A long time back I could only beat Ancient Fire Dragon on master and it took a while. Now I crushed legend using a dual Bastet team with Echidna, Siegfried, Abyss Neptune, and BOdin. He never got a chance to attack.
Yeah, I just discovered this when I ran the dungeon once to test my new Tues GK team. Only got 3 eggs including the boss.Fair warning, don't run Gold Keeper without 2x. Nothing drops except maybe the Gold at the end. I died on him and didn't even care because it was such a waste of time and stamina.
No duplicate monsters for the sandalfon dungeon.
Maybe not such a big deal.
Wish more dungeons were like this. Makes it more interesting than stacking Haku/Ronia/Whatever + one of them as a sub like I see on a lot of team comps.
This is basically just challenge mode, lolIt would be interesting if there was a dungeon which was the reverse. Only one monster, all dupes.
Wish more dungeons were like this. Makes it more interesting than stacking Haku/Ronia/Whatever + one of them as a sub like I see on a lot of team comps.
This is basically just challenge mode, lol
Well you would have to come up with the monsters yourself. It encourages people to keep dupes and level them up, and not be too pissed off when they pull dupes.
Well you would have to come up with the monsters yourself. It encourages people to keep dupes and level them up, and not be too pissed off when they pull dupes.
My annotations where relevant. Awesome event!Puzzle & Dragons (North America) - GungHo
*30 Million Worldwide/3 Million North America Downloads Event*
[Duration]: 3/28 (Fri), midnight - 4/10 (Thurs), 11:59 PM (PDT)
It's a momentous occasion for all of us! Thanks to your love and loyalty, Puzzle & Dragons has reached an incredible 3 million downloads. This event is to commemorate both our gratitude to you and renew our excitement for what's to come! As of this event, we've planned quite a bit--we had to split it into two parts! Stay tuned--there's loads more great things coming soon!
■① Daily Log-in Bonuses
3/28 - 4/3 - 1 Magic Stone
※Bonuses will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PST) the following day.
■② New Pal Egg Monsters Added
Some new pals have just arrived at the Pal Egg Machine! The list of added monsters includes:
- Light Sprite Pixie
- Midnight Beast Werewolf
- Beast of the Labyrinth, Minotaur
- Cockatrice
- Centaur
- Cyclops
- Wicked Lady
And last, but not least, the Baby TAMADRA!
■③ Gift from Heaven
We love the gift dungeons, don't you? It's like you go there just to get free monsters! I wonder what's in there this time? Whatever it is, you can only run this dungeon once, so don't forget about it!
■④ Awesome New Collabs
Are you ready for things to get meta? GungHo is collaborating... with itself! Both the GungHo and the Ragnarok Odyssey ACE Collab will be appearing, presenting exciting opportunities for special dungeons and rare monsters!
■⑤ Special Event Dungeon Schedule:
3/28 - Tengu!!!
3/29 - ???????????
3/30 - Izanami Descends!
3/31 - Zeus Descended!
3/31 - 4/6 - GungHo Collaboration
4/1 - RO ACE Collab
4/2 - Hera Descended
4/3 - Hera-Is Descended!
■⑥ Awesome Daily Bonuses
Pal Egg Event:
3/28 - 4/3 - Jewel/Metal King Dragons
1.5x chance for 'GREAT!' or 'SUPER!!' EXP Gain
2x Skill Up rate
2x King appearance rates for the Metal and Jewel Dragons
2x Drops for the Daily Special Dungeons
1.5x Coins for the Weekend Dungeon
■⑧ Part Two!
The 3 Million Downloads Event is split into two portions, so keep checking in every day to see what else we have to announce!
Godfest info is on the way!
*Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here http://tinyurl.com/cj7zu4t
CASPEL <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 TAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS 2x skill up 2 x everything FUCK YEAH
edit: eu is getting tamas, i hope the us gets tamas toocaspel pls!!!!
Anybody know of any teams to clear challenge mode Legendary Earth? That's the last normal challenge dungeon I need to clear.
We are getting free stones for the first half of the event, there's a good chance that we will get Tamadras for the second half.
Thanks. I don't have a max skill Shiva or Grodin so I guess it'll have to wait unless I figure another team.Off the top of my head, I remember seeing one that was something like Shiva/Tengu/Blue Odin/Blue Odin/Blue Odin/Echidna? Think that needs a max skill Shiva and some luck on the first stage. All with max skill, but Green Odin/Green Odin/Green Odin/Tengu/Mk.III Golem/Echidna maybe?
Nice. 2x skill-up again before EVA ends. And LOL at the exclamation for baby TAMA in the PEM like people would rather have that than a full TAMA. Nice about adding 1.5x rate for Greats and Supers too.
Thanks. I don't have a max skill Shiva or Grodin so I guess it'll have to wait unless I figure another team.
