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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls

Ra is definitely better than Bastet once the Egyptian Awokens come over. Ronia is still your best bet to progress with an easily farmable team. The egyptian gods are going to need help from the REM.
Ronia will be easier to play but Egyptian 1.0 is just as non-IAP friendly as her when it comes to sub selection.
Screw it. I'm going to go with Ronia. Sick of rerolling. Will just use all the magic stones I get while the godfest is still active.

Edit: OH LORD I can't even use her yet, she costs too much! jfksl;fjdsk

DOUBLE EDIT: lol. First egg roll on the Sonia account is a Ra.
After all that agonizing over who to stick with, too. Crazy.


I got my 10 stones for playing 600 days. Holy shit that seems so long ago.

One roll in celebration and I get a second rodin. I am sure it will be useful with the rows but I have plenty of other places to throw some red exp so I may sit on the shelf for a while.


Well I just rolled Urd. I have every Norn.

What's a good team for Urd? Or should I use her as an Awoken Shiva sub?

RE: Urd team, get all the heavy hitting fire - and maybe some water - TPA subs you can find. Awoken Kagutsuchi, red Valk, maybe add a Beast Rider if you want to try to capitalize on blue damage as well. Pretty REM dependent.

Some folks on Reddit crunched numbers on Norn subs recently:

You may need to add Nim, King Flamie, or an orb enhancer to get the big burst damage you'd see on other teams. Awoken Shiva would actually be a pretty amazing Urd sub, should you not want to have to worry about activation conditions.
RE: Urd team, get all the heavy hitting fire - and maybe some water - TPA subs you can find. Awoken Kagutsuchi, red Valk, maybe add a Beast Rider if you want to try to capitalize on blue damage as well. Pretty REM dependent.

Some folks on Reddit crunched numbers on Norn subs recently:

You may need to add Nim, King Flamie, or an orb enhancer to get the big burst damage you'd see on other teams. Awoken Shiva would actually be a pretty amazing Urd sub, should you not want to have to worry about activation conditions.

Hmm I sadly lack a lot of the key Urd subs. Most of my fire monsters pack rows. I think I will just focus on Verdandi in this case since I have closer to optimal subs.


Ronia will be easier to play but Egyptian 1.0 is just as non-IAP friendly as her when it comes to sub selection.

Ronia can tackle a ton of content with farmable mobs. Moonfang Lilith, Vamp, Drawn Joker and Baddie. All easily farmable and really strong when paired with a hypermax Beelz. Can get you through a large portion of descended dungeons without even trying.

Thanks for the guide! Going to be very useful for a long ass time.

I'm going to go ahead and post the accounts I'm not using. There's a Lu Bu, L. Meta, Sun Quan, and Ra for anyone who wants to use them. Quote to reveal.

if you use them please let me know.

Best to remove them from the quote and PM if someone is interested. If someone saves or discovers them for an account someone starts using it could cause them a headache.


Best to remove them from the quote and PM if someone is interested. If someone saves or discovers them for an account someone starts using it could cause them a headache.

certainly not gungho approved to give info like this, but as far as I understand the transfer code only works one time, and one time per month.

therefore this actually might be a fine way to pass data.

I haven't done it before, other than to transfer my main account from android to ios.

- challenge 7 has really pissed me off - I've gotten trolled on the last floor twice (overdamage putting os <30% and not being able to tank the hit) - frustrating.
- tempted to buy a pack (approaching bday) but nothing I really want until I complete my current teams.
- absolutely love URD at this point, most consistent least trolled leader I've played.
- awokened venus, excellent for lmeta team, just wish the enhance would come for her and odin.
Ronia can tackle a ton of content with farmable mobs. Moonfang Lilith, Vamp, Drawn Joker and Baddie. All easily farmable and really strong when paired with a hypermax Beelz. Can get you through a large portion of descended dungeons without even trying.
Yeah, the bolded is the key part. But my point is Bastet/Isis/Horus/Ra/Anubis can do a lot of the easier descends with farmable subs. Just requires a modicum of skill
well, a bit more for Ra and Anubis :lol
is all.


Who is better? Light Kali UVO without Fuma Kotaro, or Awoken Ra with only one l.Kali sub and no d.kali?

Shit so Verdandi isn't in the top tier? I don't quite have the ridiculous 3 Liu Bei team but Awoken Meimei and GZL are close.

Awoken Ra.

Verdandi ranks after the wood hero god and A. Bastet.

Screw it. I'm going to go with Ronia. Sick of rerolling. Will just use all the magic stones I get while the godfest is still active.

Edit: OH LORD I can't even use her yet, she costs too much! jfksl;fjdsk

DOUBLE EDIT: lol. First egg roll on the Sonia account is a Ra.

