Cosmo Clock 21
One whole week of Lightless Devil's Nest oh boy!
Thanks for the links. I've definitely asked myself a few of those questions, like "What am I even supposed to be doing?" and "I'm still broke" lol. Hmm, I'll look into getting some dub-lits next Friday. I think I'm almost at Castle of Satan and I failed a dungeon recently due to stupidity (not watching HP), so I need to start working towards getting some better subs and actual strategizing.SomethingAwful been working on their new player guide as another resource for new players. The reroll section also spends a paragraph or two going over each monster, which is good.
SomethingAwful been working on their new player guide as another resource for new players. The reroll section also spends a paragraph or two going over each monster, which is good.
SomethingAwful been working on their new player guide as another resource for new players. The reroll section also spends a paragraph or two going over each monster, which is good.
Welp, 2 more stamina bars (1 through levels) and still no mermaid. Guess that's it for this weekend of OOH. Guess I'll have to give Oceanus Falls a go when it goes 2x. Siren hunting is PAD at its worst.
I forgot to say, finally hit rank 100 this weekend! Yay. Was really fun to see that one turn over.
Not a big fan of that tier list at all.
Isis Number 1 overall?
Haku and Kush way too low.
Greek 2 and Norse not reroll tier?
PADGuide says Dragon Guardian is up but it isn't yet, right?
The original event announcement said Lightless Devils' Nest and Dragon Guardian would split up the event so it should only appear in the 2nd half of the event.
New Evo (gold egg?) material only dungeon:
35 stamina/5 floors.
That is fantas....
JP only
That is fantas....
JP only
Will this include Twinlits and Dragon fruit? If not, no intereset.
Did anyone else not get the third 1000 pal points message from Gungho? I logged in two or three times yesterday, and definately restarted my app after 2pm PST but nothing.
Not a big deal, but just wondering.
I have tried arguing against Greek 2 and Norse on multiple occasions but their rhetoric is that their list is geared towards beginners without regards for endgame. Which is why Kirin and Umiyama are lumped together with Ra and Ooku despite being significantly easier to activate.Not a big fan of that tier list at all.
Isis Number 1 overall?
Haku and Kush way too low.
Greek 2 and Norse not reroll tier?
Hopefully we'll get a guaranteed plus egg Dogfest again sometime. I guess that could be the only way I'll ever IAP again.
Not a big fan of that tier list at all.
Isis Number 1 overall?
Haku and Kush way too low.
Greek 2 and Norse not reroll tier?
Welp, 2 more stamina bars (1 through levels) and still no mermaid. Guess that's it for this weekend of OOH. Guess I'll have to give Oceanus Falls a go when it goes 2x. Siren hunting is PAD at its worst.
I forgot to say, finally hit rank 100 this weekend! Yay. Was really fun to see that one turn over.
Hopefully we'll get a guaranteed plus egg Dogfest again sometime. I guess that could be the only way I'll ever IAP again.
Never thought I'd see the day when I'd call a five-stone dungeon straightforward, but here I am sitting with a busty Sakuya. Only spent two stones on Gold Keeper himself, one of which was avoidable. Two more stones were spent cause the light and dark keepers had a way stronger pre-emptive than I anticipated (something around 16k), and I spent another stone somewhere in there due to being bad at orb matching.
Never thought I'd see the day when I'd call a five-stone dungeon straightforward, but here I am sitting with a busty Sakuya. Only spent two stones on Gold Keeper himself, one of which was avoidable. Two more stones were spent cause the light and dark keepers had a way stronger pre-emptive than I anticipated (something around 16k), and I spent another stone somewhere in there due to being bad at orb matching.
He did, in a first (failed) attempt. Smoked him with Kirin/DD Ra in one shot.Good thing Rainbow Keeper didn't invade your run.
New Evo (gold egg?) material only dungeon:
35 stamina/5 floors.
Finally Max skilled my first Susano, only took 50 or so Leeks.
still have 10 more to go, and two more Susano. Way more frustrating to max skill him than any other monster so far, Of course I have not completed max skilling any ultra gravity monster yet... So now I might actually evo him and busty evo him. Not that I have a team that uses a defensive green monster but Hey I'll be ready
(mostly run Haku, Luci, Valk, and Izanagi for Challenge dungeons)
Seriously, Izanagi is awesome for challenge dungeons. His usefulness is entirely his spike 7x damage for gods, but with the options you get make that spike insane...
Siren Hunting or Echidna Skill Maxing?
Both of those are pretty obnoxious stamina and time sinks.
Echidna Skillup has the disadvantage of being a limited time dungeon, but you at least get to see one drop pretty often. It gives you a sense of progress. You do have the horrible feeling when all that goes to waste later and you fuse, though.
Siren hunting is just run after run of nothing. There's absolutely zero sense of progress at all. On the other hand, at least you have reliable +Drop rate opportunities for her and you have the advantages of getting +eggs as you farm and a good amount of XP.
Both suck, but I have to say Siren hunting feels more hopeless. Hera skill-ups is probably PAD at it's absolute worst, though. Long, high stam cost dungeon, low skill-up chance, limited availability and ton of levels to get.
Why do you want Siren anyway ?
Personalky I think she sucks, I'd rather take a toy dragon. Granted shes easy to skill up but her stats suck.
See that dark mask chillin' there? Don't forget that all the masks that look like that, as well as the colored dubs, are all 5-star gold eggs, so what we're getting is more like the Expert-level dungeons without the first floor.New Evo (gold egg?) material only dungeon:
35 stamina/5 floors.
Why do you want Siren anyway ?
Personalky I think she sucks, I'd rather take a toy dragon. Granted shes easy to skill up but her stats suck.
That's the main reason she's valuable. Excluding Drawn Joker, she's much easier to get for new players vs hoping to get trolled with a Toy Dragon from the REM.
Also her new Ultimate has better stats than Megalodran excluding HP.
Also her new Ultimate has better stats than Megalodran excluding HP.
Might make her worth using again, but still think I will favour Angelion . (who is fairly easy to skill up with Big Shynee)
You can always have a Bastet team with Yomi in it. Type and color wouldn't matter, then.Angelion is probably my most wanted non-god right now. So sad there's no way to get one except pulling the REM and praying. Maybe I'll get lucky the next time a godfest rolls around.
Ok, so looking at my box, I'm really tempted to find a team I can use both Yomi and Bastet on. They seem like they would work really well together, yet I don't really find any teams. The big problem is the typing, of course, as Yomi doesn't fit into the universally used healer team like Venus does. Any ideas?
Ok, so looking at my box, I'm really tempted to find a team I can use both Yomi and Bastet on. They seem like they would work really well together, yet I don't really find any teams. The big problem is the typing, of course, as Yomi doesn't fit into the universally used healer team like Venus does. Any ideas?