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Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll

Loving this team. Finally got my cost up enough to use my Mechdragon. Eventually I want to replace Belial with Shiva and Baddie with Lubu. With a Ronia friend it's 4 red row enhancements, 5 dark enhancements, 2 double prong attacks and 8 skill boosts.



My Ronia team is similar except I have Shiva instead of baddie since I don't need baddie 90% of the time.

Looks llike Thors new ultimate is coming soon. Also got my 400 day bonus, glad I got it after godfest I would have wasted them on rolls.


It seems like each time Scarlet Snake Princess comes around, it doesn't matter what I do, I can only manage 1 skill up -- 1/18 yesterday during the 2x drop.

Hit my 550 day bonus yesterday, and I *still* don't have a max skill Echidna. Final skill up next time they bring the goddamn dungeon around. GungHo pls.


Mine is somewhat similar as well aside from having fallen angel and a second ronia instead of belief and the mech. Been working on a shiva recently but haven't levelled him nor had Tamadra to awaken yet.
It seems like each time Scarlet Snake Princess comes around, it doesn't matter what I do, I can only manage 1 skill up -- 1/18 yesterday during the 2x drop.

Hit my 550 day bonus yesterday, and I *still* don't have a max skill Echidna. Final skill up next time they bring the goddamn dungeon around. GungHo pls.
Good news is that soon you can just farm Legendary Fire Dragon for Nagas, that drop rate is going to be a different matter though.



edit 2:
Wait a second, G.Valk is actually Lively?
Ran Hera with an Odin/resist team. Man that is mind numbing. Took over an hour. I need to run it at least one more time today, so I may take a chance with my DQXQ team, but it only has about 13k HP and 2.3k RCV. So I could survive a hit from Hera but not Minerva. Risky but I think I'd prefer it to the grind.

Is the pink machine worth pulling? The ultimate evos seem pretty solid and Kurone is one of the only dark healers.


Don't carry on unless your well over rank 100 it doesn't take long to get back to rank 50 using exp multiplers on dungeons, I had an account that was over rank 100 and changed phone lost it due to no remeber anything on the account and it been non API, started again with a Luci and only took me a few weekends to
Get to rank 80+ using Tower of Gaints floor 3 on weekends, you can just keep playing none stop up untill rank 90 or something it's pretty boring but it's worth it.

Here is a post showing the best exp dungeons , http://puzzleanddragonsforum.com/showthread.php?tid=11508&pid=102646#pid102646

Here is a post I used to help with Non API , http://puzzleanddragonsforum.com/showthread.php?pid=102646#pid102646

Guess I will just reroll.
Is it worth it to try now or should I wait for a godfest?

There is still a chance to get something good now...right?
Guess I will just reroll.
Is it worth it to try now or should I wait for a godfest?

There is still a chance to get something good now...right?
Well, technically there's a chance. But it's small. Really small. You can try now, but more likely than not you're going to give up before the next godfest comes around. That was my experience at least.


Is the pink machine worth pulling? The ultimate evos seem pretty solid and Kurone is one of the only dark healers.

If it's anything like JP, get ready to roll a bunch of fairy tale girls.

What's the difference between bikini tron and regular uevo ton?

Main element blue, sub element light. That's it. Well, and the bikini.

She's super rare, don't pull just for her. I wonder if we get slightly boosted rates or the original <.1% chance.

Epic Drop

I really wish Gung-Ho would publish some of their statistics. I'm literally running into near impossibilities with this game.

I ran the Echidna dungeon 21 times in a row last night without a single drop, when the supposed drop rate is 40%. There's a .0022% chance of that happening. When I finally gave up running the dungeon in disgust and fed my remaining skill up fodders to my main Echidna, I went 0/30. There is a 0.1% chance of that happening.

It's just driving me crazy how up and down this game is. I've now gone through three cycles of the Echidna dungeon, farming heavily and dumping stones each time, and my Echidna is still 2 skill ups from max skill level.
I really wish Gung-Ho would publish some of their statistics. I'm literally running into near impossibilities with this game.

I ran the Echidna dungeon 21 times in a row last night without a single drop, when the supposed drop rate is 40%. There's a .0022% chance of that happening. When I finally gave up running the dungeon in disgust and fed my remaining skill up fodders to my main Echidna, I went 0/30. There is a 0.1% chance of that happening.

It's just driving me crazy how up and down this game is. I've now gone through three cycles of the Echidna dungeon, farming heavily and dumping stones each time, and my Echidna is still 2 skill ups from max skill level.

Yeah I agree, there's no way the drop rate is 40%. I've read another source that says the base is 12% which would put double rate at 24% which seems more in line with what I've seen reported.

I'm 2/21 myself which seems to actually be decent for Echidna. Sorry about your awful luck, hopefully it turns around soon.
Finally was able to 0-stone Izanami mythical with U&Y. This dungeon really isn't too bad as long as everything goes right - resist blind on Yomi, get Dark Izanami, have orbs to activate when you need to.

