Ultimate Unicorn:
Sonic rainboom!
Ultimate Unicorn:
Looks to me like each one will voltron into a different megazord... Ultimate Canopus clearly has all four other mechdragons on his back and if I remember correctly so did Hadar.
That would be terrible if each ones ultimate required 1 of each other mechdragon...
That would be terrible if each ones ultimate required 1 of each other mechdragon...
So... they're NOT going to Voltron together into one giant Mechdragon? Disappointing
It would be sick if you could then Voltron together all of those to get Ultrazord or something, though. Granted, it would take probably another year before we see mechs again, but that would be awesome.I noticed that pattern too and that's what I'm wondering myself. It would make sense though when you think about it. It wouldn't be "fair" to the other dragons to not have ultimates and only the Dark one get the "voltron" ultimate. Still crappy though if they do actually require all those Mech Dragons.
Then you busty that for Paladin mode.two busties, they gonna digimon it and make a fighter mode like imperialdramon.
It would be sick if you could then Voltron together all of those to get Ultrazord or something, though. Granted, it would take probably another year before we see mechs again, but that would be awesome.
Then you busty that for Paladin mode.
Someone on Facebook posted this really good guide for Twinlits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCwhB_Y9BoA
I'm going to give his team a shot, since the only differences between his team and mine are that I have busty Echidna and regular, non-Witch of the Night Lilith.
That's the thing, though: his strategy apparently accounts for that. I actually have a team that I've been doing well with for that dungeon, too, but his looks better than mine.Well I use Hera-IS and Queen Hera instead of Valk and Bastet. Doesn't really make much of a difference as long as you can bring the board down to 1 or 2 mythlits. It still basically just comes down to not getting a ridiculous sky drop that ruins your day, which seems to happen more often than not when it comes to Twinlits.
That's the thing, though: his strategy apparently accounts for that. I actually have a team that I've been doing well with for that dungeon, too, but his looks better than mine.
Yeah, I have Olympios. My current team is:I don't know. I use combo calculator and make sure only 1 or 2 mythlits are left and it still fails more often than I would prefer. I have seen a string of 5-6 orbs of the same color dropping at least 2-3 times. I would say this though, having 2 Zeus Olympios helps a lot because you can do that with only 4 combos and don't need mass attacks, thus somewhat reducing the chance of a skyfall ruining the run.
But of course to have Olympios you would have to do the dungeon enough times to get 3 angelits in the first place.
Yeah, I have Olympios. My current team is:
Busty Echidna
Busty Echidna
D/D Hades
DQ Hera
It works fairly well, but I'd like to give his a try, since I want to snag as many TAMADRA and Devilits as possible.
Yeah, that's why I have Hades and Hera there. Matching one 3-chain of each color on the first round while targeting nothing usually leaves one or two Mythlits standing, and if it's two, a single match of light or dark (depending on its HP) will usually take it out. Then, on the next rounds, a full color match does 12 damage, which is no joke. Four gravs also leaves both bosses with 21% HP, so it's easy to knock them out.I had been using Olympios two Echidnas and valk verche but i think im going to switch out verche for a haded or hera-is it makes the first wave much easier to manage with an other primary color to snipe a twinlit after random binds,
They would either bind my whole team or leave light and full hp, so i couldnt match orbs.
Yeah, that's why I have Hades and Hera there. Matching one 3-chain of each color on the first round while targeting nothing usually leaves one or two Mythlits standing, and if it's two, a single match of light or dark (depending on its HP) will usually take it out. Then, on the next rounds, a full color match does 12 damage, which is no joke. Four gravs also leaves both bosses with 21% HP, so it's easy to knock them out.
On the other hand, it's easy to get orb trolled, and Echidna has to be charged for rounds 2 and 3, so there's still danger.
I also use Lilith for the reasons the video stated.
If you don't target anything, Zeus will hit a mythlit by default. One trick I have discovered is that if there's a big sky fall, immediately target one of the normal lits, which your Zeus will kill. That would significantly increase the chance of keeping a mythlit alive and indeed saved one of my runs last time.
My teamTwinlit at this point for me is all about whether I get sky fall in round 1 or not I have a solution for every starting orb so orb trolling is fine.
I use
Awoken Zeus
Non Ult Echilada
Non Ult Hera
Hera Is
Olym Zeus
Never ever 5 lit match.
1. If I have 5 dark then this is the best. Match 5 dark and 1 lit combo or 3 (at least 1 blue/red) targeting a mythlit.
2. If I have as least 3 lit and 3 dark orbs then 3 other combos. As long as one is red or blue then you're set.
3. If I have 3 lit and no dark then I make a lit match and a 5 match of blue or red plus whatever you need so the 5 match will just kill all the color lits.
4. If I have no lit then follow 1 or match a blue/red 5 match and 5 other matches with at least 1 being dark.
5. It there's no lit or dark then you have to 5 match blue or red and 3 match the opposite color and like 4 other combos. (As long as its not 4 more matches of the 5 match color you should be fine also more 5 match color match mean less total matches)
This should leave you with at most 3 lits. Preferably 1 or 2.
Work you way down to 1 mythlit
If you ever have full health and lit is not bound then waste a turn. Don't even try to match. Stall until you get both Enchilada and Lillith up.
Then kill the last myth.
Now its easy.
Kill Round 2 with Lillith.
Start Round 3 with Enchilada and kill both Dubs. Charge against Tamadora, again don't take chances if the right characters aren't bound waste a turn.
