Unfortunately I don't have a team ready for Super Kings [since I lack AA Lucifer and the other mentioned Leaders]. I basically use a Resist/Healing team along with AB Blue Birds for the Super Kings when they appear, so I won't be able to choose a Leader that can resist them all [there's no telling which will appear]. :/
I'll just use the Stamina for the day running the Friday dungeon and not having any Dub Mythlits drop.
If someone doesnt mind, can they put up a Siren so I can zombie the Friday dungeon? I am level 25 and want to try to get Dubs for my Isis team!
FC is 340,491,296
Bleh, the pirate dungeon is terrible in terms of risk/reward. If the rest of the pirate dungeons are the same then the ninjas won't see any real use.
Satan/Satan seems to be the popular choice right now. I wonder if there's a more consistent team. I haven't really mulled it over myself, yet.
Oh, and just to share, went 2/20 on D/L Hades skill-ups yesterday. Yay for 2x skill-ups!
If I had a better Kirin team, I'd attempt it. However, I still don't have Valk yet, and my Sieg and Chu are still in their earlier evolutions [they are decently skilled-up], although I'm working on the XP/materials to level up/evolve them.Bro if you can activate kirin you can do it..
I run super king and i just fan carnival with
95 kirin//80 kirin (yours actually)
Max level max skill valk
Max level max skill sieg
70echidna skill4
89 cuculainn skill4
Didn't even bother activating skills, steamrolled every floor
I do have a Noel dragon, although I haven't leveled it yet. I've been focusing the majority of my XP on the monsters for my Kirin team, although the Dark XP has been spread out among my other Dark monsters [such as Hades, Vampire, Drawn Joker, etc.].Super kings can be beaten by pretty basic teams. Do you have any 2x HP/RCV mobs? Even the Noel dragons are sufficient. Match with another friend and bring any poison. Dungeon over.
So, I started playing this a little more than 2 months ago, and I feel like I'm just floundering about right now. I'm about to reach the Caste of Satan in Technical and I'm already struggling with some of the stages.
padGAF, can you look into my PADherder and give me advice on what monsters I should be focusing right now? or what kind of team could I put together from this?
I normally run D/D Batman lead, 2 Rainbow Keepers, 2 Dub-mythlits and a dark helper.
More trifruit trolling. That dungeon is stupid. Any lead that's worth using gets bound in round 3 (no bind resist either). Assuming you get there. Round 1 is so reliant on a board that doesn't suck. Round 2 is a combination of board and timer trolling.
What is up with this trend? If they keep releasing dungeons like this, I'm going to lose interest in PAD...
I'm super disinterested in that dungeon. It is pure and simple stone bait.
How was everyones luck with king carnival?
Mine was pretty bad, supers were rare as he'll and even when they appeared it was only a 50 chance drop.
I had 1 drop out of 4 runs. (only 1 appearance)
Not really sure if this is better than super king or not. The total avg exp is like 30 to 50K higher but you cant concentrate on a color like supers.
Also the level is much tougher. The party I ran would have lost if I ever encountered a super first round which both good and bad is super rare.
Pulled this guy so I'm finally just going to keep going. He's not that great, but he's the right color and I have a soft spot for fruit dragons.
I'll try to save up enough stones to get a pull or two for tomorrow's GodFest. If it's a bust, then I may restart.
Just starting the game is a chore in itself...
edit: I updated the spreadsheet. If any of you have ChunLi<3ガフ on your friend lists, please erase her as that's the account I lost!
PADgaf, I wanted a little bit of advice but it's on Godfest rolling. As a non-IAP player, which godfests are the best bang for my buck? My box right now. Firstly, I originally was going for a blue team with my starter as the lead till I got something better, since I decided to tough it out instead of rerolling (First pull as a mermaid, second pull of the account was a mermaid) after learning more about the game. After the player's godfest happened and dropped a ton of stuff that wasn't from the list, instead 5 fire monsters from the fire carnival, I switched gears and made a fire team. So far, it's been alright and has allowed me to clear most stuff without too much of a problem once I got the dub mythlit for Ares.
Now, I know this team won't hold me forever, so which godfests should I focus on to ensure my poverty stones are well spent? I have 15 saved up right now and my box space is lookin' good at 300 spaces, so I don't need to worry about expanding that anytime soon. Would it be better to hold off for another godfest down the road with more stones? Or blow my three rolls in hopes of something once today's starts?
PADgaf, I wanted a little bit of advice but it's on Godfest rolling. As a non-IAP player, which godfests are the best bang for my buck? My box right now. Firstly, I originally was going for a blue team with my starter as the lead till I got something better, since I decided to tough it out instead of rerolling (First pull as a mermaid, second pull of the account was a mermaid) after learning more about the game. After the player's godfest happened and dropped a ton of stuff that wasn't from the list, instead 5 fire monsters from the fire carnival, I switched gears and made a fire team. So far, it's been alright and has allowed me to clear most stuff without too much of a problem once I got the dub mythlit for Ares.