Thanks. I don't have a max skill Shiva or Grodin so I guess it'll have to wait unless I figure another team.
Last update:
My game was restored this morning.
20 e-mails over three weeks.
I am very appreciative that the company was able to restore my game, but I think the hoops I had to jump through were insane.
I cannot confirm or deny =D
Re: Gift from Heaven.
I already have a Leviathan and Divinegon so I'm wondering which would be more useful, ultimate Ifrit (dragon/devil) for my Ronia team or ultimate Tiamat (dragon/attacker) for DTron.
I would vote for Dark Metatron since good attacker subs are harder to get. But thanks for pointing this out. Guess I'll go ahead and get the whole set so I can ultimate evolve them for this purpose (only one I'm missing is Fafnir).
Would a Divinegon or Tiamat be more worthwhile on a Kirin team? Or maybe neither, hah?
Yeah I can't see either of them being useful for a Kirin team. Tiamat is dark, so you wouldn't want to run him on a Kirin team at all, and since you're trying to make matches with Kirin and won't be making many light orb row matches, I can't see Divinegon being useful except for his 1.3x light attack active, and that's not really worth the spot over other subs.
Okay, this is the single most impressive PAD run I've ever seen! Yes, even better than Anubis/Anubis Athena clear. So many times I thought s/he would be dead if I didn't already know it was a successful run. And it even ends by barely killing Zaerog on the last possible turn. I'm sure there were many failures leading up to this successful run, but that doesn't diminish the skill displayed in this run.I have seen it work with a max skill Susano and skill level 2 Shiva. 10 skill boosts, take 1 hit, 3 Echidna turns, take 1 hit, 5 Susano turns, take 1 hit. That's 21 turns.
Otherwise, be a combo god like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=CAe_ZEgxklg#t=289
I highlighted the boss fight because of how he basically did change the world on the fly.
Okay, this is the single most impressive PAD run I've ever seen! Yes, even better than Anubis/Anubis Athena clear. So many times I thought s/he would be dead if I didn't already know it was a successful run. And it even ends by barely killing Zaerog on the last possible turn. I'm sure there were many failures leading up to this successful run, but that doesn't diminish the skill displayed in this run.
Nice! Was surprised to get 5 stones for 450 days. I just might be able to max-skill my FA Luci afterall. Funny, someone else mentioned they max-skilled 2 Grodins before Isis. My Isis is max-skilled and my first Grodin still hasn't gotten a single skill-up from any of the EVA feedings. Still a long way to go with Luci though. Need 10 more skill-ups. But I've been saving the non-evolved Sixth Angels as backups in case I don't finish him off before the event ends.
Also, for some reason, it's like Grodin is camouflaged to me. Whenever I look for him, whether it be to feed him or add him to a team, it takes me a while to find him in my box. He just doesn't stick out to me at all, even when I know his general location within my box.
Oh, forgot to say I'm glad they're adding more skill-up mobs to the Pal machine.
Sandalphon stats/info out:
HP 2645
Att 1207
RCV 615
God/Healer type
Active Skill: 2x ATK for healer types for 2 turns and damage reduction (doesn't specify the amount). 25 Turns, Max CD 15 turns.
Leader skill: 1.5x HP and 2.5x ATK for healer types
Given how Spike is all the rage, I doubt we'll see him replace Valk much as a leader. As a sub, though, I already think he'd go really well on a healer spike team like Bastet-Healer teams. Damage reduction is always nice, especially given healers notoriously low HP, and having another spike multiplier is never unwanted.
He might actually see play as a leader. Sure you lose out on .5x multiplier, but his active means you don't really need to have a king shynee anymore and you can instead have someone with better stats if the dungeon doesnt need any ridiculous burst in one turn. You are looking at 2.5*3*2 = 15x for 2 turns vs 27x for 1 turn, with more hp and better subs.
Nice! Was surprised to get 5 stones for 450 days. I just might be able to max-skill my FA Luci afterall. Funny, someone else mentioned they max-skilled 2 Grodins before Isis. My Isis is max-skilled and my first Grodin still hasn't gotten a single skill-up from any of the EVA feedings. Still a long way to go with Luci though. Need 10 more skill-ups. But I've been saving the non-evolved Sixth Angels as backups in case I don't finish him off before the event ends.
Also, for some reason, it's like Grodin is camouflaged to me. Whenever I look for him, whether it be to feed him or add him to a team, it takes me a while to find him in my box. He just doesn't stick out to me at all, even when I know his general location within my box.
Oh, forgot to say I'm glad they're adding more skill-up mobs to the Pal machine.
My Isis is max-skilled and my first Grodin still hasn't gotten a single skill-up from any of the EVA feedings.
Also, for some reason, it's like Grodin is camouflaged to me. Whenever I look for him, whether it be to feed him or add him to a team, it takes me a while to find him in my box. He just doesn't stick out to me at all, even when I know his general location within my box.