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Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll


I can see why spending a lot of money on REM pulls and stamina refreshes to skill up every monster would burn someone out. I spend $10 on Godfests at most and still get mad when I pull trash monsters.

I also only try to skill up a few key monsters (heartbreakers, mystic knights and other orb changers, heart makers, echidna). I have never tried to skill up my gravity users or Goemon, it is just too frustrating and time consuming to get 15 skillups even though it would make my teams stronger. I don't have the patience since the skillup rates are terrible.


I guess I was late to the PAD party if people are burning out now. Disheartening to see, but I've only been playing for a couple months so I guess I still have a while to go.

I think I rolled a little too much in the last JP REM so now I have a bunch of monsters I don't know what to do with. Anyone care to point me in the right direction?


I guess my first priority is to keep on levelling Horus or Umiyama, but I'm not sure which to focus on. Is a busty Horus better? What subs should I be using, and do I need to farm for anything else, besides Hera which I'm waiting on?

Also, what would a good secondary team be to start levelling? I suppose I'd want something that can do descends without as much risk as a spike team, if there even is risk? I still haven't really looked into descends past Hera so not really sure what's required for them.

I could potentially skill up Astaroth when the collab comes around so I was thinking of working on her a bit, or do I have better potential teams? Do I just stick her with a harem of Heras and a Drawn Joker? Anything else? Maybe Archdemon Lucifer works on the team if it's against light and I awaken and skill him up a bit in the Eva collab, or is he only really useful on a mono dark team?

Rolled an L Tron, but don't think I have much of a team for that yet.

Ceres seems useful, but not sure what to do with her. Maybe she fits on either of the above teams depending on which ulti I go for?

Minerva have a place anywhere? Indra? Probably forgetting something.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
before I joined Gungho, I learned of P&D via GAF in 2012. I've playing since it debuted on the Android and it was the game my gf and I chatted about and played together the most until I joined the team at GungHo America. Now, it's the only game we typically play together and chat about since her and I are barely ever home due to my job and her job at Obsidian outside of weekends when we blitz through TV shows on Netflix. But it goes without saying the GAF was the main reason I downloaded P&D when I did. I remember telling colleagues at the previous game company I was working about it and how great it was, but they didn't want to move beyond Candy Crush and their space team sessions.


No thread for Brave Frontier AFAIK. The PAD thread only came about because we got chased out of the general iOS gaming thread for consuming discussion lol. Might be able to round up some more players there to make a thread.

Oh, haha.
It would be great if a veteran Brave Frontier player could make a thread.

As for PAD, I dunno if I'll uninstall it yet... might log in every now and again just to mess around with it. Really depends on how much I enjoy Brave Frontier.
Sorry to see you guys go, George and Cosmo. I actually hit a few low points on this game as well, but it's been pretty good at throwing me a bone whenever I feel like I might entertain the thought of quitting (SOD Luci, Horus, Dtron, and Ltron were all, "Ah hell, whatever," pulls for me). Maybe instead of quitting, a break would be in order? No IAP, minimal playing; just login once a day and maybe do whatever new dungeon is up once or twice? It works for me.

Anyway, though, since you guys are on PSN, let's trade usernames. I'm JohnnyDeath.
Oh, haha.
It would be great if a veteran Brave Frontier player could make a thread.

As for PAD, I dunno if I'll uninstall it yet... might log in every now and again just to mess around with it. Really depends on how much I enjoy Brave Frontier.

Hey I made the PAD thread after literally two days spent playing it because I happened to have slightly more knowledge than everybody else about the game due to reading about it on SA first. And then I could never muster the energy to make a new community thread ever again D:

Also my PSN is cattes


Hey I made the PAD thread after literally two days spent playing it because I happened to have slightly more knowledge than everybody else about the game due to reading about it on SA first. And then I could never muster the energy to make a new community thread ever again D:

Also my PSN is cattes

That's impressive, haha. Unfortunately, I don't really know much of anything about Brave Frontier yet. I couldn't give anyone any good advice, lol. Of course that *should* change over time.


i tried brave frontier, and shit didnt like it too simple for my taste. pad is probably my favorite puzzle game. but if they localize the 3ds version then i would buy it asap.
Cosmo, are you retiring as well?