Now, I know this team won't hold me forever, so which godfests should I focus on to ensure my poverty stones are well spent? I have 15 saved up right now and my box space is lookin' good at 300 spaces, so I don't need to worry about expanding that anytime soon. Would it be better to hold off for another godfest down the road with more stones? Or blow my three rolls in hopes of something once today's starts?
your account has a STRONG monored..
ares, echidna, pkh, gigas..
last slot would most likely be goemon/heraur/horus(withrcv)/shiva//freyr (i don't consider him much because monored usually run freyr friend or lead depending on ares lead or friend)
in that order...
you *might* go for the roll in the godfest since it has
freyr --> nice fourth sub for you
horus --> nice fourth sub for you AND a great spike lead
bastet --> great spike lead without any major constraint
isis --> decent spike lead
ra//anubis for you advanced spike team!
if you snatch a ltron you have a NICE setup for healer team having echidna, siren and dj already in place
imho my advice...
1) level your monored a tiiny bit (ares to say 50, pkh to 40, gigas to 40)
2) way for two heroes--> profit --> you get sieg and cu base form and they are two STRONG sub or two mid game lead
3) while you do point1, try to build a resist team..
evolve your devil dragon to CDD and take him to say 30
fetch a keeper of rainbow and bam your good to go!
keeper of rainbow
siren (yours is max skill so it's good to go)
defense break (droidgon)
friend green odin
this team will fetch you an hera at a 0-6 stone cost depending on your skill..
in my book 6 stone for a guaranteeed gravity sub with decent stats is a steal!
4) take the same team as above but use drawn joker lead and instead of defense break a poison would be better, but we can make do with defense break..
this one will be your hera-is descended team..
most likely will cost you 4 stone but it's fine
after you get both hera and herais you can tackle a lot more stuff![]()
You're missing spike leads so either Egyptian, Chinese, or new Japanese. Definitely roll in this one.
Looks like the dragon plant urgent dungeon is actually coming tomorrow.
I think i will but i have to decide the teamAnyone planning on running yhe dragon dungeon today, looks pretty ridiculous, especially on legend.
5 rolls in the JP godfest.
Toytops (My second one, ugh)
Dark Golem Mk.II
Seems I've been foiled by the wood carnival.
I guess Astaroth will be somewhat useful later when I can get some Heras.
How was everyones luck with king carnival?
Mine was pretty bad, supers were rare as he'll and even when they appeared it was only a 50 chance drop.
I had 1 drop out of 4 runs. (only 1 appearance)
Not really sure if this is better than super king or not. The total avg exp is like 30 to 50K higher but you cant concentrate on a color like supers.
Also the level is much tougher. The party I ran would have lost if I ever encountered a super first round which both good and bad is super rare.
I thought I would check this game out after playing Pictlogica Final Fantasy (PAD clone, apparently) for the past month, but I have some questions. I had to reroll on Pictlogica after realizing I screwed myself over with the limited currency and not rerolling for a good character, so I wanted to avoid some early mistakes here.
I've read the OP and some other sites, and I was thinking of trying for Horus as my starter because of the godfest going on. Should I stick with that or would something else be better? Also, can the colored orb next to your name be changed? Dumb question, but I hate permanent aesthetic decisions.Are there any other major things in the beginning I should avoid messing up?
I thought I would check this game out after playing Pictlogica Final Fantasy (PAD clone, apparently) for the past month, but I have some questions. I had to reroll on Pictlogica after realizing I screwed myself over with the limited currency and not rerolling for a good character, so I wanted to avoid some early mistakes here.
I've read the OP and some other sites, and I was thinking of trying for Horus as my starter because of the godfest going on. Should I stick with that or would something else be better? Also, can the colored orb next to your name be changed? Dumb question, but I hate permanent aesthetic decisions.Are there any other major things in the beginning I should avoid messing up?
Ran into this little guy a while ago.
How do you guys farm OOH with valk teams without risk of dying? Maybe it's because I only have 9k hp I can't really stall the middle turns.
I main Lucifer...
just got a Pierdra. Is that a good fit for a Lucifer team? Seems like once evolved itll be nice to replace Siren.
What are you running? My Valk team is Valk/Valk + Echidna/Shynee/Bastet/Fairlio. You have the option of subbing in a high HP non-healer in place of Bastet or Fairlio if you're that at risk. But really, a strong Valk team has no risk of death. Floor 9 can either Bastet + one shot, or Echidna to take them down. Neptune is just Shynee ftw.