Here Ra comes to save the daaaayyyyyy!!!!!!
(Hope that reference doesn't go over everyone's head.)
Hey guys, I started playing this, because, hey, why not, right? Something to do i the toilet, etc.
So I read the OP (well, kinda, I mean, I don't understand most of what it says) and I've heard the stories about how your first pull is the most important, etc. First time trying now, and I rolled this:
So, should I just keep re-rolling until I get one of the specific ones mentioned in the OP? and no, I'm not ignoring the title of this thread![]()
, but with what I assume are thousands of monsters in this game I wonder realistic it is to hope for one of those, and how long would it take me to get one specifically.
I'm sure all of you are tired of hearing this stuff from newbs like me, but I'd kindly appreciate any response. Thanks =)
Inky, trust the op. Trust the title. Reroll. Personally, I rerolled every couple of days or weeks and when I fell upon a Kirin decided to continue playing. I wasn't so desperate to play to keep doing it over and over all at once, instead every night or every couple of nights or so I would download it and play before going to bed. Do whatever you want but honestly really truly the op isn't kidding when they say reroll unless you get one of those mentioned.
To be fair, the rerolling portion of the OP isn't going to be helpful for a beginner since it only lists pictures of monsters. You wouldn't know what the names of the monsters are so you can't look them up.
Inky, the P&D subforum has great guides.
From there read these 2 threads and our OP for everything else
[Beginner] Starting Rolls
[Beginner] Monsters a beginner should farm for
Are the new ultimates of Cu and Siegfried better than the old ones? I have both in their old ult form maxed out and typically use them as parts of teams as opposed to leaders. Just want to make sure before spending the mats on them.
It makes them better at farming, but not really more viable for tougher dungeons than they already are. If you were already maining one or the other and have the team to support them, it might be worth it. It mostly hurts them as subs, since they both lose stats compared to the old ultimates.
Wow! Did you do that purely through evolved drops or did you also evo the non-evolved drops? I've been farming EVA strictly stone-free. Only been feeding evolved drops since I haven't gotten any Plants/Flowers until today. Only got 3 skill-ups for Luci and none for Isis or Odin. But that's fine since Luci is the only one I really want to skill-up. At this rate, I'm going to need to stone if I want to max out Luci. But I'm trying to hold out and manage my stamina as much as possible. I only need 9000 exp for my next rank-up. I could run KoG to clear it, but I'm waiting for 50 stam to run EVA and maximize the rank-up refill.Two and a half max skill Green Odins later, I get my first max skill Isis. Last skill up took 15 feeds. Isis, why are you so dumb? Time to move on to #2 while I wait for DA Lucifer to get his final four.
Planning to run Trifruits to hopefully finish Blue and Red Sonias, so let's see some Shiva out there tomorrow.
As for the new Siegfried/Cu Chu ultimates, if you already have 2 you might as well have both flavors for added flexibility. It's situational whether one or the other works better as a leader. But as subs, the different sub colors adds flexibility depending on what teams you use them in. Like W/L Sieg works better on Sakuya teams, since his Light element takes better advantage of Sakuya teams' heavy Light bias. And the team usually already has Echidna to cover Fire.
Thank you for this.
It's not only the no names why I was asking, it is because I don't think it makes it clear what are the paramaters it is using for that decision, other than he obviously knows better than meI understand the monsters have types, elements, basic stats, skills, etc. and that they work on a star system, that is why I thought I should ask with a 5 star Dragon type roll, instead of a 3 star, etc. But the nuances of all those things coming together to make a good starter monster are harder to grasp for someone new. I get the list seemed to be pretty specific, but I still thought I should ask, so sorry for breaking the one rule in the title. I trusted the OP, just no myself understanding why.
I also should say that, yes, I was kind of skipping the "do your homework" portion of coming to a new game that seems to have some depth to it, so I was taking the easy way out asking and not reading any guides or anything.
I've spent like three weeks trying to get a single Dub-Amelit and have gotten nothing but Dubmyths
Wow! Did you do that purely through evolved drops or did you also evo the non-evolved drops?
Basically, your starting roll will usually decide which leader monster you will have for the vast majority of the game. Leader monsters have abilities that affect your entires team, and when paired with another leader monster, synergize to become even stronger. In the past, there was two ways to beat content in the game, sheer attrition and kill of be killed. You would either run leaders like Archangel Lucifer, who gives your entire team 2x HP and 2x recovery, or leaders like Horus, Ra, Kirin, etc, who have no survivability but have huge spike damage potential(4,5,7x multipliers). Without these leaders, you will find that you will hit a wall in terms of dungeon difficulty around castle of satan, and it will be really hard for you to progress. At that point if you want a good leader monster you will have to spend $$$. Nowadays, spike teams have become more dominant, but you can still do well with a good tank team for the first 90% of the game.
