Septimus Prime
I still need Kirin.
*24 Hour Godfest Announcement*
[Duration]: 1/31, 8:00 PM - 2/1, 7:59 PM (PST)
Hero Gods and Five Elements Descend!!
The new Hero gods have come to make their fantastic Godfest debut!
These ancient legends have the power to manipulate Orbs and make devastating 4x ATK combos when 8 or more Orbs of their respective Attribute are matched.
The Rare Egg Machine will have 3x rates for Hero Gods and the Five Elements. On top of that, we've also added in their 6★ evolved forms as well. That means twice as many gods have a chance to appear! The event lasts 24 hours, so don't miss out!
Hero Gods Series
1065 Yamato Takeru
1067 Andromeda
1069 Perseus
1071 Sun Wukong
1073 Pandora
Five Elements
745 Incarnation of Suzaku, Leilan
747 Incarnation of Seiryuu, Karin
749 Incarnation of Genbu, Meimei
751 Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya
753 Incarnation of Byakko, Haku
362 Odin
364 Odin, the War Deity
640 Archangel Metatron
642 Dark Angel Metatron
911 Red Dragon Caller, Sonia
913 Jade Dragon Caller, Sonia
As good as this pairing is, I'm not going to roll on my main. I am thinking of rerolling my Kirin account for a Hero. I'll see how I feel in a day.
Connecting 8 orbs seems pretty hard to pull off consistently and at the same time reduces the number of combos. So why do people want the Hero Gods?
Connecting 8 orbs seems pretty hard to pull off consistently and at the same time reduces the number of combos. So why do people want the Hero Gods?
I'd love to hear what makes these gods good. I'm sure they have a use, I just don't know what that is yet.
Connecting 8 orbs seems pretty hard to pull off consistently and at the same time reduces the number of combos. So why do people want the Hero Gods?
I'd love to hear what makes these gods good. I'm sure they have a use, I just don't know what that is yet.
Connecting 8 orbs seems pretty hard to pull off consistently and at the same time reduces the number of combos. So why do people want the Hero Gods?
They did. At least they did for Trifruits (and lowered the stamina cost from 60 to 50); don't know about Twinlits until Friday in Japan.Baby Tamadra replacing regular ones would be perfectly fine if they either made the dungeons easier or gave normal Tamadras the chance to invade on any floor. As it stands, I will redirect my time to farming Twinlits and Trifruit whenever they descend. Probably have at least a month before the change heads our way.
You know what I love. Feeding 9 mobs for skillups to Hermes, Ra, Susano, dragon Knight and not getting one skillup. Everything else I can deal with in this game. The skillup process, however, is brutal.
You know what I love. Feeding 9 mobs for skillups to Hermes, Ra, Susano, dragon Knight and not getting one skillup. Everything else I can deal with in this game. The skillup process, however, is brutal.
Am experiencing the exact opposite of you guys!
I got a skill up on every Kitty I fed!
I even got 4 skill ups out of the 5 Apple Drawns I fed to my Hello Kitty World Joker!
I ALWAYS get skill ups on the monsters I don't care about =_=
Edit: Also out of 50 pulls, finally 1 Tamadra..
My very 1st Tamadra from the PAL machine +_+
32 PAL pulls, 1 Rare Evo and 1 +Egg. Man, either I'm unlucky or rates are really low with this PAL event. Last time I was pulling a Rare Evo every 8 or so pulls.
Thought it was pretty bad. 35 pulls.
3 keepers (in '5' pull, none in my '10' pulls)
2 + eggs
1 Dub Myth.
Thank RNG for that dub myth, finally was able to ultimate Yomi. Now my Haku team is severely hurting in the RCV department.
Rolling with Haku, Is, D/L Yomi, Echidna. 4th Spot was Ur, but her RCV is killing me. What should I sub in? I have a maxed Gabe there now to boost the RCV. Everything I want to put there hurts in the RCV : Ur, Shiva, W/W Orchi.
The main team I've been running for Haku has been:
Haku/Haku leads, DQ Hera, Vamp, Echidna and Neptune. Focusing on dark and water damage with the orb change to dark. Vamp has above average RCV and I run Neptune mainly because his stats are awesome. Hera-IS is a more common substitute for him with similar stats.
With minimal plus eggs outside of Echidna I have 2308 RCV. I'd like to squeeze Hera Ur or even better, Beelzebub now that I evolved him(her?) into the team for burst but I'm not sure if their active skill is really worth it. How much does the 6% per orb really equate to?
Side note: Beelzebub gets my vote for worst art in game.
12 Hera fed, 2 skillups. 20 total pain in the ass mobs to farm, level up, spend stones to farm for 2 skillups. Freaking joke.
I should just sell all of my remaining leeks, they've been taking up box space forever and I've fed him 8 so far with no skillup.
Any of these I should look out for the most? How does this work exactly?
So I was encouraged a couple of days ago to reroll based on the monsters I currently have, and to do so during the next Godfest event.
And the Facebook page just announced their next one for tomorrow.
Any of these I should look out for the most? How does this work exactly?
I feel like they stealth lowered the rates with the update. I went 0/15 on Freyr, 1/10 on Thor, and 0/6 on Michael.
Thought it was pretty bad. 35 pulls.
3 keepers (in '5' pull, none in my '10' pulls)
2 + eggs
1 Dub Myth.
Thank RNG for that dub myth, finally was able to ultimate Yomi. Now my Haku team is severely hurting in the RCV department.
Rolling with Haku, Is, D/L Yomi, Echidna. 4th Spot was Ur, but her RCV is killing me. What should I sub in? I have a maxed Gabe there now to boost the RCV. Everything I want to put there hurts in the RCV : Ur, Shiva, W/W Orchi.
What team do you put Michael on? I got him from last Godfest but no idea how he would fit. Just mono green team?
My pal points acquisition rate has gone down the gutter since conditionals have popped up. Same for everyone else? In some sense this is kind of good because I am less inclined to feel ripped off by leaving Echidna up, which I plan to do this coming weekend.
I like to use D/W Batman or D/D Loki on my Haku team.
Ok guys, I need to figure out what to do with my Rainbow Keeper I farmed out Tuesday. I can either evolve Vampire, Bastet or Isis. My gut tells me to go with Vampire Lord, as Isis doesn't have her ult yet and I don't think I'm skilled enough to really run Bastet reliably yet. Any thoughts?
qq, if i max skilled big shynee and evolved to king shynee will it stay max skilled or it will change?
qq, if i max skilled big shynee and evolved to king shynee will it stay max skilled or it will change?
also 3 draggie runs no drops
go bastet, what your typical combo with isis? 3x and 9x when running duals? i say bastet. getting 3x is a piece of cake adn with another multiplier it gets good, besides with that you can do brainless runs of master tricolor on weekends
My pal points acquisition rate has gone down the gutter since conditionals have popped up. Same for everyone else? In some sense this is kind of good because I am less inclined to feel ripped off by leaving Echidna up, which I plan to do this coming weekend.