Depends on what happens on the 20th. In any case I doubt I'll go anywhere for a while because I theorypad like a pro. I mean I kept following MapleStory for like five years after I stopped playing that pile of shit.

That's impressive, haha. Unfortunately, I don't really know much of anything about Brave Frontier yet. I couldn't give anyone any good advice, lol. Of course that *should* change over time.

In my original OP Neptune was in the God King Tier of starters and the magic stone priority list went 1. rolling the REM and 2. expanding box space (but only if you can't make space otherwise)

You can even be like me and directly steal content from the corresponding SA thread


I just ran Metal Dragons four times, and got two Tamadra [oddly, each time they showed up they dropped].

I think the game is rewarding me for resisting to urge to pull during the Godfest...


I guess I was late to the PAD party if people are burning out now. Disheartening to see, but I've only been playing for a couple months so I guess I still have a while to go.

I think I rolled a little too much in the last JP REM so now I have a bunch of monsters I don't know what to do with. Anyone care to point me in the right direction?


I guess my first priority is to keep on levelling Horus or Umiyama, but I'm not sure which to focus on. Is a busty Horus better? What subs should I be using, and do I need to farm for anything else, besides Hera which I'm waiting on?

Also, what would a good secondary team be to start levelling? I suppose I'd want something that can do descends without as much risk as a spike team, if there even is risk? I still haven't really looked into descends past Hera so not really sure what's required for them.

I could potentially skill up Astaroth when the collab comes around so I was thinking of working on her a bit, or do I have better potential teams? Do I just stick her with a harem of Heras and a Drawn Joker? Anything else? Maybe Archdemon Lucifer works on the team if it's against light and I awaken and skill him up a bit in the Eva collab, or is he only really useful on a mono dark team?

Rolled an L Tron, but don't think I have much of a team for that yet.

Ceres seems useful, but not sure what to do with her. Maybe she fits on either of the above teams depending on which ulti I go for?

Minerva have a place anywhere? Indra? Probably forgetting something.

Astaroth once maxed skilled up with another friend Astaroth can keep her skill up all the time so you don't really need anything other than gravities and defense (heartmakers/defence shields). Archdemon Lucfier has a place in this team because sometimes you just need to burst a boss down when it starts hitting too hard below HP thresholds. You can also throw devil Ceres here until you get something more useful. But yeah usually it's Astaroth/Grav/Grav/Grav|Utility/DJ|Utility/Astaroth.

Ltron and Genbu are also easier but you don't have the subs. Your best color seems to be red and you can try for Goemon, but it's probably not less risky. You can make a red focused Horus team with Minerva and Ares covering dark and light.. but no Echidna and a Green/Blue sub.

I think a balanced Netero team with King Woodsie is the most interesting team though, but that's more difficult than Horus or U&Y. You have Kurapika for that too.

In other words there isn't really any "ideal" teams you can make with what you have right now except Astaroth team which should be easy to do.


Actually now that I think about it I wonder how many of my problems would be solved by them doubling or tripling the stamina refresh rate. Most of my problems seem to stem from GungHo pushing out high stamina-consuming content and me being unable to run all of it.

It would solve a lot of the frustration. Right now if you fail at something you feel completely defeated because you know it will take 10 hours to try again, of course they will never up the stamina rate because that is where a huge amount of their profit comes from, this company is getting increasingly greedy it seems.

Ideally stamina should refresh based on your level (ie a percentage).

What I would love to see in this game though is a currency/token drop from dungeons which you could buy evo mats in a shop with lol, that would solve a lot of my frustration. (yup I have been playing too much brave frontier)


I've also pulled tons of time and i never had the chance to get Dtron nor Blonia yesterday, but then i remembered Odins Dtrons and Sonias aren't part of the x3 for the godfest so actually, it's a really bad idea to aim for those during Godfest....

I really want a Odins/Sonias x3 Godfest even though i'm only missing Blonia/Dtron.