I max skilled one Echidna a while ago but I can't bring myself to try to max skill another. One day I'd like to try the Kushi / Echidna / Echidna / Echidna / XXX / Kushi super defensive team.
I don't know what the skill-up rate was back then, but the very first time the Naga dungeon appeared in U.S. PAD I max-skilled 3 Echidnas. Took me the entire day and I didn't get the final skill-up on the third Echidna until 15 minutes before midnight. So just barely. Mind you, this was before we had 2x skill-up rates. It was the single worst PAD experience I've ever had. My entire soul was drained.


Guess I will just reroll.
Is it worth it to try now or should I wait for a godfest?

There is still a chance to get something good now...right?

Well what you can do is write down your info from the current game you have on your phone so no matter what you can always reinstall that back so you won't lose anything restarting, I rolled outside of a God fest so it's up to you, just make sure to check that you have a decent lead before carrying on there is a link to a guide within the guide I linked to you.
It's all luck and randomness. It seems worse than it is because usually only the people with really, really poor rates post to complain. Last time SSP came around, I got my Echidna to skill 5 just by running it non-stop for all 3 days, no stoning. Don't remember the overall rate but I'd have been a lot less satisfied if it wasn't for a 2/2 feed that bailed me out. This time, I did 8 runs during 2x and got 4 Nagas to drop, the 4th gave me final skillup.

The RNG is stupid streaky. Only have to look at the REM results to see that.
Yeah when you have a streak of 0/15 or 0/20 skill-ups while 2x skill-ups is active it's really annoying. Funny how some monsters just refuse to skill up and others take 10 feeds or less.

Also the plus egg rate for me yesterday in Door of Light and Shadow was terrible - 5 in 15 runs, then I gave up. Luckily Starry View Lane is coming back around today.


It's all luck and randomness. It seems worse than it is because usually only the people with really, really poor rates post to complain. Last time SSP came around, I got my Echidna to skill 5 just by running it non-stop for all 3 days, no stoning. Don't remember the overall rate but I'd have been a lot less satisfied if it wasn't for a 2/2 feed that bailed me out. This time, I did 8 runs during 2x and got 4 Nagas to drop, the 4th gave me final skillup.

The RNG is stupid streaky. Only have to look at the REM results to see that.

This is true but I ran it none stop and ended up with 1/34 which is just shocking , they should make it so that if you feed 5 of the same skill at the same time you are guaranteed a skill up.
Guaranteed skill up is coming though.

and I can't wait. Depending on how they roll out I already have a priority list down

For example, if they are the rumored 1 monster for each color guaranteed skill up, then it's the following:

Red: Devil Shiva no US skill up monster and incredibly useful.
Blue: Awoken Neptune, followed by Unit-13
Green: no clue - maybe GrOdin (but he has a Farmable OdinTama now)
Light: Ammy, L.tron, or Izanagi, Yatagarasu is practically impossible to get, and Light Chaser... Izanagi doesn't have a skill up monster
Dark: no clue, so many almost theres. and many I still have feeds just waiting to evo.

if it is one monster for any guaranteed skill up then easy - Dark Shiva, Ammy, L.Tron, Izanagi, then anything useful.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Sandalphon is the only one I'd consider over Shynee at all. Heracles isn't enough burst by itself and his HP drop will get you killed unless you heal the same turn. I&I active only boosts blue element attacks, not the cards themselves, so DQXQ only gains extra damage on their sub element. Leading with I&I healer ultimate with sub DQXQ is worth considering, but needs multiple other REM blue healer subs to function.

Sandalphon really needs to be max skill to work. Healer based DQXQ doesn't have much HP to tank and stall with. And it still may not be enough burst unless you can use both leader skills on consecutive turns. If you already have him, I'd wander into endless and sample your damage output before deciding.

5x tech fun:
357 runs of Forbidden Tower 4
211 plus eggs
16 stones and 2 rank ups
15 hour workday
2 bleeding eyeballs

Need to stop running the last hour of these bonus rate events. I got four plus eggs in 45 minutes. Killed my ratio.

I don't even know what to feed these eggs into. And Star Vault is tomorrow..

Are you sure about the I&I active? pdx says it's for water cards, not water attack. (If it is for the cards, would you say it's worth trying to make a team around?)


You guys voted for new ultimates yet


Goolge translate ask for ID in first box and rank in second box, last box cycle through the pantheons until you find the one you want and tick the radial of the god you want to vote for.

I don't know if they will invalidate votes but padforum poster says the id is for a prize and probably will filter out non JP PAD id from winning the prize.

Voted for Kushinada highly unlikely she will win but I really don't like her healer type

Kind of funny seeing all the post claiming Kirin might actually win again.


You guys voted for new ultimates yet


Goolge translate ask for ID in first box and rank in second box, last box cycle through the pantheons until you find the one you want and tick the radial of the god you want to vote for.

I don't know if they will invalidate votes but padforum poster says the id is for a prize and probably will filter out non JP PAD id from winning the prize.

Voted for Kushinada highly unlikely she will win but I really don't like her healer type

Kind of funny seeing all the post claiming Kirin might actually win again.

What if Kirin wins again?



I think she probably will win but since the vote is secret they could just sweep it under the rug or piss everybody off and give her the Bastet treatment.