Congrats. Ronia with farmable subs could get you breeze through 95% content of the game.
The rest 5% can be done with Awoken Ra with some REM subs.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I was debating if i should save all pulls for PCGF or just try to get Liu Bei now.

Bad news, if the PCGF is this month i wont be able to pull more than twice. The good news is...

first pull today Verdandi (dupe)...im like ..cant stop now.
2nd pull.....Verdandi(dupe)....

at this point im like....screw it, waste all stones now

3rd pull ..fucking Hatsume...my first Ninja and the one Key sub i was missing for Andromeda...
... even if my last pulls are all crap im more than set for the future..
4th pull.... Radious...crap (i assume) nvm...keep going
5th pull....silver...aargh...Basilisk crap (i assume and he looks like it lol)
6th and final pull....liu fucking bei...dupe

GODAMN...i may have sacrificed PCGF...but i dont care im set for now. I will have my 2 shots at Players Choice and the only units i still really want are DKali and Skuld. Even so i wont be pulling for a long time after this fest and leveling up my subs.

Once evolved i can run this Verdandi team.

Verdandi/Verdandi/Liu Bei/Liu Bei/GZL/Verdandi


For Awoken Parvati this also means i could/should run with 2 Verdandi subs ? I was working on Parvati/Perseus/GZL/Astaroth/Verdandi/Parvati ... guess i will be dropping one of the other subs for Verdandi.

Only bad part is...i dont think i will be using my GZL team anytime soon and this also makes me want to invest +eggs into Verdandi or Liu Bei instead of GZL...but i just have to finish him first otherwise i will never get anything done.

Well and i have no stones to use on Tama Retreat later...well cant have it all.

Great - im not in the market for an account but thanks for putting these up for Gaffers who might be interested.

Awoken Ra.

Verdandi ranks after the wood hero god and A. Bastet.

Perseus is a better leader than Verdandi ? Man these Heroes are getting so much love...cant wait to try Andromeda out once i skilled up some of her subs. Still have a hard time believing that Rows that powerful.

Also Perseus seems worse than the rest with only 1 Row Awakening.


I think Perseus might only be better because of his double skill bind resist. He has a poor choice of orb changing subs, you'd probably end up running a variation of a Verdandi team anyway. Definitely the weakest of Hero leads.

Also, double Verd and Bei? Dang guy, you get the best rolls ever.
Cao Cao was the only non-mini 3K I already had. Lu Bu used to be my most wanted, but that changed to Liu Bei since I max-skilled my Verdandi and Lu Bu has lost some luster. YOLO'd and got Liu Bei!

I'm done. I'm not even gonna roll-until-not-gold. I know GH is just trying to bait me. Lol.

Though, getting Liu Bei is bittersweet since I already wasted all my Winrons from the Blue Fairy dungeon on max-skilling 2 mini liu beis. In hindsight, the mini 3K machine was fools gold. Should've completely avoided it, and saved points for the 500pt evo mats.


Pulled some in this latest JP GF.

iPhone: 1 silver, Ruel, and Nim.

I'm not sure if I'll have much use for Ruel, but she does have a useful skill. Maybe if I need a green devil sometime. I still have my Bastet as G/D so she would be useful on that team.

Happy to get Nim though. That 1 turn 2.5x attacker burst is really nice. He's not a Dragon, but his skill would boost everybody almost everybody on my Vegito team (except Hino Kagu) and the same on my Vegeta team. Having Water as a sub element would also fill that requirement on the Vegeta team as well. (GZL gives me a burst, but I still need a water character.)
He'd also go great on my Urd team as he matches both colors, so he gets the HP/RCV bonus from her as well. Right now I'm thinking something like Urd/Urd/Nim/(Squall/Raoh/MurakumoGigas/Hino Kagu/Kenshiro/Vegito) not quite sure who to go with. Would make a pretty good Fire team.

iPad: 3 pulls, 3 gold. Evolved Kano (troll gold!), Nut, and BValk.

Nut seems like she could be very useful once I'm able to skill her up. Would be a good fit on my Skuld team especially if I can get her max skilled as a 4 turn orb changer is great.

Definitely happy to pick up BValk. Very nice fit on my Skuld team. I just need to skill her up. My current Skuld team is Skuld/Gotenks/Andromeda/Hatsume/U&Y (subbing in I&I for when I need a burst). Having two 5 turn orb changers in BValk and Hatsume would be great. Looking forward to seeing that new form as well. I had a BValk on my old account, but there was only the standard uevo at the time.

Tried out the Grimoire dungeon for the first time with my Vegito team. Got skill bound and accidentally took out Undine before stalling it off. Still took out the boss in two shots.

On my iPad, I tried out Sandalphon for the first time and cleared it as well with my Awoken Horus team (SSJ3 Goku friend). Horus was the only one with dark so Raphael was easy. Echidna on Sandalphon and easily whittled down his HP before the delay wore off.