I see, this is super useful and checking the wiki it makes a lot more sense. Thanks a lot.
What's your Shiva Trifruit team? More reliable than Satan?Evolved only. Don't want to bother evolving everything and I want to get Lucifer done before 2x ends so I can switch to Green Pirate this weekend. It helps that Fourth Angel has dropped about 70% of the time on floor 3.
Ronia went 2/2 to max skill. Blonia still refusing to get that final level. Only two baby Tamadra so far. Love running Shiva on Trifruits, it was such a pain before his new ultimate.
What's your Shiva Trifruit team? More reliable than Satan?
Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. The power creep is just out of control now, and it really feels like +297 is the required baseline these days.I don't know how i feel about this game anymore. still play it everyday, but not like i used to.
i dont know if you guys remember how my ex gf constatly fucked my dungeons runs a couple of months ago. today ive seen the light, the chick im going out with as friends (sucks tho but when she comes im def asking her out more like dating. (she currently is in nyc on vaction but we msg each other online) well the thing is, i said fuck it gonna iap to get shinji and kaworu and misato. 85 stones. rolled, 15 times HOLY CRAP ALL SILVER EGGS, i was pretty mad and well sad, then she messaged me, i said fuck one last roll, I GOT THE FUCKING GOLD EGG and it was shinji and kaworu (the one i wanted the most)
Nice. Forgot about Rodin. I have him max level/awoken. Gigas and Horus are active on turn 1 due to all the skill boosts. Yeah I can see that team being super reliable for Trifruits. I'm only gonna run it once to test the team out, but use stam mostly for regular Thurs dungeon and EVA. It sucks not having Gronia and Blonia to soak up extra Green and Blue Trifruits.Shiva/Gigas/Homura/Freyr/Red Odin/Shiva. Shiva and Red Odin max awoken, orb changers max skill.
Haven't failed with it yet, way better than Satan since I always have red orbs available and have color advantage. Only danger is a full set of sky dropped red when I am stalling on Tamadra, and even that has to happen two or three times.
Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. The power creep is just out of control now, and it really feels like +297 is the required baseline these days.
I'm guessing you meant a team for Hera-Ur. If so, I would take your second team. I find a heart maker very valuable. If you meant Hera-Is, the second team is still better for the same reason. Watch out for floor 5, though. If the Chaos Blizzard Dragon shows up, he can one shot you with that team. This advice is assuming you are doing these dungeons on Legend difficulty.What team is better for Hera-Is?
1.D'spinas,RK,RK,RK,Awoken Hera,Luci.
2.WDDMinerva,RK,RK,Siren,Awoken Hera,Luci
Only danger is a full set of sky dropped red when I am stalling on Tamadra, and even that has to happen two or three times.
You pulled all the Sonias?Jinxed myself here. Had this exact scenario happen with three full sets dropping one after another. First failure out of 40+ runs.
Getting a good baby Tamadra rate now, but no blue fruits. I don't need green or red anymore!
Yeah, but also you need the critical piece that's max skill Hanzo. Without him, it's hard to have the orbs you need all the time.I guess a D.Tron team is not viable unless the components are really skilled up? I need those Tamadra so badly, lol. But nothing in my team has any Awakening bonuses other than D.Tron who is maxed out.
You pulled all the Sonias?
Nice! Of all those, I only have 3 Ronias. I've wanted D.Tron for the longest time, but I actually wanted Blonia more than her, now. I'd only pull if they ever do a 3x special God Godfest, though.Yup. Red Sonia came on an accidental pull last Godfest. Green Sonia happened in the same set as Blue Sonia. Along with Dark Tron, I'm done pulling for a long while, thankfully.
I just sent some requests to gaffers who use awoken Odin (Full awakenings) but if anyone else has him I'm in dire need for him tomorrow so I can finally kick Hera's ass ;P
someday maybe if i get the tamas lol, im working on max skilling it right now. 1/6
fa luci is like 0/9 or something.
ive gotten 2 invades and i ve gotten heart cascades overhealing me : i think i could do run a 9x yomi team and still beat the dungeon. 6 turns to kill the boss is super easy.
Hey guys, I started playing this, because, hey, why not, right? Something to do i the toilet, etc.
So I read the OP (well, kinda, I mean, I don't understand most of what it says) and I've heard the stories about how your first pull is the most important, etc. First time trying now, and I rolled this:
So, should I just keep re-rolling until I get one of the specific ones mentioned in the OP? and no, I'm not ignoring the title of this thread![]()
, but with what I assume are thousands of monsters in this game I wonder realistic it is to hope for one of those, and how long would it take me to get one specifically.
I'm sure all of you are tired of hearing this stuff from newbs like me, but I'd kindly appreciate any response. Thanks =)