You guys voted for new ultimates yet


Goolge translate ask for ID in first box and rank in second box, last box cycle through the pantheons until you find the one you want and tick the radial of the god you want to vote for.

I don't know if they will invalidate votes but padforum poster says the id is for a prize and probably will filter out non JP PAD id from winning the prize.

Voted for Kushinada highly unlikely she will win but I really don't like her healer type

Kind of funny seeing all the post claiming Kirin might actually win again.

I'm pretty sure the id and rank are for verification. This is the same format they have always used for voting.

i voted for Satan again. He came in fourth duing the last event so maybe he has a shot this time.

My predictions are Dark Meta, Red Sonia and Pandora. They are just too popular right now.
I could get on board with Satan. I have a LuBu so I bet I'll be using a Satan team pretty often.

Edit: just got 3 then 4 +eggs on consecutive Star Vault runs. That's a good feeling.


Light: Ammy, L.tron, or Izanagi, Yatagarasu is practically impossible to get, and Light Chaser... Izanagi doesn't have a skill up monster
Yellow Chaser was close to winning the last survey from what I could tell. Unless the meta game changes dramatically it's only a matter of time before it's farmable.

Did the term "Busty" come from the fact that a lot of PAD monsters are female with large breasts, and ultimate evolutions made them more prominent?
IIRC it was from a google translation of Chinese PAD wikis as a term for ultimate evolutions and it just stuck around.


Just saw W/L Tron. Cannot believe I missed that news. Honestly, she looks super dumb, even by PAD standards. Could see some cool teams with her and it will inevitably mean more Tron friends for me to pair with, so that'll be nice.


I don't see the point in Bikini Tron except for maybe no dupes dungeons. LMeta still does 33% damage with her sub element if you're using a blue healer team and more importantly you don't have to use the pink REM lol.


Do the coin dungeons refresh every two weeks? there is a countdown timer on it.

5 minute stamina is quite nice!!

No one really knows what the timer means, at least not as far as I can see around the web. Best speculation is that the coin-shop is limited time and will only appear during event weekends. Would make sense.
Got in 40 runs, but only 52 +eggs. Seems low compared to all the anecdotes I've been reading for drop rates. But still the best source of +eggs, no doubt. Actually, I think I did much better during the first half hour, then started getting a bunch of runs with no +egg drops.

I got my Ronia from +241 to +297 in just the past 2 days. Not bad. Not sure who to work on next. Also, I was surprised to see a pop-up message saying I could no longer feed Ronia after the final feeding that got her to +297. Thought it was odd that she was the only +297 monster I had that I couldn't feed anymore. I have other monsters that are +297 and max level/awoken/skilled. But then I realized it's because she's not an ultimate evo. Ultimate evos can still be fed lits for reverse uvo, so they can always still be fed. I also noticed Ronia is the only 6* Sonia. Gronia and Blonia are both 7*. Even more reason for her to get an ultimate. =P

I actually bit the bullet and spent 20 stones for the last 100 box spaces to max me out at 1100. I didn't want to run out of space while farming like last time. I had 25 spaces left after my run. Almost 400 spaces are taken just by my favorited keepers. Damn GungHo making keep a bunch of low cost utility monsters just in case I may ever need them in some upcoming limited dungeons. *shakes fist*
Best way to farm eggs? I need to focus on that for awhile.
If you mean +eggs, you just missed the best dungeon for it (Starry View Lane). Unless you're in group B, then you have about 20 minutes left to run it. After that would be tech dungeons like Door of Light and Shadow during a 5x +egg rate event combined with Monday's 1.5x tech dungeon drops.


Got in 40 runs, but only 52 +eggs. Seems low compared to all the anecdotes I've been reading for drop rates.

I did only 9 runs and got 26 +eggs. Sadly this dungeon was very early for me (6am) so I didn't farm it enough.

And now my Ronia needs only 33 +eggs. I hope I can max her before I hit my 100 days of playing.


Was using up some Tamadras and just realized that I never ran Scarlet Snake for the S rank. Oops. Guess I will have to wait three months to fix that. I hate how long it takes to cycle this stuff back. They need to add these sorts of dungeons to the coin purchase list.


I'm in group E and live on the east coast. This is the 2nd time in a row that Starry Vault was on too late for me. I would have used some stones so it's Gungho's loss.


Early impressions of the coin dungeons and skill up monsters from padforum is a little mixed.

So the skill ups are a rare drop not invades, so like tamas you may see them appear but the drop is not guaranteed.

Some are suggesting this might not replace collabs completely and probably not non-iap friendly. Will most likely be used to skill up cards that have hard to get skill ups or don't have skill up fodder.

IMO it probably still to early to know which is more efficient to farm collab skill ups or farm the coin dungeon for the guaranteed skill up. Since this is Gungho we are talking about I would not be surprised if one of those heavy iap guys show some data that there is very little difference.


Just a reminder, when Water Metatron came out in Japan there were a few guys that rolled big. I can't find the post detailing the entire mess, but one guy got her after 167 rolls (not stones) and a second guy gave up somewhere north of 170 rolls.
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