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Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll


16 +'s in 11 runs, valk / ltron. Looks like some of you did much better than that. Most runs were 2 + eggs, I had 1 run with 4 +'s. I hope that comes around on a regular basis. I can almost come to grips with the pictures of a box full of +297 carbuncles.


Any other JP players having as shit luck as I on the survey dungeon? Two days of farming it have only gotten me two Cattleya, and none of the gold pirates have given me skillups.

I'm 1 for 15 on gold pirate skillups and have gotten 11 cattleya. I guess that equates to about two drops per 210 stamina for me. It's pretty sucky, but it's much better than that dragon dungeon.


That dungeon needs to come around often. 3 alt runs earlier yielded 6 +eggs so I was eager for Group D to hit (sorry East Coast). In 17 runs (155 max stamina), I got 30 +eggs and it would've been more if I had planned ahead with my stam and exp. Had to eat 95 stam on a level up but it was worth it. I'm still thankful I actually remember to check back on time. Also, I loved hearing that tone for every +egg. Such a lovely sound!


I tried a Valk team a couple times for the plus egg dungeon, but I couldn't kill the final chimeras fast enough to feel like that was consistently safe, especially if they're synched. Not sure what team you guys were using. Switched over to my Ronia team, added Echidna, and stalled for actives and it went much better.

22 eggs in 16 runs. 5 HP/8 ATK/9RCV. I seem to get way too many RCV eggs. Ronia is at +240 with 71/81/88. Do you guys seem to get more of one stat than the others?


Starry View:
33 runs, 52 plus eggs.

Ran gimmick Dark Tron with Hanzo, Persephone, and dark/light ancient dragons. Would've been better with two light ancients (or three without Hanzo) since only the dark chimera can survive 25k bomb. Will probably have a Rodin team ready for next time, but this is a nice backup.

Could have done more, but had to stop every 7 runs for a quick KoG run to clear out extra stamina. Actually had a stamina refresh lined up right in time and then flubbed row matches against CDD and died. Stoned and ran Seaway to level up, but still wasted about 80 stamina and ~10 minutes.

Overall, pleased with the results. Hope this comes back at least once a month since we can't seem to get 5x tech with any frequency.

22 eggs in 16 runs. 5 HP/8 ATK/9RCV. I seem to get way too many RCV eggs. Ronia is at +240 with 71/81/88. Do you guys seem to get more of one stat than the others?

It's all random, but every 297 past my first has been waiting on at least 25-30 HP plus eggs to finish. Once you fall behind in one stat, it takes forever to even out again.


I tried a Valk team a couple times for the plus egg dungeon, but I couldn't kill the final chimeras fast enough to feel like that was consistently safe, especially if they're synched. Not sure what team you guys were using. Switched over to my Ronia team, added Echidna, and stalled for actives and it went much better.

22 eggs in 16 runs. 5 HP/8 ATK/9RCV. I seem to get way too many RCV eggs. Ronia is at +240 with 71/81/88. Do you guys seem to get more of one stat than the others?

Yeah I failed on my first Valk run because the chimeras were on the same timer. Even got cocky with my Kirin team before playing a bit more safely and waiting for actives. Six or seven runs and 8 plus eggs.

Now my Kirin has 111!

Sooooooooooooooooo far to go. :/


I tried a Valk team a couple times for the plus egg dungeon, but I couldn't kill the final chimeras fast enough to feel like that was consistently safe, especially if they're synched. Not sure what team you guys were using. Switched over to my Ronia team, added Echidna, and stalled for actives and it went much better.

22 eggs in 16 runs. 5 HP/8 ATK/9RCV. I seem to get way too many RCV eggs. Ronia is at +240 with 71/81/88. Do you guys seem to get more of one stat than the others?

I went with LMeta as it was easy to clear with and I would not waste time finding a friend with her or Valk as leads. Brought along Angelion and Siren which made the final floor cake with the extra orbs.


I tried a Valk team a couple times for the plus egg dungeon, but I couldn't kill the final chimeras fast enough to feel like that was consistently safe, especially if they're synched. Not sure what team you guys were using. Switched over to my Ronia team, added Echidna, and stalled for actives and it went much better.

22 eggs in 16 runs. 5 HP/8 ATK/9RCV. I seem to get way too many RCV eggs. Ronia is at +240 with 71/81/88. Do you guys seem to get more of one stat than the others?

For my Valk team I used Echidna and stalled for a few turns with single match. It's pretty safe and you can always put in healers that have skill boost or even a non-healer sub with multiple skill boosts to make things faster.

For Horus I just put in subs with a combined 6 skill boosts. No stalling required. Just burst through and use Echidna on the final floor.

Edit: Super gold tomorrow!


