For hera, you actually have a great box. I would run either max awoken Godin or your drawn joker as a leader, lucifer, echidna, siren and something with a aoe nuke, and pair with a /max awoken Godin/drawn joker. Make sure you hit over 8.3k hp with your team. Charge up your skills every round and try to avoid taking simultaneous hits. Once you get to the boss, the hard part is just healing up to full after every attack. You should use lucifer on neptune since you wont be able to break his defense any other way. Make sure you have at least one max skilled heart maker, and you should be fine. You will have a lot of panic buttons(echidna, siren, drawn joker, odin), so be conservative with them and use them only when needed and you should be fine.
Edit: Actually on second glance it seems you have a fully functional haku team. I am surprised you haven't done any descends as your team seems pretty much max level. You can probably do descends all the way up to zeus.