Is there any chance that I can take on Two Heroes with a fully-leveled Batman D/D as my Leader, and then two Rainbow Knights, a fully-leveled Peirdrawn, a decently-leveled Vampire Lord [maybe a fully-leveled Siren instead?], and a high-leveled Lucifer as my friend?
I realize that my team isn't the best, but I really want to grab a Highlander and Berserk for my Kirin team. I suppose I could wait until next time it comes around...
Well... Consider this, you can go but if your pierdra isn't Max skilled you're bound to spend some stones if you get orb trolled...
If your matching skilled are good though you'll ve fine..
Have all skill ready @4th floor..
If 2 vamp are sync-ed insta gib one..
If three vamp are synched , instagib One and pop rk to absorb part of the dmg...
Grind One vamp away, recharge your skill, Grind the other One.
Last floor.. One of the two has 300k something hp...
Pop dark golem, 1 rk, combo.. You Need to deal 80k more or less.. Pop luci and finish him...
If there are 3 or so heart, pop rk if the previous One is gone and pop pierdra, then combo away... Now just heal and Grind away 1m from siegfried...