Cosmo Clock 21
It's silver colored, that's all that's known. What exactly comes out of it is a different question.Silver REM? So is it like pulling nothing but Udines?
It's silver colored, that's all that's known. What exactly comes out of it is a different question.Silver REM? So is it like pulling nothing but Udines?
It's silver colored, that's all that's known. What exactly comes out of it is a different question.
Interesting stuff data mined out of 6.4:
Skill bind resist awakening (not actually surprising)
A new monster type icon that looks like a stack of coins
A silver REM
Starting with Izanami Descended certain monsters will cast a debuff on you that prevent you from using active skills for some period of time.
Also starting with Izanami Descended is a debuff that reduces the time you get to move orbs. Not sure what the exact number is it's either -2sec/-3sec/half time.
Interesting stuff data mined out of 6.4:
Skill bind resist awakening (not actually surprising)
A new monster type icon that looks like a stack of coins
A silver REM
The coin icon monster sounds like something that would be put on monsters that exist purely for a high sell value. Hope not, because the Weekend dungeon makes coins pretty trivial, but sounds like the most obvious answer. The Silver REM is very interesting, though. Wonder what it'll be? I could see it being a lower stone cost REM that spits out fewer (if any) top level monsters. What I'd love it to be, however unlikely it seems, would be a REM that could use PAL points. Give it a really high PAL cost, but also give it a slim chance at getting gods and whatnot. Would give an interesting secondary use for PAL points outside of the boring slog through most of the crap in the PAL machine.
Quick question guys. I was doing an XP run on the Castle of Satan and picked up a second Vamp. What should I do with him? Should I wait for a 2x Skill Up event and feed him to my other one or hold him to eventually get both Ults?
Not gonna attempt till I get out of work, but a lot of people seem to be having issues with hotfixing or even being able to start the game. Yay apology stonesJP PAD doing weird stuff on iOS for me. Keeps trying to download something, but after hitting 100% it just restarts and tries again and again and again. This happening to anyone else?
Not gonna attempt till I get out of work, but a lot of people seem to be having issues with hotfixing or even being able to start the game. Yay apology stones
Edit: try setting your timezone to Japan to fix the hotfix issue.
Anyone know a site or a list that shows all mobs with more than one skill cooldown?
Blue Chaser get!
how many runs of Legend? I was able to safely clear it with a 2xLucy team. No chance I can clear it with 2xChu team.
Found this Twinlit team on Pad Guide . This would be my ultimate team but I don't have the Blodin or Dark Metatron. This hits the magic number of 8 skill cooldown awakenings. You can blast round 1 and go immediately to round 2 and delay dubs if necessary. Downside is that round 3 would be harder to get to the tamdra dance. Worst case scenario you'll have Ra skill before the dubmyths can attack and you take your chances on burning the twins with Ra combos.
Anyone know a site or a list that shows all mobs with more than one skill cooldown?
They know there is a problem and they are trying to correct it. There is no ETA as of now so all we can do is wait.
It is probably a good time to start playing the Japanese version if you want.
Free stones for the maintenance.
Today is the start of 4 free tamadoras and 1 stone.
I'm fairly certain an event starts tomorrow as well.
I'm all about more people trying out the JP side.
Thought the Weekend Warriors were tough? Well come check out these guys!
Do you have the skills to conquer them, or will they lay your soul to waste? Don't wait around to test your mettle!
1/24 - Hera Descended
1/25 - Takeminakata Descends!
1/26 - Hera-Is Descended!
1/27 - Zeus Descended!
As a bonus for this special weekend, 1000 Pal Points are being awarded to players each day! The max limit for Pal Points is 10000, so make sure you use them before they go to waste!
Thought the Weekend Warriors were tough? Well come check out these guys!
Do you have the skills to conquer them, or will they lay your soul to waste? Don't wait around to test your mettle!
1/24 - Hera Descended
1/25 - Takeminakata Descends!
1/26 - Hera-Is Descended!
1/27 - Zeus Descended!
As a bonus for this special weekend, 1000 Pal Points are being awarded to players each day! The max limit for Pal Points is 10000, so make sure you use them before they go to waste!
PSA v6.4: Resist Damage 2%→3%, Lakshmi's Skill 8x→10x ATK, Echidna LS 3x→5x ATK, DL Anubis 4/7/10x at 8/9/10combo
Damn wish I had a reliable team to do these fights with![]()
post your box, regular hera is pretty easy if you can combo 4+heart. with a resist team sure it will take a LOT of time but thats how most of us did it (at least i did) i mean it wasnt really long since i got my first gravity and now im helping out ppl? GODDAMN!
Posted it a couple pages back, I have a healer team I'm levelling but its slow going.
I might have a look and see if I can form a resist team though.
Alright, anyone got any tips on running a resolve team for the Wednesday and Friday Dungeons? I almost got through the Mask expert, but got desiccated by the last mask set. I get having an orb changer is invaluable, but I guess I should be stocking up more orbs? How many sets should I have ready for the boss fight?
being real here, i never could resist my way through mask like NEVER. can you get a delay, that helps a ton.
yep that sure is damage on the order of a hundred million
I've always done a Green Ogre, Two Emelit, and Two AB Bluebird Blue [with a Healer friend, such as Amatarasu, Enchantress of the Sea Siren, etc.].Alright, anyone got any tips on running a resolve team for the Wednesday and Friday Dungeons? I almost got through the Mask expert, but got desiccated by the last mask set. I get having an orb changer is invaluable, but I guess I should be stocking up more orbs? How many sets should I have ready for the boss fight?
So, I've been at this for a little over a week now. Just managed to clear the Tower of Satan, and now the Tower of Flare is kicking my ass.![]()
Is there any good guide as to when a player should be capable of beating particular special/technical dungeons? I don't want to waste 20+ stamina trying a dungeon where I'm going to get one shotted in the first room, but at the same time, I don't know how bad one is going to be until I go in.
Off to go work on leveling some of my creatures...
I'm honestly mad about GungHo not giving us the Tamadras JP gets...
I just don't get tamadras from Jewel Dragons and the Gadcha. My only reliable source was the Twinlit dungeon...
I'm honestly mad about GungHo not giving us the Tamadras JP gets...
I just don't get tamadras from Jewel Dragons and the Gadcha. My only reliable source was the Twinlit dungeon...
It's a weird sort of bullshit. There's no reason for it even.