http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/profile.asp?u=19854Mono red isn't really going to be able to handle either dungeon. And a Valk team capable of beating Hera takes a long time to make as it usually requires at least two max skilled Valks and a max skilled Echidna. You should post your box so we can give you either a better option to use or guide you on how to create a team in time for their next appearance.
Missing some levels on my monored team but that's that..
Atm i have 11 tamadra if they can be useful, 6 metal kings, 5 high metal dragon, 1 exp fodder max level Noel
Vert (and One at lvl 1 i'd like to keep) and 30ish atone i can use to force rush metal dragon for kings..
I've got the BASIC for a valk healer team, but i should evo valk, bust evo angelion, evo king shynee, etc
If needed i'll try to rush that way!