Recovery (RCV) is the amount of HP you'll heal when matching Heart Orbs. It also affects certain healing skills.
ah ok, thanks!
Recovery (RCV) is the amount of HP you'll heal when matching Heart Orbs. It also affects certain healing skills.
It's so random how the Samba Dragon has a team cost of 38, when all the other Supers cost 1.
I think its so people just starting out can't use it -
Because 38 can be read as "Samba" in Japanese.
I can run supers no problem. Top droid means I can absolutely destroy them as long as I don't get a super invade first wave. Zero defense whenever a super comes up and use mass attacks and rippers for clean up.
It's because in Chinese (and I assume Japanese as well), 3 is "san," and 8 is "ba." 38. Sanba. That's close enough to Samba.It's so random how the Samba Dragon has a team cost of 38, when all the other Supers cost 1.
Request sent. I'm John Death.1 guys that doesnt get the 16x is worth for the amount of orbs he gives. the thing about it is that you are gonna be stuck with fire and water orbs, thats where ares/hanzo comes in.
my dtron is already lvl 92 max awoken and im constantly feeding her pluses. so add me if you havent.
369 376 278
yay for dtron gaf![]()
so what are these illicit acts? Just wondering...
Does anyone have luck getting two king metals to drop during a normal metal run? I never, I mean never get two. Can't even recall the last time it happened.
Does anyone have luck getting two king metals to drop during a normal metal run? I never, I mean never get two. Can't even recall the last time it happened.
Oddly enough this just happened to me when I did one metal run earlier today. Two kings on the first two levels - first one alongside small dragons, second one as an invade.
If only I had a Ronia, I could try that Satan Trifruit team. Guess I'll have to wait until I can field a halfway decent Bastet team instead.
I did just today, but if you ask me when the last time that happened was then I really can't say.
Yeah. I beat it with Hera-Ur before evolving and awakening my Ronia, but you're at the mercy of whatever the board drops you. If you get to the 3F and can't sweep the side mobs and TAMA binds a leader, then GG. It wasn't consistent at all.Without Ronia, you have no orb changers available early. Doesn't really work with any consistency.
Having failed this dungeon six times in a row with various teams, I think I would rather beat my head against a wall than try this anymore. Sorry, Sonia, you will be unskilled forever.
Just got 3 kings and a high in one run. Guys, I think I broke PAD.
Yeah. I beat it with Hera-Ur before evolving and awakening my Ronia, but you're at the mercy of whatever the board drops you. If you get to the 3F and can't sweep the side mobs and TAMA binds a leader, then GG. It wasn't consistent at all.
Just got 3 kings and a high in one run. Guys, I think I broke PAD.
Is FA Lucifer's active skill being buffed so that it works even without light enemies? If so, I need that EVA collab ASAP.
I have done zero descends. Just been working on leveling and evoing my monsters. Here is my current box(minus 5 Rainbow keepers, kitty bad shiny and materials). I'm getting ready for Hera Descends to finally have a gravity. what's my best team for that?
Dual Odin team with at least one fully awoken.
Add me if you need a fully awoken Odin: 348 285 288, and my name is Jon.
Alright so Dragon Poker even if it isn't very skill-intensive is by far the hypest dragonesque game I've played so far. Giant flashing letters whenever a boost is happening, jazzy as fuck music, sidebets over the value of the next hand, five player simultaneous multiplayer, the literal ability to nicospam the screen with キターーーーー(゚∀゚ーーーーー!!
its like the marvel of dragonesque games
Sure. In fact Belial would be an almost identical substitute, serving all the same functions Ronia does on the team. But any of them would work, with Amon being the worst option due to weakness against Wood enemies.Can Ronia be replaced by one of the Archdemons? They all have 2 skill boosts and are devil types.
Hmm we need a king slime dungeon for skill ups, why have the Japanese not voted for that yet ?
yomi 1? wut?
As I bet anyone with her can atest, her active ability plus her 2 awakenings that extend move time are amazing on a spike team. I use her on my horus and Ra team's now and she's amazing.
Thinking out loud...
I'm 8727exp to rank up, I have 29 stamina now and 98 max stam. I'll have enough time to regen +91 stamina when Super Metal Dragons come around. So I guess I have 20 stamina to gain not more than 6346exp so I can do 4x super metals. What should I run that's around 30stam/exp?
Nope, don't see anything. Probably worth it to just waste the stamina.
Thanks Jon. What subs should I be using?
I go by Count.
Ah okay. I get the "38" phonetic easter egg now. I'm surprised such a random number even jumped out at me. Then I learned it wasn't so random at all. =P
Anyway, just did a couple of Trifruit runs with my Satan team. At first I thought the dungeon was harder than Twinlits, and I know several others said the same. But now that I've configured optimized teams for each dungeon, I think Trifruits is definitely easier. Both are vulnerable to poor starting boards, but assuming you don't get orb trolled at the start, I'm much more confident in getting nearly 100% success in Trifruits than Twinlits.
I think I posted it before, but this is my Trifruit farm team:
D/W Vamp
King Baddie
Ronia's skill boosts puts it over the top by making sure DJ/Vamp are active for 3F to sweep the Flower and Fruit in 1-shot, leaving TAMA to stall until DJ/Vamp/Baddie are charged. All you need to sweep the Seeds in 1F is either 3 Dark orbs or 5 Fire orbs. So, it's rare to get orb trolled on the first turn. In fact, you can even sweep them with a strong enough Water attack. So that gives you 3 different colors you can use to survive 1F.
Well damn some how I miscalculated my stamina and can only run one metal dungeon.
Just got a Cerberus from pal machine, seems pretty weak but could come in handy for a dark team later on ?
I'm guessing for the same reason I wouldn't vote for it. Regular cycles of Super Jewels/Metals makes it rather trivial to skill-up King slimes now. I was able to skill-up all my King slimes by using the Kings I got from a single hour of each color's Super dungeon. The lone exception was King Shynee, which took forever because I skilled it up before we ever got Super Golds. I'd rather get a dedicated dungeon for other monsters that are harder to skill-up.Hmm we need a king slime dungeon for skill ups, why have the Japanese not voted for that yet ?
I'm guessing for the same reason I wouldn't vote for it. Regular cycles of Super Jewels/Metals makes it rather trivial to skill-up King slimes now. I was able to skill-up all my King slimes by using the Kings I got from a single hour of each color's Super dungeon. The lone exception was King Shynee, which took forever because I skilled it up before we ever got Super Golds. I'd rather get a dedicated dungeon for other monsters that are harder to skill-up.
It obviously requires heavy stoning to do that. No way around it. But at least they cycle around regularly now, so you can spread runs out over the long run if you don't want to refresh. But I imagine a lot of Japanese players who would bother voting on these things are heavy IAPers who already maxed skilled their King Slimes the way I did.How would you get enough kings in an hour without spending gems to refresh stamina though ?
Sure. In fact Belial would be an almost identical substitute, serving all the same functions Ronia does on the team. But any of them would work, with Amon being the worst option due to weakness against Wood enemies.
Seems like my decision to max-skill my Yomi over Venus was the right one. I always like Yomi, but I remember when she was commonly thought of as a lame monster. Nice to see her rise in popularity. I have 3 myself. Not sure which way to evolve the third one, yet.
Does D.Tron getting 3rd mean her drop rate will be higher than usual during Godfest? Or is it just so she appears at all?
Yomi was the first god I ever pulled, and it's nice that s/he's good now, but I don't think I would take him/her over anyone else on that list. Maybe the bottom row guys.
Why is Horus so popular? I know he's amazing, but I would think Sakuya would rank higher.