Thanks to the new event I'm working on my plus eggs again. I've gotten my Trunks up over 200 now. If I'm lucky I can finish him off quickly and start working on somebody new. Still working on the Cell on my iPad as well. I'm more focused on my main account though.(iPhone)

I was debating if i should save all pulls for PCGF or just try to get Liu Bei now.

Bad news, if the PCGF is this month i wont be able to pull more than twice. The good news is...

first pull today Verdandi (dupe)...im like ..cant stop now.
2nd pull.....Verdandi(dupe)....

at this point im like....screw it, waste all stones now

3rd pull ..fucking Hatsume...my first Ninja and the one Key sub i was missing for Andromeda...
... even if my last pulls are all crap im more than set for the future..
4th pull.... Radious...crap (i assume) nvm...keep going
5th pull....silver...aargh...Basilisk crap (i assume and he looks like it lol)
6th and final pull....liu fucking bei...dupe

Once evolved i can run this Verdandi team.

Verdandi/Verdandi/Liu Bei/Liu Bei/GZL/Verdandi
Wow, nice rolls! So do you have 3 Verdandi's now too? (like me!)
Your team looks similar to the one I want to make. I was thinking something like Verdandi/Verdandi/Liu Bei x 3/Verdandi. Subbing in GZL when I want a burst for the Liu Beis. I'm still working on levelling most of them up.


Sup GAF, long time no see.

Rolled on main and only got a Yamato and two silvers -_-. I'll only have two rolls for PCGF now and the mythical DMeta and Blodin will continue to elude me.

Made an alt for fun trying to roll for a GZL or Dmeta...didn't really work out. After about my 30th or 40th reroll I stuck with the second Lkali that I ended up getting. And since then I have rolled a Cao Cao and Sun Quan two gods I never had before, haven't rolled a silver or a three star yet so that's good.




Damn I missed my Tamas. I'm in need of 10ish awakenings right now, but nothing too crucial.

My rate was poor to say the least. Was able however to awaken ceres, urd, famiel and started on andromeda.

Next time will probably aim to finish andromeda as well as Parvati who may be out by then.


Got a Horus from Godfest... already have 2 DQXQs and waiting to ult evo to DQ and XQ... should I even work on Horus? Road to Awoken Horus seems really long...



My rolls for today. <3 So much potential for a green Verdandi team since I have 2 of her and also a Freyja, GZL, Ceres, and Meimei. So Lui Bu is god here. Bastet can work in millions of teams.

I don't know what to do with the 2 Isis though since I have a DQXQ and Light Kali. (Both ult evo's I suppose?)

Red Sonia team that has vampire lord ult, king baddie, thantos, and Haku D/D ult. So Lu Bu is far off from fitting in the team anytime so in terms of my points, but I suppose long term Baddie is better off replaced by him. Than I have Hades to replace Thantos (so happy i rolled him. I was trying to get him last godfest but with no luck, so to my surprised that he showed up this godfest.)

Then Ra is a wild card here, and I yolo'ed rolled a god a week ago and that was Anubis. I'm disappointed I didn't roll Horus because he was much more expandable. But hey I have to great gods for end game. :/

I already had Archangel Raphael at his Ult, so this dupe is useless, same goes for Baal. Everything else I just don't have much use for... I replaced some monsters with duplicates of their previous form, and some are new to me. :/

Still on my list of gods to get:
All Indian Gods (Except for Ganesha and the Dragons)
Sun Quan (My dearly desired.)

Everything else I can care less for. Or anything good I might already have it!


Isis doesn't have much to do until her Awoken form arrives. Hope it's worth the wait.

You are the savior of PAD.

You are the chosen one.

You defied Gungho's desire sensors. You will be the one to lead us.

Pretty sick rolls in this thread today. Still think cw_sasuke is beating everyone as far as lucky roll streaks go, though.

Haven't rolled since Christmas, now I'm probably holding out for Phoenix Rider. Going to be a long while till I see that gold lever again in NA, heh.

Instead of pulling, I made a single pass at Challenge 10 and managed a zero-stone clear.

Mwahaha. Credits go to the PG crew for the lineup idea in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4ZLCERivGw

Awoken Venus is a beast, even without her enhance buff. Had to finally ultimate evolve Fuu and sacrifice a light noel and Tamadras to Sandalphon (barf), but he was really crucial to this team, even sitting at skill level 4. Team needs at least 17110 HP to tank Satan's World Ends.

First round heal and poke for a couple turns until you can make some rows and knock Satan into blue. Then keep healing up after his three turn hit and wear him down. Get all skills up before moving on to Hera-Ur. Hera-Ur takes every skill to kill. I went Andromeda->Fuu->Valk for a bicolor blue/light board. Hit Sandalphon for the boost and use Venus to set up as many rows and combos as possible. Even with a three row drop combo she survived with a sliver of health and used Dublit Mirror. Thankfully had a couple light sets available and used second Venus to ensure I hit the combo reqs.

