Received.Sent you an invite. I'm Static@GAF.
Ok, I'm going in now...
Received.Sent you an invite. I'm Static@GAF.
Speaking at a press conference earlier today that focused on the companys recent financial earnings, Mr. Morishita stated that details on the new game additions, will be announced this month, and that users could look forward to, an experience a bit different from what Puzzle & Dragons has been up till now.
8 more Hera fed today with no skill up. Go f yourself Gungho.
I did not know it was Japanese only, I guess I need a Japanese account to play on ios right.
Gungho teasing another big announcement this month. They better not be screwing with us again with these, "game changing mechanics" that aren't really changes.
What teams are good for Rust Mechdragon legend? Double resists? What team members?
idk, do any of you get tired of me evangelicizing other dragonesques? (ps play dragon poker)
I think I'm the only one on GAF runs Ame, LTron and Okuni as leaders
8 more Hera fed today with no skill up. Go f yourself Gungho.
Caspel, any chance of implementing some sort new tabs for monsters and materials or another app you know sorta like guide but something that syncs directly. I think that would be a hit for like a dollar.
We are always open to community feedback.
We are always open to community feedback.
Haha, that's awesome. Please be physical or healer type for laughs. Dat smirk!
Well, okay. Can we have midweek bonus rates on special dungeons? 1.5x drop rate twice a week, like Japan. Also, any chance you can extend the hours for daily dungeon bonus rates? I hate waiting for the rates to kick in every morning. Or just throw another rotation in there to make them available 24 hours a day.
Did he jack that water sword from Tidus?
Busty gets feet, yes!
rofl at some of those busty mats
old, its dated February
I'm pretty sure this news was about the live stream from last month.
Looks like they did go ahead and do the Voltron Mech Dragon. I knew I should have kept multiples of each. Oh well, the dark will probably be good enough. I do like this trend of combining all the useless farmed mobs into something usable (hopefully the stats are good).
Interested to see what they do to Lilith. I'm guessing Kirin is just going to get the second light attack and stat adjust with her mat requirements. Not sure they could have made her any stronger.
Well they gave Kirin a total of seven awakenings. That's pretty good.
Twinlit Lilith gives 3x to attackers.
New Luci now also gives some unspecified attack multiplier, which I suspect is just to make Lucistall not completely unbearable.
idk, do any of you get tired of me evangelicizing other dragonesques? (ps play dragon poker)
Ok so I figured I really need satan for my dtron team. With him i can combo to death and not care about hearts, also he has 3 awesome row enhancements. Since I have a shit cold and can't do hit I probably update my pad herder. Btw anyone figured out how to sync it through packet sniffing?
This is the best thing:
Took something like 50 gold kings (I lost count), but it's done. Now I can finally go back to leveling up my light teams properly.
DAmmmmnnn so jealous of this. I don't have the patience to do it. I haven't seen 50 gold kings in the last year. Let alone using them to level up and farm all the shynee's. That is truly impressive.
I thought I had a big moment when Venus hit 99 this morning and finally maxed my entire Valk team. I'm holding out hope that they one day make the skillup available in a Survey Dungeon.
My biggest desire right now is for them to bring back Eco Collab. I need to max Venus and Yomi Change the world.
I am unsure if this counts as bragging or is just depressing.
that username is beyond epic.
Healer Unicorn! New Kirin is least impressive of the new art? Boo. Not sure how useful Physical type will be for her. Hmm, Apollo/Bubblie/Blue Odin/uhh...Parvati? Hercules? Droid? Big news is those awakenings. Wow.
Light Tron becomes greater than 50% for 3.5x. Still pretty bad. Glad she got another skill boost at least.
Lilith looks nice. Better for gimmick Dark Tron.
Cosmo, show me a max skill Dumpty and I'll be impressed. Boss drop for ECO doesn't even need to be evolved. I'd like that dungeon back to finish my second Yomi and Venus.
They made sure to give her the most useless subtype she could get and make the stats less OP. Having her get more attack and RCV would just be bonkers.
Luci losing his light sub to water feels really weird :|
Hope he gets an additional multiplier to his leader skill.
His evo materials tho! Feels really weird!
Hoping for a single ultimate evo for him =_=
No way. Useless subtype would be attacker or devil. Physical is fine because it matches Apollo. Also will work great with a future Athena update. Can't imagine her as anything but physical with those stats.
Everything feels like a minor step up, can't really feel excited about any of the new ult evos.
So... I want that Lucifer Ult. And Siren and Lilith.
When will it hit the US version?
Lucifer with no light ATT is awesome.
Does one of the Lilith lose Healer type after busty then become Attacker with Devil sub type?
From puzzleanddragonsforum :
Leader skill change: Multiplier doesn't change, but active range changes to over 50% health, rather than over 80%!!!
Recover Bind Awoken skill changes to a second Skill Boost!
HP: +100
ATK: +50
RCV: No change
Leader skill: Strengthened auto-heal, I guess. Not sure how much.
HP: +700
ATK: +400
RCV: No change
Leader skill: Small ATK boost for Dark to go along with 2x HP & RCV, I believe.
HP: No change
ATK: +100
RCV: No change
Twinlit Lilith
Leader Skill: 3x ATK for Attackers
Awoken Skill 2: Enhanced Heal changes to Enhanced Dark Att. (row boost)
HP: +150
ATK: +370
RCV: -30
Non-Twinlit Lilith
Leader Skill: Extended orb movement time. (Same as Yomi, I guess?)
HP: +800
ATK: +100
RCV: +50
Both Lilith actives along with Ghostring and Musical Note Reaper buffed to 1.5 x ATK, I guess.