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Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll

I'm at Rank 109, up to Mars Crater in Normal Dungeons and the Tower of Windy Woods in Technical Dungeons. I can do the regular weekday/weekend dungeons easily. The only "tough" (in my mind) dungeon I've been able to do is the Two Heroes one, which is where I got Berserk and Cu Chulainn.

Next descended after 2Heroes (difficulty wise) would be Hera. You shouldn't have a problem with that dungeon using a 2xLuci method. It'll take a while, but Hera is a drop you want to get. Gravity helps a ton.


Next descended after 2Heroes (difficulty wise) would be Hera. You shouldn't have a problem with that dungeon using a 2xLuci method. It'll take a while, but Hera is a drop you want to get. Gravity helps a ton.

Yes, your first goal should be to obtain 2 or 3 Heras. Next use a double Lucifer team with gravities to beat the Valkyrie descend. You already have Venus and Angelion (just ultimate evolve them to their healer forms) so you can make a strong Valkyrie team.

You have an excellent stable of monsters, better than some people who spent money.


I'm at Rank 109, up to Mars Crater in Normal Dungeons and the Tower of Windy Woods in Technical Dungeons. I can do the regular weekday/weekend dungeons easily. The only "tough" (in my mind) dungeon I've been able to do is the Two Heroes one, which is where I got Berserk and Cu Chulainn.

I would start visiting these two sites if you aren't already:



Start looking at dungeons you haven't completed yet, and go into the Team Builds section (puzzledragonx) and Sample Teams section (pad.wikia). This will help you figure out what dungeons you can complete with your current set of monsters and/or what monsters you need to be hunting for/leveling up.


Who needs 2x Poring?

Should I use Angelings to try to skill up my Kagutsuchi? And is there any point in getting more than 1 Mastering?

My best one so far. Worthless because I didn't get a Valk skillup though. Also,I have 3 of the bosses,what are these guys used for?



2x drop on Poring? Is this real life? I need to lie down.

Funny story. I've been running Poring almost nonstop without the 2x for that last Siegrfried skillup. Awful drop rate, only got 2 blue poring to drop and neither skilled up. Then I remembered I had a Berserk sitting in my box doing nothing and I'm never going to run dual Siegfried... got the final skillup. LOL

I'm officially done with Poring. Max Valk, Chu Chu, Seigfried, Lilith, Angelion, Megalodron and 2x Max Gigas, Vamp, Siren.

I'm sitting on 3 yellow if I ever get a 2nd valkyrie but she would be low on my light exp list.


Edit: For those planning for DMeta teams... this is also happening tomorrow

Not anything special, that's the new Dark Carnival lineup after the REM refresh. This Godfest is a Sonia trapfest unless you have no JP 1.0 gods. Might have rolled in hopes of the blue angel, but the chance to skill him up is gone now. Maybe we will see something better for Chinese New Year event.

Red Sonia (and later Blue) are better than Green, right? Dragons aren't used much these days.

They all have dual types. Green can be used for a great balance team.


Saint Nic
What kind of Zeus team are you guys running for Twinlits? Got a lvl59 A.Zeus, just need to find the subs

My write-up from last time (also linked it in the OP so folks can have a farm option):

Paired with another (beefy) Olympios, this team CAN farm.

Round 1: This is the deciding round right here. You need to match light, dark, and either fire or water to leave up one mythlit. Be careful NOT to mass attack or you might sweep the floor. If you do that, you're going to have a bad time. Charge as much as possible; Lilith must be charged (or 1 turn away) going into the next floor.

Round 2: Wait until 1 turn left, pop Lilith, win.

Round 3: Make sure you have enough health going into this round. Pop Echidna. I actually like to pop one gravity if it's up. It REALLY takes the matching stress out of this round. I've had to stone a few runs here because the Tama would bind my Divine Hera or my Olympios. Using gravity (if available) knocks out 8 HP and saves you one round of potential matching failure/Tamatrolling.

Round 4: lololol

Sort of related, if you guys want to start posting pics of your teams and strategies for any Descended dungeons, please do. PM me a link to the exact post and we'll start compiling them so people have ideas on how to clear them. This will be especially helpful for poverty teams, teams without a specific sub, or just a good way to compile interesting ways of clearing bullshit difficult content (I'm looking at you Dios).
nice post Nic...I can field that team (d/d hades instead of Hera). Both gravites are at sk.3 which will help. Hope I can do it with an A.Zeus instead of Olympus.

Think my lilith is the same level, might be able to bump her a bit before hand with extra ghostrings


Saint Nic
nice post Nic...I can field that team (d/d hades instead of Hera). Both gravites are at sk.3 which will help. Hope I can do it with an A.Zeus instead of Olympus.

