I kept notes when doing a "リセマラ" (reset marathon) on Pictlogica, and it's about 7% on average. I got 30 named characters in 444 pulls. They occasionally double (supposedly!) the rate for special events. But there's only about 30 premium characters total, so it's hard to compare it with PAD directly. Some people on twitter seem to have insane luck with like 20-30% drop rates instead of the 7% I get. If you buy gems, it costs about $3 a pull for the lower IAP options. Pricey.How are REM rates in other dragonesques? Monster Strike's was total shit in terms of getting top tier mons, and after attempting to roll for a Peridot in this weekend's Extra Gacha in Dragon Poker I am now completely terrified of the REM in that game. Very few games seem to have an equivalent to PAD's godfests.
What's also frustrating is they've added some characters that are just plain weaker than ones that have come out before, so there's a higher chance for bad pulls as they keep releasing new characters. Even then, the premium characters are still pretty good, but it's annoying knowing it's not the character with slightly better stats.
Even with PAD's REM trolling, it seems much better than other games in the genre from what I can tell.