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Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll


1. Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao (Want, A light version of my Dark of my dark Haku Team)
2. Archangel Lucifer (Want, USed to not want but his used as a sub lately have elevated him)
3. Yomi (Ehh, Have one but another would be OK)
4. Red Dragon Caller, Sonia (Really want, My most wanted monster in the game)
5. Horus (ehh, already have Kirin)
6. Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya (Don't want, already have Kirin)
7. Shiva (Want, great with Ronia and mono color 9x teams)
8. Bastet (Want, don't have a combo lead)
9. Hades (Don't want, already have two and I don't use either)
10. Phantom God, Odin (Want, nice state stock for my, mono red team)
11. Anubis (Don't want, already have 2)
12. Neptune (Don't want, already have one)
13. Viper Orochi (Don't want, Enchilada beats it almost every time)
14. Amaterasu (Don't want, already have enough light monsters to level, won't bother with this)
15. Kushinadahime (Want need a combo lead, would prefer bastet though)
16. Lu Bu (Want, Good partner with Ronia)
17. Pandora (Ehh, depends on what other monster I have from this, too REM extensive)
18. Persephone (Ehh, depends on what other monster I have from this God fest)
19. Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia (Don't want since I have no Bodins)
20. Ra (Don't Want, have Kirin and don't have the skills)

8 Don't wants
4 Ehhs
8 Wants

Monsters I want that are missing (Dark Meta)

Hmm tough choice whether to do this God Fest or not, might just wait it out for a 3 kingdom godfest since those have all the exclusive ones too.


So sandalphon does not allow for duplicates?

Ok how about valk/ ultimate Ammy/ echidna/ king shynee/ and a big hp monster (r/l gigas probably, he has lot of hp) paired with an L meta?

Or maybe Ra 6* paired with L/L ra/ and filled with unique subs (and only 1 dark as subtype)

You can pair Ra with any of the 5x leaders, Kirin, Horus, Ra, U&Y, etc. As long as they don't have the same name it's considered unique.
Wadatsumi Descended dungeon looks pretty rad

Don't try to bring anything with main Green element; the U&Y subboss casts pre-emptive Wood Absorb which led to me being unable to burst through thanks to Bastet. Awakenings being shut down also reminded me of the struggles with combo leads back in the day.

Also Legendary Seaway costing 88 stamina makes me sad at having to wait over half a day per attempt at it.


Most people use farmable subs for Horus like Echidna, Valkyrie, Cu Chulain and Hera Is. The only REM sub I would like for Horus would be Izanagi for that 1 turn burst. That new PADBear would be a nice alternative.
How would Hera-Is work on a burst team? Would I need to skill up Gravity?

2. Archangel Lucifer (Want, USed to not want but his used as a sub lately have elevated him)
Are you thinking of FA Luci? AA Luci is the D/L with Morning Star.

0/15 on Pierdrawn skill ups i give up.
0/20 on Fairlio.


Hera Is has top tier overall stats for a farmable blue monster even if you don't use her gravity. If you max skill her gravity she is probably the best blue sub. I haven't skilled her at all and prefer to use BOdin for his skill boosts and extra hp.
Hera Is has top tier overall stats for a farmable blue monster even if you don't use her gravity. If you max skill her gravity she is probably the best blue sub. I haven't skilled her at all and prefer to use BOdin for his skill boosts and extra hp.
It really depends on the situation. I max-skilled my Hera-Is, but really only use her if I need her gravity or Devil type. Otherwise, Blodin's stats and skill boosts are great, as well as his row enhances if using him on a Water Physical team. A lot of people seem to have forgotten Viper Orochi, too. Best delay in the game and its ultimate gives a huge HP boost. Only problem is the long cooldown, though we can now skill it up with Legendary Masks.


How would Hera-Is work on a burst team? Would I need to skill up Gravity?

Are you thinking of FA Luci? AA Luci is the D/L with Morning Star.

0/20 on Fairlio.

I use Hera-Is in dungeons where I can stall or need healing, otherwise I'd use Siegfried. These are the top 2 blue farmable subs.

Yeah Fairlio probably has the same skillup rate as Drawn Joker. I am not sure I'll waste stones on it either.
FINALLY was able to take down the Twinlit dungeon. It's eluded me since they added it to the weekly. Actually subbed out Valk for L.Meta. The bound resistance and two skill boosts really helped out.


That list is alright. Look at the recent godfest that starts tomorrow the first monster is good as is red Dragon caller Sonia. The second is only available during the godfest and not currently. DQXQ is ideal for now because you can throw anyone on that team and make it work.

