So, here's what I got. I want to make a team (or farm some more things that I need) that can take on a Descended, or at least start taking me through Master level dungeons, and not rely on luck.
My main team that I use is my monored, with Ame leading.
Max skilled Grodin, Isis, and Tenth Angel. Luci needs 5 more skill-ups, but I have 61 unevolved Sixth Angels so he'll eventually get there. My second Isis only needs 2 more skill-ups. Didn't really care to max out either Isis. But since she only needs 2 more I saved 15 unevolved mobs to try to finish her off. Ninth Angels surprisingly invaded more frequently than I expected. Too bad I only got 1 skill-up out of them. No big deal though since Luci is superior when skilled-up.
Update on this post from 10 days ago. You guys were right. We get enough free stones to do most stuff in this game. I was resigned to getting whatever skill-ups I could with the 7 stones I had left after pulling the EVA REM 5 times. Didn't expect to get anywhere near max skill for Luci. But I max skilled Isis, Grodin, and have plenty of Sixth Angels saved to finish off Luci. And at the end of the EVA collab, I still have 8 stones left. 1 more than when I made that post! Makes me feel better about PAD and being able to play non-IAP.Man, I realized I really fucked up pulling the EVA REM a few days ago. Cost me 25 stones, which would've been more than enough to max Luci, Isis, and Grodin if I had saved them for stam refills. But I'm sitting on 7 stones which I doubt will be enough to pull it off even with stamina management, before the event ends. Oh well.
I completed all difficulties of the Gungho Collab with a Valk team easily, no need for King Shynee or Echidna if you hit the bosses with a good light burst + spread cats. I'm getting a good number of Drops so I will max skill my 2nd Valk (3 skillups left), and try to skill up Bastet.
I have 1 more skillup left on my first GOdin and have 15 unevolved Fourth Angels left.
Wonder why JP GungHo Collab has score attack but NA doesn't. Weird.
Guys, please help me arrange a team to take down Ancient Water Dragon - Legend.. Wanna get that clear stone.
What was the makeup for your team? I ran Valk/Echidna/KS/Angelion/Venus/Valk for everything but the highest difficulty. I did use Echidna but never had to use the burst from KS.
EDIT: Did the Legend difficulty with Valk/Bastet/Echidna/Angelion/Venus/Valk quite easily.
I'm aiming to max skill him, too. His orb change is too powerful, so it's going to be a difficult trek. =\It fucking sucks that the gung-ho collab doesn't drop evolved version of any mob. Max skilling Anubis will be a pain on the ass.
Jagernaut mentioned that he ult evo'd his Siren. I don't see any reason not to, I guess.
What about Lilith? I don't use her very often but she has two options. I haven't done attacker teams so it would seem the healer variation is the one I would want to do, but is she worth it?
EDIT: And has the Kirin ultimate been added to US yet?
No to Kirin. I found Lilith to be very useful.
I use her in twinlits and occasionally Satan teams. With 1.5 boost to devils, 1450 attack, 600 rcv and time extend awakening, you can slot her in any burst team for dungeons where you can't stall.
Guys, please help me arrange a team to take down Ancient Water Dragon - Legend.. Wanna get that clear stone.
Thanks you guys : )Droidragon or Neptune/AB Bluebird/Red Odin easily kill the dungeon.
Otherwise you can use a mono green team with green orb enhance & green damage multipliers, maybe with a Bastet or Kushinada to really hurt him. Or you could use King Woodsie and a mono green & balance Spike team.
I went ahead and did the D/D Lilith.
Two more things:
1 - I have the light snow globe ready to feed off finally. 1.5M experience...but to what??? Some options:
- A.Zeus Olympios (80)
- A.Athena (17)
- Love Deity, Cosmos Venus (42)
- Godly Knight of the Sky, Verche (54)
- Sacred Dragon Beast, Angelion (67)
- Kirin (91)
- Archangel Metatron (34 - haven't looked at the numbers, but this would be overkill I think)
2 - I also have managed to get 8 tamas (thanks PAL dragon!). Venus, Bastet, Dark Shiva, Echidna, and Lilith are all one away from being fully awoken. R/L Horus, Siren, Ult Orochi, and Parv all have 1 awakening. Anything that should definitely get fully awoken?
Thanks you guys : )
This worked smoothly, actually stalled -& it wasn't easy with dual Bastet leads- & ended up killing the last floor without even using Top Droidragon's ability!
It does and also another vote for Shiva and I don't even have him.Zeus nailed me with Gaze of God (4 turns on both leaders the bastard), just wondering if you continue with a stone does it undo bind?
Zeus nailed me with Gaze of God (4 turns on both leaders the bastard), just wondering if you continue with a stone does it undo bind?
It does and also another vote for Shiva and I don't even have him.
Using a stone/continue undoes Binds and other status effects to your team, as well as clearing the entire board.
Update on this post from 10 days ago. You guys were right. We get enough free stones to do most stuff in this game. I was resigned to getting whatever skill-ups I could with the 7 stones I had left after pulling the EVA REM 5 times. Didn't expect to get anywhere near max skill for Luci. But I max skilled Isis, Grodin, and have plenty of Sixth Angels saved to finish off Luci. And at the end of the EVA collab, I still have 8 stones left. 1 more than when I made that post! Makes me feel better about PAD and being able to play non-IAP.
Oh, and the EVA collab wasn't even the only dungeon I played the last 10 days. So I got a lot more mileage out of those stones than just the EVA dungeon.
Heh. You're right. I didn't even think of that. It does give incentive to rank-up, though, in addition to having more team slots. When there's nothing to run, I just spend extra stam running KoG for exp/gold. Though, GH has been pretty active giving us a steady flow of content, so I haven't run KoG even on weekends for a while. I've only been running it when I'm close to a rank-up and KoG will get me over the top.I think it helps when one stone restores 200+ stamina for you lol.
I have 55 stones saved up, the only gods I have from this godfest (including special ones like Odin) are kirin, haku, and memei, is it worth rolling or should I save for a better godfest?
I have 55 stones saved up, the only gods I have from this godfest (including special ones like Odin) are kirin, haku, and memei, is it worth rolling or should I save for a better godfest?
Are we sure 5x +egg rate isn't active in Technicals? I'm running challenge mode in Technical dungeons and seem to be having pretty good +egg drop rates.
Are we sure 5x +egg rate isn't active in Technicals? I'm running challenge mode in Technical dungeons and seem to be having pretty good +egg drop rates.
Are we sure 5x +egg rate isn't active in Technicals? I'm running challenge mode in Technical dungeons and seem to be having pretty good +egg drop rates.
Should I roll hard in hopes of getting a Kirin/Haku?
I'll have 25 stones. 5 rolls for something good. Dunno if I want to spend my 200-day consecutive (what a horror show that is) on a godfest and turn out with crap though.
The perils of being non-IAP...
If you want a leader like Kirin or Haku, I suggest wait for Player's Choice.