A lot more non iap friendly, hero gods do need specific REM subs to be useful outside beginner dungeons.
Thanks. I'll try running with the DQXQ account for a while and see how it goes.dqxq is very easy to activate, but its really not a great end game lead unless you are ready to drop a ton of plus eggs into a healer team.
"It is only through suffering can the soul be strengthen..."After seeing all the rolls posted I'm glad I stuck to the Batman REM. Sorry for all the pain.
TGIF everyone! To celebrate this lovely day I did a commentary for Twinlits for all of my Healer Team bretheren! Also, happy GodFestmas if thou partaketh in this holiday!
No luck getting my account back, so I'm just going to screw around non-IAP. Used my 5 stones I've saved up during this godfest and got a Ronia (lol). Need people so I can make progress and farm again.
No luck getting my account back, so I'm just going to screw around non-IAP. Used my 5 stones I've saved up during this godfest and got a Ronia (lol). Need people so I can make progress and farm again.
I'm pretty sure you would get more value out of throwing stones at the gold dragon than if you used that money to buy Watch Dogs
I'm sorry to hear that as well, but I would say that you should keep trying. I have posted my hassle with Gungho trying to get mine back and by continually bugging them I was eventually able to get mine back
I was told a number of times in the e-mails that they were unable to obtain my account and it did happen - so while this is not good news I would continue to bother then - especially if you have spend money.
I ended up sending over 20 e-mails to the company - daily, in response to their static e-mails. (notice they always say almost the exact same thing?)
Not sure what possessed me to uvo Gryps Rider, but I did. Trying to lab out a dark attacker team with Hanzo as leader but there is just no synergy with the team. I got Hanzo/Yomi/DD Batman/Finn/???? so far but don't really have any worthwhile attackers for that last slot.
Also, I've been keeping Batman unevolved for low cost dungeons thus far but can't really think of a reason why I need him since I just run TAMAPURIN these days. Evolve him for stat bonuses or no?
I rolled Bastet on my first rare egg machine but i dont understand why she is S tier. Make a 4 combo is not always easy
Yeah, the emails are literally identical, despite my responses inquiring about different aspects to the issue. I may keep bitching...
It becomes easier with practice. Learn to recognize the patterns in this graphic:I rolled Bastet on my first rare egg machine but i dont understand why she is S tier. Make a 4 combo is not always easy
I rolled Bastet on my first rare egg machine but i dont understand why she is S tier. Make a 4 combo is not always easy
How is that even possible that you can't get your account back after the amount of money you spent? You should have a gold level call in line directly to the recovery team. BS.
Def keeping fighting.
I'm not thrilled by their responses. I sent an email asking for more specifics on why they can't restore my account. I was nice at first, but I'm getting more and more upset as my string of emails goes on. We shall see...
Nice video, I wish twinlit was that easy for me.
I have Zeus team for twinlit but I have only been able to zero stone it once.
My Horus/Haku team is too unstable, and I'm missing 1 solid sub for Sun Wukong / Pandora twinlit team.
number 15 this time. at least this week I have my light meta Uevo'd
good video again, always fun seeing your lead on u-tube as I use it for my twinlit runs.
I re rolled after a month or so. One week ain't nothing.
I rolled Bastet on my first rare egg machine but i dont understand why she is S tier. Make a 4 combo is not always easy
Glad my L-Meta is actually getting use! It would have more pluses by now if I stopped working on my Red Sonia team...but, I so badly need a Trifruit farming team as well...so much to do in this game, and not enough stamina to do it...
It's the same as the NA servers, when it first came out I believed they had an updated REM with the blue and dark valk before the NA version got them, but since I'm pretty sure its the same content the only difference is that the godfest may be different from the NA server godfest except when they introduce new gods then the godfest are the same or slightly different.I'm tempted to play the game again, but I have a little question first. I see there is now an European version of the game. Is it on par content wise with the US one ? Are the updates done at the same time to the two versions ?
I got a red sonia out of the godfest and I read that hera is a must for her. Does anyone have any strategies for how to beat the hera dungeon at a lower level, I'm still pretty low rank 55.
My team is all over the place but I could post all if need be.
Hera is just a filler, unless she is max skilled and you need gravity there are better subs that fit Ronia's style of play.
Classic guide to beating Hera with Resist/GOdin team
Still post your box you probably have an easier way to do it.
padforum Ronia guide if you have not read it
But your immediate problem is you probably wont be able to use Ronia until you rank up to increase you team cost to around 150-180. You eventially going to want to make it to level 134+ to run the typical Ronia team.
Anyone have a Bastet I can run?