Honestly roll during the godfest it is the best opportunity for something good.
I think this is a good day by P+D standards for a noobie.

Managed to get the Water Dublit guy I needed and Evolved my U&Y to ultimate, then the village appeared for the first time for me and I decided to give it a while - got a TAMADRA while in there (a baby). I didn't fulled understand the concept behind it and fused it to my U&Y before I read I should evolve it. Luckily - it awoken skill number one! He's now up to about level 34 or so.

Edit: Also, since starting I've managed to amass 25 Magic Stones from clears. Can't wait to pull the God Fest.


My Kirin team is still pretty lackluster (I'm rank 115 or something, for reference), but I don't know if I should keep using my unskilled Apollo or switch to my max skill Angelion + Verche.

On the one hand, Apollo has much better stats, is much higher level and is physical, and I do have an uevo Kirin + King Bubblie. He's also fully awakened. On the other hand, I really need some Grass sub-attribute and those skilled up orb changes are neat.

Should I ditch Apollo for now and focus on levelling Verche + Angelion?
That list is alright. Look at the recent godfest that starts tomorrow the first monster is good as is red Dragon caller Sonia. The second is only available during the godfest and not currently. DQXQ is ideal for now because you can throw anyone on that team and make it work.

Honestly roll during the godfest it is the best opportunity for something good.

Ah so best wait till tomorrow to try for a good starter.
So I got Ra on my second reroll. How do I make a good team? I'm at the Vulcan Volcano dungeon. IDK how to get better :/
If you didn't know already, Ra's leader skill only activates when you attack with all five attributes, not just match orbs of those colors. So you should make sure your team has representation from all colors. Ra's considered a difficult leader to use even by veterans, but he has a very high payoff.
If you didn't know already, Ra's leader skill only activates when you attack with all five attributes, not just match orbs of those colors. So you should make sure your team has representation from all colors. Ra's considered a difficult leader to use even by veterans, but he has a very high payoff.

Oh I see. I'm not very good at getting high combos off yet, so would it be worth it to try rolling again?
Oh I see. I'm not very good at getting high combos off yet, so would it be worth it to try rolling again?
If you have the capability to back up saves I'd keep the Ra file and go hog wild during the upcoming build-a-Godfest. That way if you get pooped on after the reroll marathon you have something to fall back on.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
I have incredibly bad luck with the REM. I like to use a mono blue team, or a blue/dark combo team. (Main subs are hera is, sigfried, dark neptune)

Neptune is my only God. I have some fun guys like the batman colab monsters and stuff, but I really might just restart during this choice godfest to pull something amazing. I feel like I wasted way too many stones on very bad pulls (even though I only pulled during a godfest)

Is there any good blue leader I can farm? I am mid game right now, still using the starting blue dragon and I just keep wishing I had something better.
I have incredibly bad luck with the REM. I like to use a mono blue team, or a blue/dark combo team. (Main subs are hera is, sigfried, dark neptune)

Neptune is my only God. I have some fun guys like the batman colab monsters and stuff, but I really might just restart during this choice godfest to pull something amazing. I feel like I wasted way too many stones on very bad pulls (even though I only pulled during a godfest)

Is there any good blue leader I can farm? I am mid game right now, still using the starting blue dragon and I just keep wishing I had something better.

The water gemini dragon from Legendary Seaway is 4xATK to Water at max HP. Unfortunately it requires going through Starlight Sanctuary, and the dungeon itself is not friendly to farmable teams.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
The water gemini dragon from Legendary Seaway is 4xATK to Water at max HP. Unfortunately it requires going through Starlight Sanctuary, and the dungeon itself is not friendly to farmable teams.

Yeah that's way too far for me:(
I am up to Tower to the Sky.

No other good blue farmable leaders? Think I should just start fresh?
Yeah that's way too far for me:(
I am up to Tower to the Sky.

No other good blue farmable leaders? Think I should just start fresh?

Depends on how much you value your box. Sure you may not think you have a viable box, but on the other hand starting fresh means you lose all those accumulated TAMADRA, niche role subs, and maybe even sunk real world money? Some players have restarted after throwing like $100 to get absolutely nothing, others have stuck with it and eventually, finally managed to roll something good after months of play.


Oh. my. goodness. the fact that my Drawn Joker was still skill level 1 after pulling him so many times in godfests should have told me something.

28 attempts 22 drops, so that at least isn't discouraging. but the 2 skill ups is disappointing I'm 0/17 at the moment with 14 stam and 2 stones left. 1 Persephone skill up isn't helping matters. Then there are those damn devils skill'n up like a bastard...