Also for people quitting, if you quit over another IAP game like Brave Frontier or whatever, you're just making a terrible mistake. :(


Also for people quitting, if you quit over another IAP game like Brave Frontier or whatever, you're just making a terrible mistake. :(

How so, BF is no were near as punishing and vindictive as this game, even playing ToS for the last 2 days makes me realise what a bunch of shit mechanics this game has. (I still can't stop playing it though ;.;)


It would solve a lot of the frustration. Right now if you fail at something you feel completely defeated because you know it will take 10 hours to try again, of course they will never up the stamina rate because that is where a huge amount of their profit comes from, this company is getting increasingly greedy it seems.

Ideally stamina should refresh based on your level (ie a percentage).

What I would love to see in this game though is a currency/token drop from dungeons which you could buy evo mats in a shop with lol, that would solve a lot of my frustration. (yup I have been playing too much brave frontier)

A huge part of why there won't be a stamina rate increase is because of the "feeling" of wasting time and stamina and wanting to use a stone. If stamina only took a few minutes/hours to refill there would be way less incentive to spend stones for stamina. It's the same reason why boxes start out ridiculously small, friends list aren't that large, etc...

Still if Japanese players are complaining about the Trifruit/Twinlit dungeons just as much as some of you guys are I won't be surprised if things get scaled back more. One of things I do like about this game is that even when "bad" things happen, they do try to improve the game if enough people speak out (I think one of the big reasons Awoken Skills got added was because of Green Odin getting a light subtype and people complained about him getting bound by light monsters).


Heh. I guess I was felt a little entitled to whine. You're right. Let's whine together, brother!

Thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm seriously having flashbacks to when Xelios parted ways with PAD GAF. He was my first in-game friend and I was disappointed when he left. I didn't foresee playing for over another 400 days, myself. A big part of the reason I stuck with it so long is this community. It's great! But I don't see it as a sad thing or find it hard to "let go" of something I've spent so much time and money on. I've got a lot out of this game, and I just know that my time heavily playing it has finally run its course. My PS+ backlog has grown ridiculously large. I think it's time to make some dents in it.

Haha I know the feeling. I have two small children and a house that requires a ton of renovating. My time for gaming has become non-existent outside of PAD. I think that was one of the huge benefits of finding PAD, it fits the hardcore parts of gaming that I desire in small time chunks. Being able to sit in front of the TV and play for 6 hours just doesn't happen for me anymore. One of my goals this year was to write down my gigantic back log and start chipping away one by one.

Maybe we should make a new thread where we all focus on one universal game from our PS+ backlog. Dragon's Dogma anyone? Nerdy book club. lol

Echidna has been in the game since the beginning (or damn close to it). Hardly the problem.

The problem is they ran out of creative skills and just added to the multiplier. Mono colored with Green and ADK farm teams use to be the shit, now everything is 3x...9x...12.25x etc.

Yup, I wish I could find the posts I made last summer with the same comments. Gungho is definitely not innovating enough to keep people motivated. They need to overhaul mechanics, bring back resists, swapping of team leaders, more invasion orbs, stuff like that. The kill or be killed tactic is obviously wearing everyone thin.

Hey I made the PAD thread after literally two days spent playing it because I happened to have slightly more knowledge than everybody else about the game due to reading about it on SA first. And then I could never muster the energy to make a new community thread ever again D:

Also my PSN is cattes

And damn you for making that thread, might have avoided this addiction all together. lol
What should I do in the beginning? For now I'm doing the starting dungeons and leveling up the starter monster and the Isis I dropped from the machine
Also, it always says: "leader ability won't activate", why?


What should I do in the beginning? For now I'm doing the starting dungeons and leveling up the starter monster and the Isis I dropped from the machine
Also, it always says: "leader ability won't activate", why?

Yea you will want to concentrate on the normal dungeons mainly until technical ones are unlocked, doing the metal dungeons (which you can find under the special tab) will help a lot with levelling up your monsters (stay away from the super ones for now though), you can download an app called PADguide which will alert you when metal dungeons become available.

For a helpers leader ability to activate you have to have them on your friends list, to do that you are required to run the dungeon at least once with them and then friend them after you complete the dungeon.


Has anyone tried Gungho's new game Summons Board? It may only be available in Japan at the moment, I'm not sure.

