Colinp or Static@gaf
I'm looking for static's robin or colin's kirin so i can run Himiko in an hour and a half. hope on of you guys can get on and help me out. or if someone else has a high level and +egged kirin/robin/kushinada that'd be swell. Maybe even Ra could work, too.
Just pick out helpers that can work as subs for your leader. Having only one leader skill hurts but the helpers should have much higher stats than your typical subs and that makes up for it.Can anyone help me figure out a potential team for doing challenge modes? Notable leader monsters: Kirin, ADK, Ult Evo Siren, Ult Evo Alarune, DQXQ, Ra, Persephone, Vampire Lord, Himiko, Green Noel, Red Noel, Mastering.
Maybe some sort of physical tanky team with Mastering and a bunch of busty Kirin friends?
Just pick out helpers that can work as subs for your leader. Having only one leader skill hurts but the helpers should have much higher stats than your typical subs and that makes up for it.
That may or may not work as you get the tougher normals/technicals though lol.
Your Kirin wasn't showing up in the available list last night for some reason or another.Hmmm, it says I already have you as a friend and my Kirin should have been up along with my Valk. Hope it worked out for you!
Love your Grodin, too!![]()
Yeah, I'd reroll if I were you. We just had a godfest last weekend (increased chance of gods from two different pantheons), so the next one is probably not until August 15th or 16th. It's possible to reroll before then, but it depends how patient you are. You could always play casually until the next godfest and get an idea of the game's mechanics and what type of team you might want e.g. matching specific colors, going for high combos, or a monocolor team.Shit, I just realized what a shitty monster I got with my first pull, how essential is getting a god at the beginning? Should I restart even if I already reached Rank 20? Let's just say that the card dragon I got doesn't even cut it for my current team :-(
ThanksYeah, I'd reroll if I were you. We just had a godfest last weekend (increased chance of gods from two different pantheons), so the next one is probably not until August 15th or 16th. It's possible to reroll before then, but it depends how patient you are. You could always play casually until the next godfest and get an idea of the game's mechanics and what type of team you might want e.g. matching specific colors, going for high combos, or a monocolor team.
The OP isn't totally up to date, so I'd take a look at the Google docs guide. It has an overview of the different leaders available.
Yes, without a Godfest going on receiving a God from the REM is pretty rare. Godfests increase the rates to 3x the normal chance, so it definitely helps.Thanks![]()
Even though it's exactly what I didn't want to read, so the possibilities to get on of these Gods in a regular play style without paying is that low then?
And about how patient are we talking when rerolling now? 10-15 minutes or more like 4-5 hours? lol....
Yeah, that guide's pretty overwhelming. I just read pieces of it whenever I needed an idea about what goals to aim for.And about how patient are we talking when rerolling now? 10-15 minutes or more like 4-5 hours? lol....
He should be real cool in a month or two when Mephisto Descended drops cause they share the same colors and typing.
Mephisto is pretty sad looking with light devils and no synergy between stats and active/leader skill. Running Baal as leader is okay if you have the whole collection of light devils, but there's not a good orb changer among them, which is a huge limitation. 20 turns is way too long, even max skilled Baal isn't really enough. Mephisto does make a decent Light Tron style sub for Baal to keep his leader skill active, though.
Yeah I'm trying to think ahead for tougher normals lol.
Mastering with a buttload of Kirin friends seems to get quite high HP with a good amount of RCV. So maybe that? Granted it has piss poor attack.
depending on your box maybe you can pick a mono color leader and pick 5 Sonia's of the same attribute as subs.
I have Ame she is a great mono red leader and with five Ronia or 4 Ronia and Delay friends I easily made it to Queen of the Gods. Waiting to awaken my Odin to try an All Odin team for QOG and KOG this weekend
Listed the notables in my box before. Only mono color leader I have is Persephone. And a snow globe.
Listed the notables in my box before. Only mono color leader I have is Persephone. And a snow globe.
Doesn't this violate comp gacha laws?
You might try saving up stones on your current account and rolling several times in the godfest before you reroll. That way if you get something good you don't have to bother starting over.Thanks, I think I will keep on playing the game casually and get my reroll on when it comes to the next Godfest. Hope it isn't too far away, mid August sounds nice.
Do you have a Valkyrie? A lot of the challenge mode dungeons can be beat easily with a Valkyrie leader and 5 high level Valkyrie friends. The later dungeons will require more specialized teams but a 2.5x attack or higher leader is usually best. Also use elemental advantage, bring light monsters to a mainly dark dungeon for example.
Tweet says it complies with comp gacha laws (somehow), but they're changing it cause of backlash.
Did they REALLY think people would be OK with that?
Also, what are these "comp gacha laws"?
Back a few years ago, there was a growing trend of digital games offering a "complete gachapon" feature. In PAD parlance, it'd be something like "collect the entire Norse pantheon, receive the exclusive Light Odin!" That was made illegal about two years ago, and you can see why companies have been wary about introducing features that require specific REM rolls to obtain.Did they REALLY think people would be OK with that?
Also, what are these "comp gacha laws"?
Did they REALLY think people would be OK with that?
Also, what are these "comp gacha laws"?
Still no luck with my account...
But my lolDevil team is coming along I guess? unevolved Ronia + King Baddie/King Baddie/Wicked Lady/Echidna. It works for most stuff at this point. Just need more Ronia's to pair up with so I can cruise through shit.
Honestly I can kind of see the use for Ults that require a copy of the same REM monster. It is a neat way of making use of duplicate rolls. I'd only be worried if it leads to some insane power creep.
Also, somewhat unrelated, I've always wondered if GungHo tests descended dungeons with teams that aren't combo leads (like Ra, Horus, Chinese Gods, etc). Like, I wonder if they've cleared dungeons with only farmable leads/subs. It would be an interesting approach to show that even stupid dungeons like Dios, Twinlits, Trifruits, etc. could be done via farming alone (without assuming you farm stones for a max skilled Echidna and such) and not relying on stupid luck via RNG or REM.
Downloaded this game yesterday I'm already hooked. I got to level 9 and someone told me to start over and reroll till I get a better starter. What monster should I try and get?