Well I guess it's time to stop rolling the REM.

I was power gaming a lot for those rank ups. Also it doesn't hurt that I'm self employed and can play pad almost whenever I want.I'm only about 135 after around same the amount of days![]()
Well I guess it's time to stop rolling the REM.
Also, (barely) got my free tama from Lagavuilin:
Skyfalls were not being as generous as they should have, though.
edit: jesus christ at this video
He/She sets up the board then purposely messes up the matches to make sure they have enough time next round to make all the matches
I said WOW
So the PAD arcade VS game came out today...
For a moment I thought I won something but it turns out that it's my 200th day playing pad. Currently with 128 stam I guess it's not bad. Like ducarmel I also power ranked a lot.
Yolo pull I got another hatsume. Meh I would've wanted blue rider instead.
Power ranked smartly. I'm in like 250 or something and I've only got 78 stam. Only can run one Super Dragons. =(
So, last godfest I pulled a Red Sonia. I figure she'll be a critical part of my monored team, but I don't want to give up Pheonix Knight or Gigas. Is her replacing my Volcano Dragon (once I get some levels into her, maybe evolver her) a good idea?
Well I iap every now and then so that may be a big difference. And also I can beat kog in about 2 mins with my team. So yeah iap win. Well I've got everything I need now. My goal is being non iap for at least 2 months.Power ranked smartly. I'm in like 250 or something and I've only got 78 stam. Only can run one Super Dragons. =(
So, last godfest I pulled a Red Sonia. I figure she'll be a critical part of my monored team, but I don't want to give up Pheonix Knight or Gigas. Is her replacing my Volcano Dragon (once I get some levels into her, maybe evolver her) a good idea?
Power ranked smartly. I'm in like 250 or something and I've only got 78 stam. Only can run one Super Dragons. =(
So, last godfest I pulled a Red Sonia. I figure she'll be a critical part of my monored team, but I don't want to give up Pheonix Knight or Gigas. Is her replacing my Volcano Dragon (once I get some levels into her, maybe evolver her) a good idea?
Ronia is meant to be a leader, not a sub. You can build a pretty decent farming team around her using only farm'able subs like those ogres or devils.
I wonder if TGP quit because other JP players finally caught-up and surpassed him. That last turn was crazy, using those crazy patterns to create cascades. Still more impressed with that video some Gaffer posted of a Zaerog run. Forgot which one it was. But it had a lot of near-death moments, a couple that looked near-impossible to survive.edit: jesus christ at this video
Ronia makes a great sub. I use her as a sub for both my Trifruits and Gold Keeper teams, which I lead with Shiva and DQ Hera, respectively. Ronia's RCV multiplier isn't as important for those dungeons, so the higher ATK multiplier is more useful. The same logic applies for any other dungeon that doesn't need her 2.5x RCV. Though, I do use a Ronia helper for those dungeons, so I still get 2.5x RCV. It's just that 6.25x RCV is overkill a lot of times.Ronia is meant to be a leader, not a sub. You can build a pretty decent farming team around her using only farm'able subs like those ogres or devils.
He/She sets up the board then purposely messes up the matches to make sure they have enough time next round to make all the matches
I said WOW
That's... quite brilliant actually.
Stamina potentia est!!!!
I am non-IAP as well, on my 121st day, and I am already rank 169. I was playing quite casually until I realized how good my godfest pulls are (Kirin, Loki, Horus, Ronia, Odin, Venus, Apollo, and many other useful subs, in under 20 pulls) after two months of playing. Then I read that famous non-IAP article on PNDforum.
Ever since, for me, the PAD totally changed. Weekday = T5 farming, weekday = OoH farming, not wasting any stamina on weekday dungeon (perhaps except Tue), use metal dragons to level up so that I can run it as many times as I could. Using up all the free stones to enlarge my box space, so that I have plenty of spaces to do the pengdra cycle (about 2 million exp per cycle).
Ronia is meant to be a leader, not a sub. You can build a pretty decent farming team around her using only farm'able subs like those ogres or devils.
Such a weird but good feeling seeing Super Golds active and not giving a fuck. Didn't even run it once.
Ronia makes a great sub. I use her as a sub for both my Trifruits and Gold Keeper teams, which I lead with Shiva and DQ Hera, respectively. Ronia's RCV multiplier isn't as important for those dungeons, so the higher ATK multiplier is more useful. The same logic applies for any other dungeon that doesn't need her 2.5x RCV. Though, I do use a Ronia helper for those dungeons, so I still get 2.5x RCV. It's just that 6.25x RCV is overkill a lot of times.
edit: ^^^ Oh hey, Nicoga!
I just watched the postmortem and this slide stood out to me.Looks like that GDC 2014 PAD Postmortem is available for free.
54 minutes long. Will definitely check it out later after work.
So the PAD arcade VS game came out today...
edit: jesus christ at this video
I just watched the postmortem and this slide stood out to me.
Can you imagine if they went with an 8x7 board? I think more people would run Anubis.![]()
Ltron confirmed to become a 4 star egg.HAHAHA. PaD BT loli stomps all over Light Meta. 4x to light at full HP, active heals 7x and removes 2 turns of bind.
And guy + Gigas is attacker-type Gigas, same skill name, row enhance.
HAHAHA. PaD BT loli stomps all over Light Meta. 4x to light at full HP, active heals 7x and removes 2 turns of bind.
And guy + Gigas is attacker-type Gigas, same skill name, row enhance.
HAHAHA. PaD BT loli stomps all over Light Meta. 4x to light at full HP, active heals 7x and removes 2 turns of bind.