For my Valk team I used Echidna and stalled for a few turns with single match. It's pretty safe and you can always put in healers that have skill boost or even a non-healer sub with multiple skill boosts to make things faster.

For Horus I just put in subs with a combined 6 skill boosts. No stalling required. Just burst through and use Echidna on the final floor.

Edit: Super gold tomorrow!

I think my problem was I didn't stall. I realize my play style is totally Kirin focused burst burst burst at all times, even when I should take it slow. End up wasting a lot of stamina that way. I guess that's what I get for starting with Kirin and coming to the healer party quite late and running it as my B team.

Also, please be a good time for super golds please please please!


A fully awakened Satan team should be able to 1-shot the final floor with a row of 6. No stalling is needed as long as you have a vamp that is max skilled. Takes about a minute to run and is almost foolproof.

On plus egg dungeon day my friends list usually has 30 to 40 up at any given time. By the time I've gone through them all the list has refreshed.

Epic Drop

I just hit 90 stamina, so I saved all of my stamina until 10pm last night so I could run Starlight. 3 runs, 1 plus egg. The luck fates were clearly not with me.
So with Astaroth and Raphael getting ultimates the last REM god from before Japanese 2.0 (and even some of them have ultimates) without an ultimate is Fallen Angel Lucifer...

Speculation anyone? Will they nerf him by changing his subtype off of devil or by changing his sub attribute to green/blue or light? Will they make him better? Right now he is really useful in Ronia & Haku teams when fully awoken and skilled down a bunch.


Does anyone else use an HTC one to play?

I lost Audio about 2-3 months ago and it has never worked since - (only in PAD) - has anyone had anything similar happen and found a remedy?

my puzzle and dragon porn: (I'm sure a lot of you have much better evo mats)


just had 3 bane drop in master o.0


Did Woody@GAF sell his account? He went logging on today, and changed his name to Ivan.

His av is also not Bastet Robbins. Don't know if that means anything as well.

Does anyone else use an HTC one to play?

I lost Audio about 2-3 months ago and it has never worked since - (only in PAD) - has anyone had anything similar happen and found a remedy?

my puzzle and dragon porn: (I'm sure a lot of you have much better evo mats)

just had 3 bane drop in master o.0

A month ago, I had 17 tamadras and feeling like I'll never run out. After the latest batch of ultimates, I've exhausted all of them. :sadface


0/15 on Goemon. 0/3 on Rodin.

2/7 on Loki. And a few assorted skill ups to late bloomer dragons from saved chimeras.

Guess that's 2x for ya.


Next event.

Puzzle & Dragons (North America) - GungHo
*Lightless City*
[Duration]: 7/25 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 8/3 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PDT)

A living darkness has fallen upon the world of Puzzle & Dragons, and shadows lurk around every corner. Only the most valiant of protectors will stand up for those in need! Do you count yourself among them?

■① Daily Log-in Bonuses
7/25 - 8/3 - 1 free Magic Stone daily
*Bonuses will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PDT) the following day.

■③ (Vampire) Bats in the Belfry
As charming as vampires can be, don’t let them get inside your head! Lightless Devils’ Nest and Dark Night Sword have been paired for this event, with enough evil between the two of them to chill you to the bone.

7/25 - 7/27 - Dark Night Sword
7/28 - 8/3 - Lightless Devils’ Nest

■③ Special Event Dungeon Schedule:
7/25 - Athena Descended!
7/26 - Zeus Descended!
7/26 - Extreme Dragon Rush!
7/27 - Tengu!!!
7/28 - 7/29 - ???????????
7/30 - Xuanzang Descended!
7/31 - Hera-Ur Descended!
8/1 - Hero Descended
8/2 - Hera Descended!
8/2 - Extreme Dragon Rush! 2
8/3 - Draggie!!!

■④ Awesome Daily Bonuses
Pal Egg Event:
7/25 - 7/29 - Jewel/Metal King Dragons
7/30 - 8/3 - Rare Evo Materials

1.5x chance for 'GREAT!' or 'SUPER!!' EXP Gain
2x King appearance rates for the Metal and Jewel Dragons
2x Skill Up rate
5x chance for +Eggs to appear in Technical Dungeons
2x Drops for the Daily Special Dungeons
1.5x Coins for the Weekend Dungeon

*Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here http://tinyurl.com/cj7zu4t


Got Satan with my Kirin team!

Failed my first attempt with a failed 25x attack on Lilith. Played a bit more carefully and thoughtfully my next run and managed to 0 stone it- woohoooo! My heart was pounding the whole time against Satan. Had some nice sky falls at the end to cement the deal, too.

Wonder if I can do Sandalphon now. Hmmmmmmmm


I blame the people who complained about having too many tamas.

And now I have a bunch of baby tams but no dub mythlits to evo with!

