Think you're missing a couple key factors of this team
- 8 skill cooldown lets you bypass round 1. You don't need to activate Ra's active to get through 20k and 75k health respectively. Just max combos and mass attack if possible. And with new Ra there is less potential of troll and could wind up with 16x damage.
- Round 2: if you catch all 3 dubs on 3 turn cooldown you can try and burn through them with mass attack light which would make this a completely free run. With the team i proposed you have 6 light sources, you would only need to make 2 other attacks on the dubs to get through. I was successful with this once with a zeus team after burning round 1 too early. If you can't burn them use echidna delay.
- Round 3 - focus on the dub myths. This is the only place where this could get tricky because of the Tamdra lockout but is very manageable. When the tamdra is left alone you get to setup the board with a massive combo before going to the twins. Twins are one shot from the 49 damage combo.
The only risk of failure with this team is if you can't burn both dub myths in round 3.
If you can't proc Ra in 1F, there's no guarantee that you can clear the floor before much of your team is bound and you're killed. 75K HP x 3 is not a sure thing to burn through without a multiplier.
And Echidna shouldn't be Menacing on 2F. That's what Ra is for. Instant kill 2F and Menace on 3F to give you plenty of time to burn both Dub-myths.
I've been thinking about it, and I've come up with what I feel is a much more reliable team based on the team you posted and Cosmo's post about using a Dark Whiskey Dragon. Except I would use the Light Whiskey.
Here's the team:
Ra (9 CD max-skilled. Everyone max-skilled their Ra's during the Batman Collab, right? ;P)
Echidna (10 CD. If you have the other components for this team and she's not max-skilled yet, delete the game and go sit in the corner.)
BlOdin (3x Skill Boost)
Tengu (3x Skill Boost)
L.Whiskey (7 CD and 1x Skill Boost)
Olympios (35% Wrath of God should be enough to makeup for the lower 21x multiplier instead of 36x with dual Ra)
Total Skill Boosts = 7
Here's the rundown:
Turn 1) L.Whiskey nuke to sweep the minor Lits and reduce the Mythlits to ~25K HP each. Even without Ra, Olympios' 3.5x ATK makes it super easy to burn through the Mythlits' remaining health.
Turn 1) Make a match to charge Ra's skill.
Turn 2) Zap 'em with Ra.
Turn 1) Match and focus on Dub-Myths. You may even want to do some mass attacks to give yourself a bigger cushion.
Turn 2) Menace with Echidna and continue to attack Dub-Myths.
Turn 3 - ?) Once you kill both Dub-myths, charge skills and set-up board on TAMA. Set the board, so that you'll be doing mass attacks on the Twins. Once the board is set and your party has 1 bind counter or less, zap TAMA with Ra.
Turns 1-4) Activate all skills except for Tengu. Proceed to annihilate the Twins.
Obviously, I can't test it out until Twinlits come around again, but I think the strategy looks solid. Thoughts, anyone?