I've mentioned this before on multiple posts but I'll mention it again. They are NOT a nonIAP friendly team because of the subs they require.
The best way to make them efficient is to stack at least 5 skill boosts to get a 5 turn orb changer up turn one, Ideally Ninja/Heart Breaker. The reason for this is prevent a bad turn one board from potentially killing you.
Also since the lead skill needs at least 8 orbs connected row enhance is a must. With the new lead skill buff activating at 3x for 6 orbs and 3.5x for 7 orbs it's a bit easier to activate consistently BUT you would still need rows to capitalize on your damage.
Bottom line is you need IAP subs (IE Ninjas, Special Gods, Sonias) skill ups on said monsters and Tamas. There's no two ways about these facts. In order to efficiently run them you need Tamas and a lot of them. Which of course means nonIAP will have a significantly harder time making these teams.
I'm not trying to put down nonIAP here don't get me wrong, I'm just saying this is not a team nonIAP should be striving to build due to all the prerequisites.
Link to Tony's post depicting what the teams should look like
EDIT: This is my comment from Tony's thread. Posting it here because it might get buried.
"I found that a good formula for hero gods is
Leader, Special God/Fruit Dragon/Demon, Heart breaker/Greek/Norse, Sonia, Ninja"
Do not that Fruit Dragon's don't really pair well active-wise with the heroes (except lemon/goku) but for some that don't have access to the others it might be their only option considering their awakenings the important ones being 2 skill boost and 2 row enhance.