So with that program you could see before hand if the heavy metal dragon would drop? or if the lower difficulty descends would drop?
interesting... I've already gotten every descend with mutliple levels (just missing Zues Dios) but Heavy Metal Dragon is scary...
I have a Ra team, and working on a Tengu. Got some Tamadras for awakenings (if need be) and really have no clue how to proceed.
Yeah, tried earlier with a resolve team. It didn't go so well. On Master anyway, Expert was easily doable with my standard team. ~_~so i don't play that much but a few pages back someone said that green odin was a good leader for clearing the tuesday dungeon (which i have never cleared before)
worked great, finally got a few rainbow dudes.
Yayyyyy Rainbow Keepers are dropping!
Although I died stupidly during a run because of round 3 timer bullshit... but still, I should be able to get a couple.
Is pval only a 0 or 1? I'd think it would indicate which stat is getting a +, not just whether there is one.btw confirming my speculations..
pval is +plusegg value..
Is using that puzzcombo thing risky? Like can they ban me for it? I just want to use it to learn how to make better combos in the endless dungeon. That's really my weakness in this game.
Is pval only a 0 or 1? I'd think it would indicate which stat is getting a +, not just whether there is one.
What was your + in? I would guess they'd use (0, 1, 2, 3) for (nothing, HP, ATK, RCV) or somesuch.i think it's 0 nothing then there's gotta be some indication for the stat where it's getting the +1..
I'll run some test this weekend and keep you guys posted
I finally came back to this after not playing for 6 months. Starting totally fresh. Got a couple questions:
1. Have the bottom menu buttons always been this "hard" to press? They don't register very well and have to tap them multiple times to get it to register. iPhone 5S
2. Toytops is a shitty starting monster right?
Is using that puzzcombo thing risky? Like can they ban me for it? I just want to use it to learn how to make better combos in the endless dungeon. That's really my weakness in this game.
I took my Bastet to 97 today. I am SUPER tempted to set an alarm for 1 am and run Super Emeralds. I REALLY want to max Bastet, GrOdin, Fortoytops, Chu Chu, Dios, and ADK (not in that order). Susano is supposed to be getting a busty, so I wouldn't mind pumping him, too.
Fucking green...
As for "win the game" apps, I never would. I want my achievements to mean something, is all. (I don't mean the in-game achievements.)
I finally came back to this after not playing for 6 months. Starting totally fresh. Got a couple questions:
1. Have the bottom menu buttons always been this "hard" to press? They don't register very well and have to tap them multiple times to get it to register. iPhone 5S
2. Toytops is a shitty starting monster right?
1. I noticed that too when I upgraded from the 4S to 5S. I think it's the phone though because I have the same problem when holding my finger on GAF links to open in new windows. It's hit or miss.I finally came back to this after not playing for 6 months. Starting totally fresh. Got a couple questions:
1. Have the bottom menu buttons always been this "hard" to press? They don't register very well and have to tap them multiple times to get it to register. iPhone 5S
2. Toytops is a shitty starting monster right?
Side note, anyone in here playing Hearthstone beta? Always wanted to get I to mtg but the cost was too steep and online is more my thing. Loving the beta so far. Would get some casual games with others if you're up for it.
5 hera-is run, 2 hera-is get..
stone tally:
run 1--> 3
run 2 --> 2
run 3 --> 3
run 4 --> 1
run 5 --> 3
plus two stone for stamina refill..
so 3 +2+3+1+3+2 --> 14 stone for 2 hera-is..
If i had used that packet filter stuff I would have avoided any stoning on run 1,2,3.... thus bringing the tally to 4 stone +2 refills :|
guess i'll be abusing that during my next descended events if the % isn't 100%
would love a third hera-is, will try to get into another dungeon tomorrow morning (in 4 hours i should have enough stamina).. I'll just plunge in the dungeon and finish it tomorrow night :X
btw confirming my speculations..
pval is +plusegg value..
Side note, anyone in here playing Hearthstone beta? Always wanted to get I to mtg but the cost was too steep and online is more my thing. Loving the beta so far. Would get some casual games with others if you're up for it.
For what it's worth, 2 Hera-Is for 14 stones is better than 3 shit pulls from the REM. Hera-Is is super good.
.Finally, Susanoo doesn't look terrible.
Nice! And congrats on ADKZ.I had to post about my lucky ten minutes with PAD. I don't have a team capable of consistently running the Master level of the Batman Collab, so I've been running expert and hoping for a Joker drop.
Tonight, I had 25 stamina left and knew it was my last chance. I also knew I needed a green keeper for the ultimate evo of ADK. I had to make a choice: Keeper of Green or Batman. I chose the Joker dungeon, and, luckily, got the drop.
Then, I pulled on the PAL machine... and got a Green Keeper and Dragon Fruit.
Sometimes, you can have it all.
Ult Susanoo and Orochi. PAD is an equal opportunity fanservice provider
Orochi has also been hitting the hootch apparently
Ult Susanoo and Orochi. PAD is an equal opportunity fanservice provider
Orochi has also been hitting the hootch apparently
Anyone have a Goemon I can use for last chance at Batman collab? Friend Id is 353755205
I have a Lv 80 Goemon if you still need it. I'm Static@GAF.
Beat hera-is for the third time. Still no drop. I am getting pissed.
Sure if you can switch to him.
It took me 5 tries to get Hera-Is 3 months ago before she finally dropped. Very frustrating.
Goemon should be up now, let me know when you are in so I can switch leaders.
How long does it take to refresh? Can I do something to manually update it. It shows you as Grodin.
Try it again, I think I refreshed.
any way to buy stones online? i cant buy them through the game
Doesn't show up. Its ok, thanks for trying!
Buy iTunes gift cards for the region you are in possibly.
Don't give up, I'll keep trying to refresh.
Debating on this sticker girl REM on my JP account. I have four rolls, BUT already have a Kirin there so not sure if I want to roll for another Chinese god. The only healer girls I would want is the light one, realistically-without skillups the rest are pretty underwhelming
absolutly. The amount of content you can clear is staggering and its so much quicker than 2xLucy. Not safe though, need to pick where you want to stall. Almost always take an Echidna for emergencies.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hera-is is mine.
Took 6 stones total but I am pleased.
First 3 stones were for my first abandoned run I couldn't do, just couldn't heal enough against hera.
I had to use a stone to refresh stamina, but then she didn't drop. Next attempt I died against the chaos dragon and needed another stone, and she didn't drop.
My last stone i used to refresh stamina for one last shot before the dungeon left. 0 stoned this last attempt. Hera-is drops with a +1 to recovery. YAY!