I remember seeing a picture that had a board setup pretty nicely when stalling against Tamadra. I usually set up the board to do 1 5-orb combo and 3 3-orb combo of light orbs. I'm sure there's a more efficient way to set it up. Any ideas?
As for Orochi, you should try replacing it with a poisoner or defense bypass like Ra or Bane. That way you don't have to stall as long on the first rd, and it allows you to set the board against TAMADRA, and when you're ready for the kill, pop poison/Ra/Bane to kill TAMADRA instead of needing to make a match and risk having a cascade ruin your set-up board. I've found 4 turns to be plenty to kill the Twins. No need for Orochi unless your team is underpowered.
As for Orochi, you should try replacing it with a poisoner or defense bypass like Ra or Bane. That way you don't have to stall as long on the first rd, and it allows you to set the board against TAMADRA, and when you're ready for the kill, pop poison/Ra/Bane to kill TAMADRA instead of needing to make a match and risk having a cascade ruin your set-up board. I've found 4 turns to be plenty to kill the Twins. No need for Orochi unless your team is underpowered.
Well as long as it's working for you, that's all that matters. Just sharing a tip that I thought might help tune your team. Did a few more runs with GrOdin inserted and it's definitely better than my previous setup. So thanks again for sharing your team.Honestly don't have trouble stalling for skills in the first round, especially now that I use Odin. Have to stall for Zeus anyway since I have no skill ups on mine. I like Orochi because he has dual elements and makes the final stage a sure victory despite any orb trolling. Ra/Bane are also light element and make it more likely I will overkill the mythlits. My poison subs are all low level and hamper my final round damage. I will keep experimenting but this seems safest for me so far.
Zero stone'd Twinlit with:
Abyss Neptune
I'm happy.
Resist teams ... Lol! I remember those days. GungHo killed those off. Which makes it odd that they buffed the Greek Gods' resistances. And then there's the rumor that the elemental resist awakenings are getting buffed. Makes me wonder if GungHo is going to try to make them viable again with the game being dominated by spike teams. Actually, Lucifer made resists obsolete, and attempts to mitigate Lucifer also hurt resist teams too.Sitting on 9 dubs after twin farming today (only got 1 Tamdra). Any reason why I shouldn't roll back Venus to Healer version and drop the devil version? I evo'd her at a very different time in the game, no subtypes and when I thought the dual resist would be more useful. Lol
Resist teams ... Lol! I remember those days. GungHo killed those off. Which makes it odd that they buffed the Greek Gods' resistances. And then there's the rumor that the elemental resist awakenings are getting buffed. Makes me wonder if GungHo is going to try to make them viable again with the game being dominated by spike teams. Actually, Lucifer made resists obsolete, and attempts to mitigate Lucifer also hurt resist teams too.
Regarding Devil or Healer though, I don't really think the Healer version is needed for any particular teams. Healer teams don't really need CTW. Though I remember seeing some YT vid of. Japanese player using the Devil version to clear some tough dungeon. Forgot which dungeon it was or the team used, though.
Edit: ^^^ Gravity monsters don't need to be skilled up for Twinlits in particular, since you can charge on TAMADRA. It's still nice to have max skilled gravities eventually though.
Sitting on 9 dubs after twin farming today (only got 1 Tamdra). Any reason why I shouldn't roll back Venus to Healer version and drop the devil version? I evo'd her at a very different time in the game, no subtypes and when I thought the dual resist would be more useful. Lol
Could someone post the times for the Metal Dragons today, waiting to be accepted on the facebook page. /sigh
Kind of crazy how people are spending so many stones on the twinlits :S
I'll go try that @_@ !!2x coins weekend dungeon with Bastet/Catwoman = 400k coins.
I'll go try that @_@ !!
Woh! This works! & works well! Even with my Lvl 20 Catwoman!Never thought to use Catwoman for anything...But someone on my list had her up so I figured why not.
Yeah, I realized the potential of Catwoman when I randomly used some Catwoman friends while running Super Golds. Too bad dual Catwomen are too risky to run in the Weekend dungeon, but I guess that's being greedy.2x coins weekend dungeon with Bastet/Catwoman = 400k coins.
For people who are able to farm it reliably, the Twinlits dungeon available now is a great source of TAMAs. 33% chance of TAMA dropping in rd 3, though it seems like I've been getting them more than half the time.where is everybody getting their tamas? rng of jewel dragons?
We got the update where you don't need 5 dubs to deevolve right? You just need 1 color of each baby lit
Wait? What? When did I miss this?
Ain't this a bitch? She was bound several more times after this screenshot, too, but this was the highest her counter got. I figured with the way I had the board set-up I'd be able to 1-shot the Twins without Echidna, but I wasn't positive and didn't want to risk it for nothing. When she finally unbound, I zapped TAMA with Ra, then proceeded to 1-shot the Twins like I predicted. Waste of time, but better safe than sorry.
for a game that I've easily sunk over 100 hours into Im still having problems throwing money at a REM. my rng pimp sucks - Id easily pay 8-10 bucks each for mobs of my choice.
Twinlit trolled twice today. Cleared the first turn with one mythlit left. Match a non color horizontally at the top of the board, he's three light orbs for you, game over. Definitely learned from that mistake will never match after first turn if I'm still full health.
Second time was just ridiculous. Started with 2 light orbs. Didn't see another one until turn four of heavy matching. Should have tried for a mass attack.
now you have to decide, if you want some extra oomph and hp, or just oomph..Rolled my Phoenix Knight into Homura finally.
So my Monored team consists of:
Leader - Goddess of the art, Ame no Uzume
S1 - Meteor Volcano Dragon (Chunky stats, active is a nice chunk of damage for now)
S2 - Empress of Serpents, Echidna (Some much needed RCV, plus Menace)
S3 - Phoenix Knight Homura (orb changer, decent stats overall. Need to punch him up some levels)
S4 - BAO Firefly + Flamethrower (decent ATK and HP, but his active is so slow...)
Anyone have suggestions on where to take this, or should I just keep dumping EXP into Homura, Echidna, and Ame?
now you have to decide, if you want some extra oomph and hp, or just oomph..
extra oomph + hp --> ares
extra oomph + rcv --> freyr
extra oomph --> another ame no uzume
as for the team itself...gigas over baofirefly all day long(the lvl 70 one, orb changer, nice stats, chunk of hp, easy to max skill)
standard monored is
monored lead of choice
utility slot --> shiva is really dungeon specific, i'd go with horus possibly for some much needed rcv
great monored is
monored lead of choice
so take your pick, but i think you fall in the standard monored atm, but i'd advice towards an hera-ur.. solid stats and useful active albeit the cd is long and as other descend monster it CAN be skilledup but running a 60 stam dungeon for a monster, fusing it and nothing.... not cool![]()