It has some interesting ideas. There are pieces you find on the board that you can trade for stones, money, monsters and other things. Also, if you have 10 stones you get 1 free pull on the gotcha machine. Right now every dungeon has a 2x xp rate which helps in ranking up.

The game itself is a standard strategy game with a rem machine added. Haha. It's somewhat fun.

If you are playing on the JP servers, player's choice Godfest voting is now open!

vote here
What should I do in the beginning? For now I'm doing the starting dungeons and leveling up the starter monster and the Isis I dropped from the machine
Also, it always says: "leader ability won't activate", why?

For Isis you have to match 3 colors and have subs of those respective colors. If you are running a team with just 2 colors, you won't be able to activate Isis.


Noble Mechdragon Legend is pretty straight forward for dark/devil teams. For teams that aren't Lucifer/tanks, just stall for skills for floors 5, 9, and 10 and always kill Demons (I knocked out Noble Mechdragon in one turn with King Baddie + Orb Enhance).
Yea you will want to concentrate on the normal dungeons mainly until technical ones are unlocked, doing the metal dungeons (which you can find under the special tab) will help a lot with levelling up your monsters (stay away from the super ones for now though), you can download an app called PADguide which will alert you when metal dungeons become available.

For a helpers leader ability to activate you have to have them on your friends list, to do that you are required to run the dungeon at least once with them and then friend them after you complete the dungeon.
For Isis you have to match 3 colors and have subs of those respective colors. If you are running a team with just 2 colors, you won't be able to activate Isis.

thanks! another question, do I have to max lvl the monsters before evolving them?


I'm still not happy I can't reliably zero stone Twinlit despite having quite a bit of REM gods. That first floor determines everything.
Sweet, gold dragons today. Wonder when my time is...


9 hours ago (1am est)


Come on guys...


So should I attempt Zeus with this team? Unfortunately I don't have enough team cost to field my lvl 60 Hera-Is.


The earlier stages should be fine, and I suppose the strategy at Zeus is just to get him close to 20% then 2x grav and reflect damage once with Astaroth to kill him. Toughest part is probably healing more than 20k per turn once he's below 75%.

I could field a Haku attempt too I guess.


Don't want to use stones if I can avoid it. Should I attempt or wait?


Oh wait, my calculations are wrong, Zeus won't die from one counterattack. Meh. Guess I should forget about that Astaroth team attempt for now.
Haha I know the feeling. I have two small children and a house that requires a ton of renovating. My time for gaming has become non-existent outside of PAD. I think that was one of the huge benefits of finding PAD, it fits the hardcore parts of gaming that I desire in small time chunks. Being able to sit in front of the TV and play for 6 hours just doesn't happen for me anymore. One of my goals this year was to write down my gigantic back log and start chipping away one by one.

Maybe we should make a new thread where we all focus on one universal game from our PS+ backlog. Dragon's Dogma anyone? Nerdy book club. lol

Yup, I wish I could find the posts I made last summer with the same comments. Gungho is definitely not innovating enough to keep people motivated. They need to overhaul mechanics, bring back resists, swapping of team leaders, more invasion orbs, stuff like that. The kill or be killed tactic is obviously wearing everyone thin.

And damn you for making that thread, might have avoided this addiction all together. lol

I love the book club idea, J0dy


Dammit I'm finding heart management the worst part about my dtron team. Since it can't tank for shit with a 13k hp. I try to heal every turn. But still I would really like to have some sort of heartbreaker, probably light rider works but that's a 11 turn CD :/


Dammit I'm finding heart management the worst part about my dtron team. Since it can't tank for shit with a 13k hp. I try to heal every turn. But still I would really like to have some sort of heartbreaker, probably light rider works but that's a 11 turn CD :/

If you have a max skilled vamp, why not use him along with Gryps? You don't need all attackers on a dtron team from what I've experienced, you can do plenty of damage with a few attackers and the rest orb changers.


I've finally acquired a Hera-Is after she dropped on a 0-stone run on Legend. I'm so glad I maxed out my Siren, Drawn Joker, and Echidna. Otherwise, I would have died fighting her. The run was slow and painful. I can't imagine what Mythical is like.