Don't worry, if we are following the trend of the JP version we'll be getting 2 previous dragon series per week, with score attacks added. Plenty of tamadras to be had!.


Any thoughts on feeding Baby Tamadras without evolving them first? Is it worth it or should I just resign myself to farming Dub-topalits forever? I got an awakening out of the one I fed today, but I know it's risky.


Any thoughts on feeding Baby Tamadras without evolving them first? Is it worth it or should I just resign myself to farming Dub-topalits forever? I got an awakening out of the one I fed today, but I know it's risky.

i started feeding baby tamadras since dub-topalits are a pain to farm, and it's pretty shitty. i think i'm either around 50% or a bit lower. one time i fed 5 baby tamadra with 0 awakenings, so that's very demoralizing.
Decided to take my Kirin team to Blackgate Prison today.

seven rounds pose an interesting issue. that's not enough for a king bubblie burst, which stalling for would defeat the purpose of the Kirin team in this case (need high turns for the score attack). So I decided Izanagi will have to do.

1 skill cooldown from each kirin, 1 from Karin, 2 from Ronia, and then I tagged along Artemis for her skill cooldown (instead of Valk). Risks included fire bursts from Firefly (turns random orbs red), Deathstroke (no real stalling and was not sure if I could burst him in one turn), and then will the 40% jammer resist work for Joker's first move?

Firefly - only got stopped by them on one floor (for two rounds). Got a good combo going the second time (8x before the skyfalls) and the skyfalls dropped the green I needed for the 25x.

Deathstroke/Bane - Bane attacked (three turns of free hits followed by death) I needed all three turns 25x each time to get him

Joker - 40% was enough and I resisted the jammer orbs. had the 25x on the board so I popped Izanagi and rode 50x straight to the bank.
I decided to start using my old account as an alt so if anybody wants a +297, fully awakened Horus for a friend my code is 368,246,208.

Also what teams do you guys use for twinlits? I plan on picking as many as possible tomorrow to evo some of my leaders.


I decided to start using my old account as an alt so if anybody wants a +297, fully awakened Horus for a friend my code is 368,246,208.

Also what teams do you guys use for twinlits? I plan on picking as many as possible tomorrow to evo some of my leaders.

Depends on your box, but the general gist of it is most twinlit teams have to find a way to stall on the first floor and pretty much your chances of winning are pretty high.

The most common of such a team is Zeus teams.

The alternative to stalling are highly optimized special god teams, which take advantage of multiple awakenings to just blow through the dungeon.

The other alternative is also optimized hero god teams using Son Wukong and Pandora or Dark/Light Late Bloomer Dragons.

There is a Horus team that can do it too but is not ideal, read the twinlit team part


So I just noticed that I still have my Present available [I must have missed the notice to where they reset it again in April].

Does anyone else still have theirs too? If so, would you be interested in trading with me [so we each get a chance at two Snow Globe Dragons]?
Also what teams do you guys use for twinlits? I plan on picking as many as possible tomorrow to evo some of my leaders.

All depends on your box and what is available. I run either a dual devil shiva team with King baddie for bursting twinlits OR a Dual Ronia team with king baddie for bursting.

Both are very similar (Shiva) Ronia/Hera-ur/King Baddie/Unbindable monster ( I use Ammy-oh)

(Ronia) Shiva (or Lilith/neptune)/(Lilith or Neptune)/King Baddie and Unbindable Monster (Again Ammy-oh)

Each of these teams needs to stall until both Shiva/Neptune/Bluebirds/liliths are up. then unbind use armor break/poisons to get through dub lits and Tama-myth floors. Spike w/burst to win. you have 1 shot with dual shivas (but more base damage) and two with Ronia (though the second does not have boost) Ammy-oh make it easier because her active unbinds everyone (and 1 less turn due to skill awakening). I prefer the ronia because it is 1 more skill awakening (1 less turn), but you have to do the math right on that burst. get a bad board (a mostly dark board qualifies) and you will not make it. That affects you less on the Shiva team because it has orb enhance AND 9x base instead of 6.25 base atk.


So I just noticed that I still have my Present available [I must have missed the notice to where they reset it again in April].

Does anyone else still have theirs too? If so, would you be interested in trading with me [so we each get a chance at two Snow Globe Dragons]?

total lurker but have a present as well. let me know if you want to exchange. my id is 350899206


total lurker but have a present as well. let me know if you want to exchange. my id is 350899206
Sure thing, sounds good.

I'll add you in a few minutes and send my present along. When you receive it, feel free to send me yours. My ID is: 382,376,283.

I wish us both luck!

Invite sent! Once you accept, I'll send you my present, wherein afterwards, you can send me yours. :)


Sure thing, sounds good.

I'll add you in a few minutes and send my present along. When you receive it, feel free to send me yours. My ID is: 382,376,283.

I wish us both luck!

