OK after doing some analysis got my Gold keeper team. (Thanks for the Undine suggestion and the fact that the later half of gold keeper is red)
Haku (3200 HP, 300 RCV)
Undine (2000 HP, 400 RCV) (Can be replaced by any 2+ turn delay)
Enchilada (2200 HP, 950 RCV)
Water Golem (5000 HP, 0 RCV)
Hera - IS (3500, 400)
Haku (3200 HP, 300 RCV)
Thats around 19100 HP and 2350 RCV.
Those are near max conditions in my case its probable closer to 17500 HP and 2250
RCV. (My Haku/Hera-IS/Echilada will all be maxed)
Round 1: If not Rainbow Keeper, stalled as long as possible.
Round 2: If not Rainbow Keeper, stalled as long as possible.
Round 3: If not Rainbow Keeper, stalled as long as possible.
Round 4: Heal as much as possible but if not 17000+ health before 3rd turn then use golem before you kill.
Round 5: Just kill (If you still have the golem active you get 6 turns)
Round 6: Easy win. Enchilada->take 2 hits->Undine->Enchilada. You have 13 attacks to kill the Gold Keeper. 1 30 percent gravity, 2-4 Haku skills.