Think my lilith is the same level, might be able to bump her a bit before hand with extra ghostrings

Yeah, I posted it in the OP - I farmed the first few times with non-busty Zeus or Hera. I used Hades for the dual element and paired with a friend Olympios. This team I posted is my Twinlit farm team (which, oddly enough, can only be formed after you clear the damn dungeon).

As I stated, Round 1 is the make or break. From what I've read on various forums and on the FB group, Twinlit is NEVER a guaranteed 0-stone. RNG and a little bit of luck are almost always required.


Saint Nic
Here's another strategy that does NOT require any Twinlits for you OR your partner:

Ryan Noonan from the FB group said:
Easy as pie, but clearing the binds on floor 3 might be the most annoying thing in the history of this game.

Here's how it went:

Floor 1: Matched five water orbs, three light, and three green. Because I did not do the math right and forgot to target a Mythlit, I ended up with all three Mythlits and an Emelit alive. Luckily, the Mythlits all did Fire Bind, so I was able to clear the Emelit and one Mythlit on the second turn. Had I done things right, I probably could have dropped all but two Mythlits on the first turn, but PAD is no fun if you don't just plain screw up a few times.

After that, I matched hearts and orbs until I got rid of the second Mythlit and waited until Lilith was charged up. One thing that helps, if you weren't already aware, is matching the colors that are bound so your skill cooldowns tick off but you don't actually do any damage. About the time Lilith charged up, my binds were all at 2 turns or less, so I finished off the final Mythlit.

Floor 2: Took one turn to get fully healed and let the last of my binds clear, then popped Lilith and said bye bye.

Floor 3: Immediately popped Echidna, targeted one Dub-mythlit, and started matching. My first match was a mass light attack with solo attacks for fire, dark, and water. After that, I didn't use any more mass attacks. It really helped me here to write down how much damage I had done to each thing so I could keep track. After three turns, I had the right Dub at 4 HP, so I switched to target the left one and worked on him (hitting the right one for more than 4 would have potentially wasted damage because the overflow would have gone on the Tama). At some point, the Tama came back and bound Lilith, but he was nice enough not to bind anyone else while I cleared the Dubs. Then it was a matter of matching a few more orbs (mostly green or bound colors to avoid doing damage) to get the rest of my cooldowns finished, at which point I swapped two orbs in the corner of the board about 1,000 times until I got my binds sorted out. Eventually, I had (I think) a 1 turn bind on Hera-Is and my friend Zeus, so I popped Lilith and said bye bye.

Floor 4: Echidna and all four gravities. At that point it took me two turns to burst the twins down.



Im just missing Hanzo and Sonia for a perfect dtron team. I don't know how many stones I'll need for twinlits. Really need that angelit for tsukuyomi attacker busty.


D.Meta seems the safest though; somebody on PG ran Twinlits like 150 times and only had to stone on 3 runs. Unfortunately that requires a D.Meta.

Does that team require Hanzo? I have a max level max awakened DTron but no Hanzo or Gryps Rider.

I used this team last time for twinlits.

Zeus (now ultimate evolved to L/L)
L/L Zeus


Here's another strategy that does NOT require any Twinlits for you OR your partner:

This TAMDRA is the biggest thing I overlooked the last time and everyone should take note of. The Twinlits are easy because of gravity, it doesn't matter if your team is under leveled. You just need to get to round 3 with the Echidna charged for delay. Burning through the two Dublits and leaving the Tamdra alone means you beat the dungeon. You tank the 200 damage hits from the Tamdra while waiting for bind and cooldowns to work out perfectly. Once you have everything charged laugh at the Twinlits next round.

The trick I'm trying to figure out is how I can just wipe round 1 and still get to round 3 with the proper setup. I'm wondering if a 4x HP would work and still have enough damage to wipe round 1.
Easy farming team.

A. Zeus Olympios
A Zeus Olympios friend

Round one match 1x3 light and 1x5 of red green or blue. That should sweep all the lits and 1-2 mythlits. After that just stall until you get echidna & orochi up. Round 2 echidna + aoe attack. Round 3 orochi + kill 2 dubmythlits. Stall forever on tamadara by using manual CTW to ensure no skydrops. Set up your board then on round 4 use echidna + 2x zeus grav + orb change + 8 combos from manual CTW for easy kill.

One change you can make is subbing verche for max awoken tengu or max awoken odin. Having 2-3 skill boosts shortens your stall dramatically and lets you get to round 3 much easier. Plus, autoheal on odin negates the tama's 200 damage, allowing to stall infinitely worry free.


How are some of you guys such high levels? Getting to 100 was a chore, I can't even imagine reaching 200+...

But I'm really starting to get sick of being held back by team cost.

Do you guys just farm the tier 5 normals over and over again?
How are some of you guys such high levels? Getting to 100 was a chore, I can't even imagine reaching 200+...

But I'm really starting to get sick of being held back by team cost.

Do you guys just farm the tier 5 normals over and over again?

