Physical/balanced/Mono Green teams are good but I would only use it for easy daily farming stuff I would not focus so much resources on it. But Healer Valk team are more popular you will find more people use Valk for easy farming over Berserk/Highlander.
Karin team is the only viable team you can build that has a chance to clear end game stuff. Unless you get a better god focus on using her and making friends that main her. You can also make friends that main Isis, Bastet, or Kushinada if you cant find more Karin users
I assume you seen this guide already but here.
I have a BD Karin if you need a friend but I only put her up if I get a message in game or some one post here asking for her, normally I main Kushinada, Bastet, or Valk but because of the event I have been giving my Horus a lot more work Ducrml@gaf 368,865,267.