All the new chinese gods and their skills
Reilan's ultimate was announced! She has 2
Cao Cao
Active: Delay enemies by 1 turn + change water orbs to fire
LS: Increase attacker type ATK by 3x and HP by a little
Sun Quan
Active: Delay enemies by 2 turns + increase healer type by 2x for 2 turns
LS: When above 50% HP, increase healer type ATK by 3x and RCV by 1.5x
Liu Bei
Active: Change dark and healer orbs to wood and recover 3,000 HP
LS: When above 50% HP, increase attacker type ATK by 3x and RCV by 1.5x
Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
Active: Change dark to light orbs and fire to heal orbs.
LS: 4x ATK when matching 4 colors or 3 colors + heal orb
Lu Bu
Active: 2.5x devil ATK for 1 turn + deal 10x damage to all enemies while setting HP to 1
LS: Increase devil type ATK by 3x and HP by a little
Guan Yu (5* special god)
Active: Change entire board to heal and wood orbs + heal 3,000 HP
LS: When above 50% HP, increase physical type ATK by 3.5x and RCV by 1.5x
Guan Yu (6* special god)
Active: Change entire board to heal and fire orbs + heal 3,000 HP
LS: When above 50% HP, increase dragon type ATK by 3.5x and RCV by 1.5x
Don't think you can stack Sun Quan and Sandalphon. Sandalphon got tossed before he even came out.
Qaio sisters eat Horus and Isis. Have a great active as well. New power Healer team.
Horus is still better due to ult evo. But it definitely makes isis less useful.
Horus is still better due to ult evo. But it definitely makes isis less useful.
Which dungeon is the best to run during this, Goddess in Paradise?
They would never make a condition so lenient, and the l.skill specifically says "attack with".Do the Qiao sisters have to attack with 3 or 4 colors or just match them? If they just match them they are better than Horus because you can make a 16x mono light team with a healer boost.
Goddess in Paradise only has Chimeras and Pengdras with a smaller chance of dropping plus eggs. Any of the other dungeons leading up to GiP have better success for me and you have the chance of fully evolved Pengdras.
Talos's Abyss or Aether Desert?
Can someone put up a flame chaser for me? Gonna go for S rank and get me a tama
Breakers S rank with two maxed Valks and four 1 star masks. Don't recommend Shynee for this one since he will bring down your score and he isn't needed anyway, bosses are done with a 5 light combo and 2-3 more light combos.
Shouldve made Lu Bu godfest only. Wouldve made more sense. Anyways can anyone translate those skills?
Quick Question
about how much does one Row enhancement awakening add?
I've got three dark row enhancements on my dark team currently, Four on my Haku team, and could potentially get seven dark row enhancements on my devil team (gotta work on awakening satan).
Row enhancement adds 10% per. Rule of thumb is that you need at least five row awakenings to be "worth it", because 2x3 orbs adds 125% damage while 1x6 only adds 75%.
Ok good timing with the row enhance question floating around. I've been working on this team on the side for twins. How can I improve it? Trying to see if this could work for KoG but would need the right friend leaders.
Right now I'm sitting at 60% row enhance once fully awoken and 3 skill cooldowns. Id like to get a light enhancement in there some how and two more skill cooldowns. Need that lemon dragon.
I haven't been paying attention to this week's special dungeons. I wouldn't have known Breakers has a score rank if it weren't for you guys. Did Take also have a score rank?
And yeah, Qiao sisters might be better than Horus due to even easier activation and Healer sub-type. Also, nobody mentioned that with these sisters, L.Tron continues to hold that L.
Ok good timing with the row enhance question floating around. I've been working on this team on the side for twins. How can I improve it? Trying to see if this could work for KoG but would need the right friend leaders.
Right now I'm sitting at 60% row enhance once fully awoken and 3 skill cooldowns. Id like to get a light enhancement in there some how and two more skill cooldowns. Need that lemon dragon.
I would say replace verche with valk, venus with a unicorn. If you team up with Wukong, you'll need a valk to make best use of his and Ralph's active. Also, i dont know if this team can do Kog, unless you bring a unicorn. Zeus has a lot of health to burst through.
I haven't been paying attention to this week's special dungeons. I wouldn't have known Breakers has a score rank if it weren't for you guys. Did Take also have a score rank?
And yeah, Qiao sisters might be better than Horus due to even easier activation and Healer sub-type. Also, nobody mentioned that with these sisters, L.Tron continues to hold that L.
S-ranked breakers quite easily with Haku lead and 1 star trash subs on both my main and alt. Didn't really need high levels either, just need to be able to stall on the first four rounds till Haku is up for safety.
And they said the Qiao sisters would be good subs for LTron, definitely did not realize the irony of that statement there.
Ltron's Busty should have had her show the 'L' that's tattooed to her chest.
How were the new god sisters supposed to help her out anyway?
Regarding the score system, since Breakers has a score mode, do all the Survey dungeons have it, too? I can't remember on the JP side. I think not. Just wondering what the easiest dungeons there are for getting S ranks.
I like the sisters' time extension and skill boost awakenings. But the 2 row enhances seem kind of useless for a leader skill that needs to match 4 different types of orbs. I guess they would be more useful if used in a sub slot instead, which is why it was said they'd make a good L.Tron/Valk sub. Qiao + Valk turns Dark, Fire, and Hearts into Light orbs.
Sun Quan: Meh typing (blue healer)
I think I'm kind of burnt out on this game, guys. =(
Why the sad face? It happens. Like Lightning said, maybe you need a break or slow your pace. But if you just don't regain interest in the game, no big deal. We don't all play just one game. It was fun while it lasted. On to the next one!I think I'm kind of burnt out on this game, guys. =(
You are set Bastet is end game p&z worth getting into new atm? Played a while back for a bit until my file got randomly corrupted :S
seems a bit different now.
edit: huh rolled a bastet first time. dont remember her being on tier lists before.