek skillups?
is there any reason to hold on to multiple leeks or should I shoot for leek skillups?
I under estimated her when I first pulled her. Now that her and subs are in the high 90' is a complete champ. Easy to activate and hella powerful
You can't skill up leeks since they're Max Lv1 evo material.
You can't skill up leeks since they are an evolution material.
E: Beaten.
welll shit. Guess i won't be evo'ing my other 3 for a while
Finally got myself a Naga, now to spend two days on never getting another one for skill ups.
The old rite of passage was Rainbow Keeper. Back in my day we fought him without needs, spike leaders, or semi-weekly 2x drop and we liked it.
The old rite of passage was Rainbow Keeper. Back in my day we fought him without nerfs, spike leaders, or semi-weekly 2x drop and we liked it.
It's worth evolving them for their skill.
Speaking of which, can you do Draggie with Sylph/Sylph + 4xLeeks?
Max skilling Echidna is not only a right of passage, it's the best thing you can do for yourself in terms of high level play. Worth every stone I spent on it.
Is the ultimate evo already available in the U.S.? Or are you playing the JP version? strange. Trying to ult-evo my Red Giant. Add in the materials (red keeper, rainbow keeper, mystic mask, dub-top, dub-rainbow)...and the fusion icon doesn't glow.
What gives?
My Red Giant is level 1, but it souldn't matter
Is the ultimate evo already available in the U.S.? Or are you playing the JP version?
Is Draggie a monster worth having or people just want him for collectors purposes? I have an ADK team i use for tricolor would he be something I should try getting?
I haven't gotten her from there either, and I've used it a lot. I've received the Succubus and Dryad, but never the Naga. This is so frustrating, it's as though the game know how much I want her. :/She seems like a pain in the ass to get from that dungeon. I know she never dropped for me. I ended up getting her from the REM.
Well now that you've expressed hope.I think this time I might have my Echidna skilled up gents. It just might actually happen!
Just starting playing a few weeks ago on my android phone building up a pretty decent dark team (vamp lord,ddk,pier,ripper,gryps). Just bought an Ipad Air and decided to put PAD on for when my stamina is low...
First roll,Lucifer.
First PAL roll, Keeper of Rainbow.
Stick to your air account. lol The guys are your main account can be farmed eventually.