Oh. my. goodness. the fact that my Drawn Joker was still skill level 1 after pulling him so many times in godfests should have told me something.

28 attempts 22 drops, so that at least isn't discouraging. but the 2 skill ups is disappointing I'm 0/17 at the moment with 14 stam and 2 stones left. 1 Persephone skill up isn't helping matters. Then there are those damn devils skill'n up like a bastard...

The devils seem to have the best skillup rate in the game. I don't know if it's because I just straight up feed them so much, but I have two maxed out ones with little effort.

Edit: Remembered to busty Ame, finally. Mmm, dat busty...

I mean, uh, great evolution.


Jeez, Red Flower Dragon Barbados just dropped on intermediate. I mean I know it CAN happen I just never thought it WOULD happen, haha. Maybe there goes my luck for Godfest. ;)

But actually is there really much I can do with him? Stats are pretty good so I guess if I need a dual sub...?


Sandalphon 0-stoned with this team:

Kirin, Hera-Is, Echidna, Valk, Verche, R/L Horus

Plenty of chance to charge skills in the first two floors and could've got my Hera-Is charged but I didn't even bother. Ran into Gabriel in floor 3 which is no problem with high RCV. Combo through floor 4 and in floor 5, heal 3 turns, use Echidna and done.

One of the easier recent descends and with a useful sub to boot!

Edit: ^^^^ Biweekly dragons are mostly trophies with a few exceptions. You can use them if you don't have better subs just don't sink too much xp into them.


Zero stoned..
Was a risky run.. Hardly managed to trigger a x35 to take down Raphael.
Last round was crazy, almost took Sandalphon down before he bound my monsters, finished him with Odin's Gungnir xD !



Sandalphon 0-stoned with this team:

Kirin, Hera-Is, Echidna, Valk, Verche, R/L Horus

Plenty of chance to charge skills in the first two floors and could've got my Hera-Is charged but I didn't even bother. Ran into Gabriel in floor 3 which is no problem with high RCV. Combo through floor 4 and in floor 5, heal 3 turns, use Echidna and done.

One of the easier recent descends and with a useful sub to boot!

Edit: ^^^^ Biweekly dragons are mostly trophies with a few exceptions. You can use them if you don't have better subs just don't sink too much xp into them.

I ran the same team and got trolled first round by no light orbs. Yay for 50 stamina down the toilet.

This turn 1 your dead bullshit has got to stop.


I ran the same team and got trolled first round by no light orbs. Yay for 50 stamina down the toilet.

This turn 1 your dead bullshit has got to stop.

Same, used your horus as well. so close to leveling going to wait the 3 hours rather than stoning.

while sandalphon would be nice to have, this dungeon just kinda sucks. Rather than throw stones at it I think I'll pull twice off the REM and make a decision later if I'm gonna buy stones for the PCGF.

guess it depends if I go our for drinks later.

(with the greater chance of me buying stones with increased number of tequila based drinks.)


Saint Nic
Same, used your horus as well. so close to leveling going to wait the 3 hours rather than stoning.

while sandalphon would be nice to have, this dungeon just kinda sucks. Rather than throw stones at it I think I'll pull twice off the REM and make a decision later if I'm gonna buy stones for the PCGF.

guess it depends if I go our for drinks later.

(with the greater chance of me buying stones with increased number of tequila based drinks.)

I remember many nights of too much beer leading to many stone purchases, haha. Awesome.


I ran the same team and got trolled first round by no light orbs. Yay for 50 stamina down the toilet.

This turn 1 your dead bullshit has got to stop.

I also used the same team and it cost me 3 stones. 1 on Michael because my leaders were bound and I couldn't ping him to death fast enough. Another 2 on Sandalphon because I was missing 1 of Kirin's colors (blue or green) and could only activate Horus for 4x attack and was nuked by the boss. I hoped for skyfalls to save me but they didn't happen.


Downed Sandalphon with Ronia/Lu Bu. Took Echidna, Thanatos, FA Lucifer, and Lilith. Was pretty easy, only had to push a little when I ran into Uriel.


I wanted a Kirin but seeing how easily she can be orb trolled makes me appreciate my Horus even more, I hardly ever fail to activate Horus.
What score do you have to get to get the free tama in the red flower dragon dungeon?

I just cleared it and the score screen says I got over 200k but no tama in my monster box.

What gives?

Edit nm: I'm smoking that stuff.

Haha Loser-Tron. Go read your stupid sacred texts in the corner, you loser!


What is with all this healer type monsters lovefest? Such a beefy class. Probably has the best collection of monsters right now, except for God class of course.
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