When you're in decent state, AKA Echilada 1 or less bound counter and Zeus/Heras 2 or less kill tama.
Round 4. Echilada, quad gravity easy win.
Welp, I FINALLY figured out how to get around playing this on a rooted phone without having to reflash the phone to get Xposed to work again. Whew.
So far I'm only Rank 10 but messed around with some Magic Stones and got some decent, if not high leveled stuff I can't really use right now.
Ame no Uzume
Graviton Earth Dragon
Keeper of Dark
I also did the Mardi Gras event and got a Samba Ruby Dragon, I see its an Enhance Material, any suggested ways to use it?
I really hate this twinlit dungeon so much. I kind of want to go outside and scream. So I watched that video and decided I thought the strategy was sound. First attempt, I make a combo of 4.... skyfall to 9 combo dead. Second attempt everything goes well I win and get my 9th devilit! I guess if I had a second zeus leveled I could make the dark one 3 god damn times. This is after I've bustied my Hera and Vampire Lord. So that's means I've received 13 devilits and only 3 angelits. 3rd attempt I start with a 4 combo again, crazy skyfall combos up to 8 again whipe on next floor.................... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My team
Olymp Zios
Ulti echidna
Ulti orochi
Ulti verche
Rose Valk
Olymp Zios
But after seeing the video and reading your guys setup looks like I would be less trolled by switching my team members. Skyfall with so many light subs happens more often than you would think. I should know I burned some stones on that dungeon.
Keeper of Dark is evolution material used to evolve monsters (usually dark), so just hold on to it until you can use it.
Samba Ruby Dragon provides a large amount of exp for red monsters. I suggest feeding it to your Ame no Uzume.
I really hate this twinlit dungeon so much. I kind of want to go outside and scream. So I watched that video and decided I thought the strategy was sound. First attempt, I make a combo of 4.... skyfall to 9 combo dead. Second attempt everything goes well I win and get my 9th devilit! I guess if I had a second zeus leveled I could make the dark one 3 god damn times. This is after I've bustied my Hera and Vampire Lord. So that's means I've received 13 devilits and only 3 angelits. 3rd attempt I start with a 4 combo again, crazy skyfall combos up to 8 again whipe on next floor.................... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Since I'm really not playing much anymore, I've been trying out my Pandora team when my stam is full. She's fun, but really needs a buff to deal with less than 8 orbs. If I was to ever get lucky and max skill my Hanzo, I think she'd be a blast. Did Blue Pirate Legend with her. I think I'd swap out my AA Luci for Ur or Cerb for dark enhance to one-shot her. Otherwise, she's fun.
twinlits sucks so much.
I got a devilit, of course I still need at least 1 more to do anything, but I have 1.
If I run it again, and if I get another Devilit, what should be priority? Hold out for 1 more and hera ultimate, Anubis or Shiva?
Still not sold on the Ra Ultimate with Angelits too...
Congrats on your first Hera. Now join us in gravity skill up hell.Cleared my first Descended today!
I am unreasonably proud of this moment, even though Double GrOdin isn't necessarily all that difficult to run Hera with. After the risks of the first round, armor break+Gungnirx2+Ripper Nuke basically guarantees you'll be down to only one enemy that you can then use to recharge on. Still, I want to think all my GAF PAD pals that have got me here and I'm super excited to keep this going. I should get enough Stam today to do one more run of her and if I can clear it I can level for one more.
Also, this inexplicably happened when I ran Ruby Dragons
I need to buy a lottery ticket because the odds of seeing, let alone getting dropped, two Tamas is crazy. This is the first time they've actually dropped in a dungeon for me.
I would go with Yomi since I've been hearing nothing but praise about using her in teamsDidn't quite zero stone Twinlits but did much better than I have. I got the first floor down to 2 mythlits but I should have got it down to 1 faster than I did. 2nd floor was easy with Lilith. 3rd floor I didn't match well enough to get the dubs removed and then I matched too well and got the tama killed too fast. Last floor again didn't go quite as well as it should because I didn't get the board set up nor did I match very well. End result - devilit. I guess that is ok - I have enough to do DQ Hera and now I just need 1 more to do DD Anubis.
Let's just say I manage 2 angelits today. Of the following, which should I use them on?
1 - Yomi
2 - Isis
3 - Lakshmi
4 - Parvati
5 - something else (I have Stratios and F/L Horus already)
I believe the buff for Pandora is coming in the update on Thursday.
*Notice from the Puzzle & Dragons Team*
The maintenance previously scheduled for 3/6 (Thurs) 12:00 AM - 6:00 AM (PST) has been postponed.
We will keep everyone informed as soon as we have an updated time for this maintenance.
Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The update has been delayed....
The update has been delayed....
Such a buzz kill!
Congrats on your first Hera. Now join us in gravity skill up hell.
Also dat luck.
Does that update include the Hanzo ultimate?
F/D Shiva. He gets a very useful Dark sub element and Devil sub type. And his active gets buffed to include a built-in Phoenix/Horus Fire enhance. His awakenings are amazing and he also makes a great Fire lead when needed.twinlits sucks so much.
I got a devilit, of course I still need at least 1 more to do anything, but I have 1.
If I run it again, and if I get another Devilit, what should be priority? Hold out for 1 more and hera ultimate, Anubis or Shiva?
Still not sold on the Ra Ultimate with Angelits too...