Playing a lot. I have been playing over a year. It will come naturally. If you want to speed it up, run stamina efficient dungeons and plan your stamina usage so you never waste any.


Saint Nic
How are some of you guys such high levels? Getting to 100 was a chore, I can't even imagine reaching 200+...

But I'm really starting to get sick of being held back by team cost.

Do you guys just farm the tier 5 normals over and over again?

A lot of us higher rank players farm Ocean of Heaven (5), Starlight Sanctuary (any, but 4 or 5 preferred), or any T5 on 1.5x drop. Great +egg farming, mystic masks, and dubs.
I don't grind for EXP and as a result I'm only about Rank 170-180 after about a year of play. A lot of those levelups came from high EXP/Stam collabs like Groove Coaster, which I will grind for skillups.


Playing a lot. I have been playing over a year. It will come naturally. If you want to speed it up, run stamina efficient dungeons and plan your stamina usage so you never waste any.

A lot of us higher rank players farm Ocean of Heaven (5), Starlight Sanctuary (any, but 4 or 5 preferred), or any T5 on 1.5x drop. Great +egg farming, mystic masks, and dubs.

Hmm, I guess it's time I get to T6. I could really use Mystic Masks and dubs on top of the exp.
It's too bad that evolving Poring is such a pain.
It's not evolving Porings for that particular team that's a pain. It's the +99 HP on each Mastering.

Seeing teams like that makes me wonder why a player would even bother building such a difficult to assemble novelty team. It's not capable of clearing all dungeons it can enter. If your leaders get bound, it puts the team into killable range, and there are no delayers to wait out the bind counter. I also learned for myself that Orb Refresh increments skill cooldowns but not binds, so that wouldn't work either. And it's impossible to clear dungeons like Fagan who has a special attack that does over 270K damage when he's below 30% health.

That's a lot of time and money invested in a gimmick team, unless the player works for GungHo, is sponsored, or does those iTunes credit pyramid schemes.


Saint Nic
Hmm, I guess it's time I get to T6. I could really use Mystic Masks and dubs on top of the exp.

Yeah, it's sort of a slow burn. Unless you're heavy IAP AND can sit through the monotony of stone farming for XP, you sort of just let it happen over time. On weekends where my wife works, I'll burn maybe 5 stones farming +eggs in Starlight. Otherwise, I just use stam as I have it and stone for special dungeons.


I don't pop in here that often, prefer to try and figure things out myself. I don't actually enter a dungeon every day, although I am compelled to check the game every day for the bonus as well as the mail if there's one of those free magic stone a day events going on. As you can probably guess I don't make any IAP.

I feel like I've hit a wall though, so it might be time to look at a strategy and get a real team together.
So far I just threw together a bunch of dark monsters with SoD luci as my leader, but there's probably some better way to play.

For dark monsters I have, SoD luci as mentioned before, Haku, the starter dragon, Chaos Devil Dragon, CDK, D/D batman, Drawn Joker, Vampire Lord. Would appreciate any tips.

I'm not sure if my non-dark monsters are any good but I think the notable ones would be Echidna, Hermes, Berserk, Odin (Green), Archangel Michael, Sarutobi Sasuke, Cu Chulainn, Thor, Angelion, and Venus.

For a non-IAP player, you have an incredible team. You must have great pulls from REM.


Yeah, it's sort of a slow burn. Unless you're heavy IAP AND can sit through the monotony of stone farming for XP, you sort of just let it happen over time. On weekends where my wife works, I'll burn maybe 5 stones farming +eggs in Starlight. Otherwise, I just use stam as I have it and stone for special dungeons.

I've been playing for nearly half a year, but I kinda just neglected leveling up and only played when metal/jewel dragon dungeons were up daily. Kinda sucks now because I've got a decent arsenal of monsters to play around with, but not enough cost to assemble the best teams possible. :/


Yes, your first goal should be to obtain 2 or 3 Heras. Next use a double Lucifer team with gravities to beat the Valkyrie descend. You already have Venus and Angelion (just ultimate evolve them to their healer forms) so you can make a strong Valkyrie team.

You have an excellent stable of monsters, better than some people who spent money.

what's the use for multiple Heras?
do you ever grind for + eggs? In those cases you are inevitably grinding levels too.
Nope, don't have the patience for that. Which I guess makes my willingness to go through great pain to max skill monsters weirder (I'm also non-IAP). I mean, I max skilled Idunn&Idunna and have probably used her less than five times since doing so. lol


Pad really needs to incorporate tabs in the monster box. Evo mats, enhance mats, you name it I hate going though my box. I guess it works on larger devices but on my phone I need more space!!!!


Fed my red snow dragon to my Valk. She went from 22 to 59 :D

Think I'm going to work on my Fairlion now. If I just had Venus or Ceres, my Healer team would be fantastic. :[
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