Just evo'd Lu Bu after 9 pendgra village runs (holding hundreds of dragon plants and metal dragons). I have got to say that the new team already trumps the old team in doing King of Gods, both dmg- and stability- wise.
New team
Fully awoken: Lu Bu, Loki, Ronia
Hera-Ur + an unevo'd Ronia pulled last night
Friend: Ronia
Old team:
Ronia, Loki, Hera-Ur, Awoken Hera, King baddie
Friend: Ronia
Based on the statistics, Kronos Forest is better. T6 dungeons for me other than Starlight are solely for evo mats.
T5 is way better than T6 in terms of exp and +, also you get metal kings much more often in T5 than light metal kings in T6.