YOLO Catwoman... Ah well!
It seems simple in hinsight, but I remember when it first came out players were scrambling to come up with a reliable method of clearing it. Before the Goemon tech was discovered you even had some players claiming it as the most difficult dungeon in the game. Truly one of the more exciting moments in PAD especially since it debuted the same time in JP and NA so there was no prior Japanese netdeck for it.The original 1 floor Blackgate dungeon was simple if you had Goemon and could meet the hp requirement. Load the team with your strongest light mobs, take 1 hit and destroy Joker.
Seriously. Every time he posts an S rank pic I figure I'll give it a try with a slightly lower rarity team and try to aim for high combos. I then proceed to waste up to 50 stamina and leave the dungeon with an A rank. Stop getting my hopes up with this false advertising lol.Zero, your combo skills are impressive. I have had lower average combos in tricolor dungeons, that is great for a regular dungeon.
starry view group D
1 am EST.
Wait so unevoed robin is good?
I was in your exact position DD batman and wanted a nother as a devil team sub. maybe i should be happy with robin then?
@pad_sexy looking like she's about to do an art dump for the next version, if you want to follow along
starry view group D
1 am EST.
who is this girl?
unevoed robin is amazing for cost restricted dungeons like draggie and tengu. or ragnarock odyssey ace.
only 10 cost but does 8x damage for 10 combos. he can power through most of those. plus tricolor dungeons are a breeze with him. he's a great low cost leader. u won't be descending with him, much, but he'll be amazing in all the other dungeons.
Coo. Already got team's foe descends but did need a good lowcost leader. What kind of subs should I be looking for?
=/Robin is good but he does not get an attack multiplier until he hits 8 combos. Anything less and you will only be attacking at 1x. I don't know about you but I can only reach 8 combos consistently in tricolor dungeons. D/D Batman is a better low cost leader for most people.
If you are good enough to hit 8 - 10 combos in a regular dungeon, Robin can clear every dungeon. He is a weaker D/L Anubis.
Looks like he will be sitting untouched in my box next to ra.
Hey everyone! Hate to be that guy, but I started doing some commentaries using L-Meta and figured I'd post a link to my newest one. Particularly proud of this one, I was able to take down Heracles on Legend 0 stone pretty surgically!
Zero, your combo skills are impressive. I have had lower average combos in tricolor dungeons, that is great for a regular dungeon.
I never get these on the 1st try you know!Seriously. Every time he posts an S rank pic I figure I'll give it a try with a slightly lower rarity team and try to aim for high combos. I then proceed to waste up to 50 stamina and leave the dungeon with an A rank. Stop getting my hopes up with this false advertising lol.
Had to open a ticket because I lost my save data and never took a screenshot of the transfer code that was introduced recently.
Got Goemon, cool dungeon and stuff.
What do I do with him?
I'm looking for some advice on the most efficient way to progress in the early game. I just finished Castle of Satan, which iirc is where team composition starts becoming important. The only monsters of note that I have are U&Y, D/L Batman, D/D Batman, Siren and my blue starter. I'm thinking about farming Witch's Ball for exp and a possible Lilith/Echidna/Vamp drop, but I'm not sure if that is worth it. Or I could keep trying to force my way through the normal and tech dungeons to build up stones for the next godfest. I'm just not sure how far I'll get without decent subs. Any ideas?
Blackgate prison is no joke.
just cleared master with a DQXQ team, and it was more about luck than skill. Last time this came around I wasn't able to clear master (although I did have a joker drop in expert)
Sixth floor was bane so those 4 turns really really helped, definitely having delay issues even with enc+sun
wish I had a team farm ready for this, would be fun to have a max'd Ra.
Team used:
DQXQ/ Enc (lotus) / shynee / Valk (WR) / Sun Quan / DQXQ
having bane followed directly by the joker is a pain in the ass, but really fun making that last cascade and destroying joker. Now I have to figure out if I can take legend with DQXQ or if I should finally get my kirin team together.
I'm looking for some advice on the most efficient way to progress in the early game. I just finished Castle of Satan, which iirc is where team composition starts becoming important. The only monsters of note that I have are U&Y, D/L Batman, D/D Batman, Siren and my blue starter. I'm thinking about farming Witch's Ball for exp and a possible Lilith/Echidna/Vamp drop, but I'm not sure if that is worth it. Or I could keep trying to force my way through the normal and tech dungeons to build up stones for the next godfest. I'm just not sure how far I'll get without decent subs. Any ideas?
With D/L Bats you have the core of a very good UmiYama team so you're already set on that front. If you feel uneasy about consistently activating him I'd consider putting yourself into dungeons a little harder than you're comfortable with - no better way to learn than putting yourself into do-or-die situations, heh.I'm looking for some advice on the most efficient way to progress in the early game. I just finished Castle of Satan, which iirc is where team composition starts becoming important. The only monsters of note that I have are U&Y, D/L Batman, D/D Batman, Siren and my blue starter. I'm thinking about farming Witch's Ball for exp and a possible Lilith/Echidna/Vamp drop, but I'm not sure if that is worth it. Or I could keep trying to force my way through the normal and tech dungeons to build up stones for the next godfest. I'm just not sure how far I'll get without decent subs. Any ideas?
Great video, good commentary, and the team wasn't 100% max skilled, max awoken and +297.
On another note, that Freyja Ultimate is some of the nicest art in the game.
He is a great sub for monored teams if max skilled
As a Leader he is very good if you can manage your health, if you don't have better leaders he is still imo one of the best non iap leaders in the game
pad forum guide
Nooooooo forgot about the +egg dungeon, only got 3 runs in before it was gone. God damnit.
Nooooooo forgot about the +egg dungeon, only got 3 runs in before it was gone. God damnit.
Yea they should have at least had a it twice during the day. Gives us time to run a few times on one slot and prepare space for the next run. Ended up with 26+ eggs but wasted precious time on stamina and space management36+ in 16 runs, i wish i ran this for the full hour instead of the last 20 odd minutes... so good.
Busty Raph becomes L/F and Healer, which I think is a brand new color combination for healers.