And guy + Gigas is attacker-type Gigas, same skill name, row enhance.
From Facebook:
*Rare Egg Machine Update*
[Duration]: 4/25 (Fri), 12:00 AM 5/1 (Thurs), 11:59 PM (PDT)
The Forest Gala has arrived at the Rare Egg Machine. If youre looking to bring some arboreal aggression to your team, look no further ! Forest-dwellers will arrive at level 30!
New monsters have arrived at the Rare Egg Machine! Three Kingdoms gods have been added to the lineup, but at non-gala rates and levels.
6 ★
560 Wind Prodigy, Sasuke
514 More Cu Chulainn, the Hero
383 Marine Rider Robin
5 ★
1080 Green Sky Fruit, Melon Dragon
1069 Perseus
803 Kushinadahime
749 Incarnation of Genbu, Meimei
634 Astaroth
624 Archangel Michael
571 Artemis
494 Bastet
372 Freyja
240 Parvati
136 Susano
126 Ceres
559 Sarutobi Sasuke
382 Marine Rider
357 Sylph, the Wind Elemental
318 Wood Mech Warrior, Asgard
296 Fortoytops
231 Ancient Dragon Knight
224 Cu Chulainn, the Green Lancer
213 Graviton Earth Dragon
203 Mystical Forest Pixie, Alraune
117 Fafnir
4 ★
1079 Melon Dragon
356 Sylph
295 Toyceratops
223 Highlander
116 Dragonette
103 Dragon Knight
93 Mandrake
83 Earth Guardian
*While other Monsters are still available, only these Wood Attribute Monsters have the chance to appear at level 30.
Hela Soel
God/Devil [LD - 3315/1325/399] - Cost : 60
Reduce dark damage / Auto recovery / Light att enhance
Skill : (20→7) Reduce damage taken for one turn, enhance light orb
LSkill : God type HP/ATK/RCV x1.5
ジャッジゴーレム Judge Golem (Mid boss)
Physical [RG - 3521/1088/31] - Cost : 12
Extend time / Bind resist
Skill : (20→10) Reduce damage taken for one turn, reduce enemy defense for one turn (??%)
LSkill : Fire and Wood ATK x2
マドロミドラゴン/カクセイドラゴン Sleeping Dragon/Awaken Dragon
Dragon [BL - 3213/1242/153(B - 1606/767/94)] - Cost 40(20)
Dark orb enhance / Skill boost
Skill : (28→14) Slightly increase dragon type damage (1.5?) for one turn, deal 50x damage to 1 enemy
LSkill : Dragon type ATK x3.5 (x3), RCV reduced to half
PADBT REM, don't get fooled by the monster behind them, their types are different
Yo&Siegfried (rare)
Balanced [WW - 3020/1319/342 (B - 1510/814/211)] - Cost 25(15)
Water orb enhance / Resist skill lock / Water att enhance / Skill boost
Skill : (15→811) Reduce damage taken for one turn (??%), change dark and heart orbs to water
LSkill : Balanced type HPx2, ATKx2.5 (HPx2, ATKx2)
edit: fixed
Tinnin&Angel (rare)
Dragon/Healer (Dragon) [LL - 2835/1055/614 (L - 1418/651/379)] - Cost 25(15)
Resist skill lock / Auto recovery / Resist bind / Skill boost
Skill : (11→7) Recover HP of RCV x7, recover 2 turn binds
LSkill : Light ATK x4 (x3) at full HP
Healer/God [FF - 2805/1008/500] Cost - 20
Fire orb enhance / Fire att enhance / Skill boost
Skill : (10→3) Quick bomb (same as Minerva) Reduce enemy defense to half, deal 10x damage to 1 enemy.
Attacker [FF - 3158/1523/56] Cost - 20
Fire orb enhance / Resist poison / Fire att enhance
Skill : (11→5) Attack stance Fire (same as Titan) Change heart to fire
LSkill: Attacker type HP/ATK/RCV x1.5
Balanced [WW - 2685/1132/436] Cost - 20
Water orb enhance / Auto recovery / Water att enhance
Skill : (11→5) Defense stance Water (same as Siren) Change fire to heart
LSkill : Balanced type HP/ATK/RCV x1.5
Healer/God [GG - 2327/1159/524] Cost - 20
Wood orb enhance / Skill boost / Wood att enhance
Skill : (16→9) Double attack stance (same as Artemis) Change fire and heart to wood
LSkill : Healer type HP/ATK/RCV x1.5
Physical [LL - 3595/1098/180] Cost - 20
Light orb enhance / Resist blind / Light att enhance
Skill : (11→5) Attack stance Light (same as Valkyrie) Change heart to light
LSkill : Physical type HP/ATK/RCV x1.5
Devil/Dragon [DD - 2400/1181/511] Cost - 20
Dark orb enhance / Dark att enhance / Skill boost
Skill (15→10) : Hell ball (same as CDD) 20000 damage to enemy. Change water to dark.
LSkill : Devil type HP/ATK/RCV x1.5
When's the next event?! I've got 15 King Gold Slimes ready to give me one skill up
It's strange how when we started playing, events were a huge deal, but now we spend more time in an event than out of one.
Are the twinlits guaranteed drops even on non 2x days?
Probably Tuesday? Wednesday at the latest. They seem fairly adverse to starting events on Mondays, unfortunately.
Haven't used my Astaroth in any team this year. I like her awakenings. Hopefully she will become a better sub after uvo. Maybe give her Attacker sub-type![]()