current box, echidna is on 38.
runnning vamp leader, black baron, rainbow keeper, phoenix knight, pyro demon and war deity ares friend, thats my best team, or at least the best i figured out.
any recommendations?
for now use resolve team if you feel you can safely clear the daily dungeons with them, another option is Odin/healer girl with Rondo of Healing.
But you should seriously consider building a mono color team, I crush daily dungeons with my mono red, even Rainbow Keeper I can one shot him with the right leader friend. Mono team is also the team i use to farm/grind x1.5 dungeons too.
You have a mono red team the only thing your missing is a orb or flame enhancer monster, but it is not crucial.
Busty Firedragon, get to Echidna, Ripper and Mystic knight to there final form you dont need to busty Mystic knight its not worth it. Get Titan to gigas but dont evo him to his final form.
My monored team
Firedragon Grand Tyrannos lv 85, Soon to be replaced by Uzume when I evolve her.
Falcon Horus, he is maxed lv but I only use him because he has enhanced fire orb skill
Echidna maxed evo and lv 52 I hardly ever need her skill but she is there for emergencies
Homura lv 50 use his skill to change water orb to fire
Gigas lv 50 for heal orb to red orb
Paired with Ares I crush most normal/technical dungeons, all daily dungeons and some descend dungeons.
I also see Idunn&Idunna in your box so mono blue is an option for you I also have her and a decent team around her.
monored team guide
mono blue