Question for those who play both versions. What are the things being done in the JP version that aren't being matched in the US version?*
Like, Pengdra Village, Gold Dragons, and Poring Tower? How often do they show up in JP, and how long do they stay? Is Gold Dragons a one hour only event there, or does it get 3-4 appearances like metal/gem dragons do? (It is really ridiculous that if you want to evolve light pengdras here, you need to be sitting on pengdras or gold dragons for like a month to do so.)
How are Mystic Knights handled? When I started in US, we'd get them for a week at a time, with double drops on the last day; now, they're one day only (which really sucks when you consider the highest level dungeon is Expert with an estimated 5% drop rate).
Does the JP REM still spew out unevolved Mystic Knights, Vampire, and golems, or has it been pruned to only have things relevant or situational to the state of the power creep?
What sort of events/celebrations/godfests do they get? I remember the JP Anniversary having like an 8x godfest in the US because of some week-long godfest overlapping with a single day godfest; the US Anniversary gets some ho-hum celebration that's indistinguishable from (and inferior to) the end of summer or beginning of fall celebrations.
* I mean besides them getting updates sooner and more frequently and having more/better collabs. I'm not really surprised that we don't have stuff like Taiko yet (because licensing and most Americans never having even heard of it), though I am a bit surprised that we don't have any of the collab stuff for Princess Punt (available in the US) or Freak Tower (available in the US) or any of the other GungHo properties (that are available in the US). Are there any non-collab, non-licensed, etc, dungeons or monsters that we don't have and there's no good reason for it? Stuff like Beelzebub or Take-Minakata I can assume we just haven't gotten yet, but are there any like Plan for whom there does not seem to be any reason for us not having at all?