Invite sent! Once you accept, I'll send you my present, wherein afterwards, you can send me yours. :)

just added you and went ahead and sent you a present!


i started feeding baby tamadras since dub-topalits are a pain to farm, and it's pretty shitty. i think i'm either around 50% or a bit lower. one time i fed 5 baby tamadra with 0 awakenings, so that's very demoralizing.

You're a braver man than I.

Super King Gold tonight! Since hitting 150 stamina, I have missed out on opportunities when SKG hits. I'd love to get Athena near max and evolve Sol today. If I can make it home by 6PM, I can get the full hour and do what I can.


just added you and went ahead and sent you a present!
Thanks! I just sent you yours, best of luck!

I received a Brachy+3 [which I already have] from yours, but a Snow Globe Dragon Blanc from the one I sent to you. Here's hoping you were as fortunate with your pull(s) as I was!


Thanks! I just sent you yours, best of luck!

I received a Brachy+3 [which I already have] from yours, but a Snow Globe Dragon Blanc from the one I sent to you. Here's hoping you were as fortunate with your pull(s) as I was!

Glad you got a snowglobe blanc! I got a Plessie and Spinon, but i didn't have either so it's cool. Just need the gold one to complete my set :)


Glad you got a snowglobe blanc! I got a Plessie and Spinon, but i didn't have either so it's cool. Just need the gold one to complete my set :)
Spinon isn't bad at all, considering the only way to get it is via the Present PEM [as you probably know]. Congrats!

I'm glad to hear that you received two new monsters, in any case!


You're a braver man than I.

Super King Gold tonight! Since hitting 150 stamina, I have missed out on opportunities when SKG hits. I'd love to get Athena near max and evolve Sol today. If I can make it home by 6PM, I can get the full hour and do what I can.

it wasn't 2x for me, was a terrible number of runs.


You're a braver man than I.

Super King Gold tonight! Since hitting 150 stamina, I have missed out on opportunities when SKG hits. I'd love to get Athena near max and evolve Sol today. If I can make it home by 6PM, I can get the full hour and do what I can.

I will be trying to max Athena too.


Sandalphon was a bust for me, not sure I'll try again this go around. Had trouble making the match on the first floor without the extra time a second busty Kirin gives. Ah well!

With 5x plus eggs in technicals coming up what once again is the best dungeon to run? Or are they all pretty good?


Looks like we're switching to the guerrilla system where both super and regular dragons run in the same time slot.

If this means regular and super dragons will both show at all times on your schedule that's a fantastic change. I've missed Super golden so many times with that 1am BS. (missing it again tonight)


Couple of questions gents. Now with Athena ult(just need green stone), will we have more people running her. I don't have izanami, but most of her subs are farmable, I'm thinking of running with her more often depending on my friend list.

Second question if any SunQuan owners what are pairing him with or are you using him mostly as a sub. Wish I had a blue valk to take advantage of the blue enhance
Couple of questions gents. Now with Athena ult(just need green stone), will we have more people running her. I don't have izanami, but most of her subs are farmable, I'm thinking of running with her more often depending on my friend list.

Second question if any SunQuan owners what are pairing him with or are you using him mostly as a sub. Wish I had a blue valk to take advantage of the blue enhance

I absolutely run a powerful Athena team now with the new Evo.I use Verche, Genbu, Izanami, Light Zhuge as subs. This makes an all wood and light board with a Athena /Genbu/Verche skill pop.The Two prong attacks with Athena/ Genbu /and Zhuge are going to come in handy as soon as the baby Tams hatch.


Got a couple greats with super kings and kings power ups so I ended up maxing both Athena and Izanami.

What's that about Athena team?? Oh, I have everything at max level except Zhuge Liang, but I do have an under-leveled King Arthur!


Couple of questions gents. Now with Athena ult(just need green stone), will we have more people running her. I don't have izanami, but most of her subs are farmable, I'm thinking of running with her more often depending on my friend list.

Second question if any SunQuan owners what are pairing him with or are you using him mostly as a sub. Wish I had a blue valk to take advantage of the blue enhance

I will once I acquire the mats. I've always been a fan of her as lead, even more when I got Izanagi myself. Probably go with a team like Athena / Genbu / Verche / Izanagi / ??? with Athena or Izanagi friend.

Just completed my Super Gold runs and ended up with:

9 Supers
14 Kings

The remaining Highs went to Verche. Saving the others for tomorrow for the bonus chance. All will be going to Athena as I don't have all the mats for Sol (mask and dub needed).

Got a couple greats with super kings and kings power ups so I ended up maxing both Athena and Izanami.

What's that about Athena team?? Oh, I have everything at max level except Zhuge Liang, but I do have an under-leveled King Arthur!

Nice! I am really hoping for a Great or Super to help with that 5M light xp.
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