So GAF, I feel like I've run into a plateau. I've got some good pieces here and there but nothing really solid to take on all sorts of descends. I've only beaten Hera so far. (I could probably beat Heroes and Goddess, though. Just haven't tried)
Here's my box:
I feel like I have no real solid team. I'm currently working on ranking up, but man it sucks to look at a descend and then realize I don't have the right pieces to beat it.
So I guess my question is, what do I do from here?
(Man, this is like the third time I've asked this in the last 2 months lol)
okkay bro you have
astaroth lead
amon sub
dj sub
herais sub (when you get her) place another devil atm, like busty hades (you just have to busty your hades)
lead friend --> lucifer//astaroth (i have max leveled evolved astaroth if you want)
lucifer lead
vampire sub
hera sub
dj//echidna(depending) sub
yomi sub
lucifer friend
UMIYAMA TEAM.. kushinada team..
valk team...
you just have to decide two teams you want to pursue...
I'd say either valk or luci team for tanky descended...
1) if you are combo-cracking you can go with kushinadahime.. terrific spike lead with an active that lets you chain menace..
menace --> on the attacking turn from mob kushinada passive --> menace//orochi's active

2) or you can go with an umiyama team..
umiyama sample team
yomi (change the world will make sure you WILL get the best combo ever

i personally avoid this active as i'm good enough, but it CAN change your world, if you're not averaging 7 combo always)..
adk (busty yours it's always better)
hera//herais --> in your case i think busty vampire is better since i doubt you've skilled hera/herais
and this will rock your world
or there are a lot of other feasible setups for umiyama...
so i'd say that your plateu is --> start using spike team seriously