Anyways, is there a reason to get a second Hera-Is?
I've finally acquired a Hera-Is after she dropped on a 0-stone run on Legend. I'm so glad I maxed out my Siren, Drawn Joker, and Echidna. Otherwise, I would have died fighting her. The run was slow and painful. I can't imagine what Mythical is like.

Anyways, is there a reason to get a second Hera-Is?
Not really, few teams require more than one and if you fall into one of the exceptions it'll be very obvious that you do.


I gotta say, I'm a bit burnt out as well. I went back and looked at how much I've spent, and it's almost $1.5 grand. That's ridiculous, and almost double of what I expected I spent. Over a year of playing this game, and I could have gotten a next gen console and a boatload of games, or even built a gaming PC.

As someone who has studied loss aversion and its effects, it's still hard to resist buying stones to continue or to refresh stamina... and don't get me started on pulling.

The I keep saying I'm going to stop doing IAP, but I just spent five bucks on twinlits yesterday. I really feel like I need to do a clean break in order to save money. It is annoying though, this is the one game that I have been able to play consistently, but damn.

I don't think I'll stop playing... yet, but I'm definitely thinking about it.


If you have a max skilled vamp, why not use him along with Gryps? You don't need all attackers on a dtron team from what I've experienced, you can do plenty of damage with a few attackers and the rest orb changers.

i could probably do that. still i need to level him up cause i left him at lv. 50 and i need to skill his ass. ill try hera is and then its all about farming dungeon of darkness .
One of the last team builds I was looking forward to. Bummed that I don't have Ronia or ROdin. Any theory crafters want to suggest anything for my build? Not sure what to do. Needs help in the orb changing dept for sure:



I've been lurking around this thread since the beginning, so it's sad to see you guys get fed up with the game. But I hope you'll still stick around and give us all sage advice and snappy comments from time to time. :)

I was always happy to start up a dungeon and see your max lvl 297ed monsters in my friends list, cause it gave me that little edge in HP or ATK that I didn't have the time or money to accrue myself. And that's been the best part of playing PAD - the community spirit of team advice and leader sharing.

I think my vow to stop rolling godfests until I have leveled and evolved the monsters I have has helped greatly in staying away from burnout. There's no way to compete with the heavy IAP players, but it's better for me to play the game in a way that fits into my schedule and with discrete goals.

I also have fond memories of playing the game with my boyfriend a year ago at my birthday, so I don't think I'll ever truly get tired of the game.


One of the last team builds I was looking forward to. Bummed that I don't have Ronia or ROdin. Any theory crafters want to suggest anything for my build? Not sure what to do. Needs help in the orb changing dept for sure:

Wow, rank 284. That's really high!

Edit: I lol'd when I saw that Salamander since it feels out of place with the other monsters.


In response to Brave Frontier, one thing that really bothers me is the inability to change your name. When you first started the game, it asked for a name. I made a mistake during the process and didn't notice it until after. I went into the options to see if there was a method to change your display name, as there is in Puzzle & Dragons, but there isn't. Not only that, it's nearly impossible to start a new file on your iPhone after linking it to your Facebook [which I did] outside of formatting your entire phone. It really is insane that an option as simple as changing your name isn't there. ~_~

I'm planning on upgrading my iPhone is the next month or two, so I might download/try Brave Frontier again on a new account then. At the very least, I'll be extra careful when inputting my new name, since you're more-or-less stuck with whatever you use [with no option to change it].


In response to Brave Frontier, one thing that really bothers me is the inability to change your name. When you first started the game, it asked for a name. I made a mistake during the process and didn't notice it until after. I went into the options to see if there was a method to change your display name, as there is in Puzzle & Dragons, but there isn't. Not only that, it's nearly impossible to start a new file on your iPhone after linking it to your Facebook [which I did] outside of formatting your entire phone. It really is insane that an option as simple as changing your name isn't there. ~_~

I'm planning on upgrading my iPhone is the next month or two, so I might download/try Brave Frontier again on a new account then. At the very least, I'll be extra careful when inputting my new name, since you're more-or-less stuck with whatever you use [with no option to change it].

Your account is linked to your facebook profile, even if you install on a new device you will still use the same account, there is a option to contact them in the menu, you could probably use that to get your name changed.
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