Hera-Is is an easy stall floor. I took my time and waited out Hera-Ur's drop debuffs so I wouldn't have to worry about them in later stages. The only real dangers are when Freezing Blast hits a leader or if you get below 50% and trigger Ice Coffin. For Freezing Blast, having a couple subs with bind clear awakening helps if you can make hearts or have enough on the board. Ice Coffin is probably death if she hits both leads and takes out Sandalphon. I lost both leads, but kept Sandalphon so I used him to tank a couple turns until leaders were back. Safest course is to use all skills and burst her from above 50%.

Olympios is no big deal, stall for skills as necessary. Watch for his Super Nova at 20%, it still hits quite hard. Ideally set up the board with light orbs before he reaches that point, hit Sandalphon and make rows to take him out. Sandalphon is key to surviving Zeus-Dios preemptive, need ~14700 HP going in. I had stupidly used most of my actives to finish Olympios, so I had to tank and heal Zeus-Dios a bit. Barely squeaked through until Fuu->Valk combo was back and knocked him below 50%. Be careful not to overhit, you need to stall here for actives.

I had a crummy board going into Stratios, not enough blue/red orbs to make it to 6 combos after actives. Used Sandalphon to tank a hit, thinking I might need the HP later, but as long as he goes below 50% to trigger his God bind, there shouldn't be much issue. After clearing some orbs, I had a better board despite the jammer conversion. Fuu->Valk and used Venus to set up two rows and 6 combos. Don't know why I sat on Andromeda, but it didn't matter in the end.

My last zero-stone Challenge 10 was the first one, so this feels pretty good.
How is this for an L Kali team?

L Kali, L Kali, L Meta, D Meta, Sun Quan, L Kali


I need to use D meta on something since she has 180 stones and it looks like she fits well here. Ra stresses me out too much. That extra color to combo is a pain.

Also TPA team. How strong are they/Can they be? Been thinking a lot about A Dark Devil TPA team since many people are guessing Awoken Haku may be a TPA beast. This is just a random thought but what if they gave here 3 TPA's?

I would have this team.

Beezle, Haku, Haku, Dill Sirius, Lu Bu, Beezle

12 TPA team with a ton of HP. Would this team be really strong compared to the row teams we have now? It would have pathetic RCV though..


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Looks like we are getting Green Sprite Dungeon for Wood Fairys next week - guess its time to work on some Perseus skill ups.

I think Perseus might only be better because of his double skill bind resist. He has a poor choice of orb changing subs, you'd probably end up running a variation of a Verdandi team anyway. Definitely the weakest of Hero leads.

Also, double Verd and Bei? Dang guy, you get the best rolls ever.

You are right and with Perseus skill up incoming it he will be more attractive if i can at least a couple skill ups. Though getting 100% skill bind resist on Verdandi with GZL and Perseus as subs would be good for me.
Wow, nice rolls! So do you have 3 Verdandi's now too? (like me!)
Your team looks similar to the one I want to make. I was thinking something like Verdandi/Verdandi/Liu Bei x 3/Verdandi. Subbing in GZL when I want a burst for the Liu Beis. I'm still working on levelling most of them up.

Yeah 3 Verdandis as well - crazy.
And your Verdandi teams looks like the best one you can make with 3 Liu Beis :eek:

With new Verdandi/Liu Bei, Awoken Parvati coming soon as well as getting and leveling Cauchemar i will need a ton of Green exp in the next weeks - but it should be worth the effort.

Also congrats on the clears and getting Nim, i really like the Armored Knights Series. Only have Muse so far but they all seem useful for their specific type teams. Getting Delgado for Balanced ala Verdandi would been nice as well.

Trunks on +200 ? Nice....lately i havent been farming stages with +eggs drops but i will try to focus on it once i get my Verdandi team set up.
Almost a perfect run :0

Just wow...congrats..didnt even know this was possible...never stop believing in RNG :eek:
Thought I should hurry up and roll one last time before godfest ends.

No fucking way! Wow!

Hehe congrats - based RNG !!

So which Gods did you end up with on your main acc for now ? This was a GF for newcomers with 3K, Heroes etc.
Instead of pulling, I made a single pass at Challenge 10 and managed a zero-stone clear.

[Wall of Text]

I wont make it this time but for future Challenges i hope to tackle on challenge 7-8 more consistent. Just need to focus on 2-3 core teams.
Just found a post of mine from Apr 17, 2013 from PuzzleandDragonsforum.

Just Started playing a few days ago. Did some research on here and around the web. At rank 34 No Magic Stones 6k Gold and at the Tower of Flare Dungeon(Getting my butt Kicked). These are my current monsters:

Level 36 Siren The Enchanter
Level 31 Dark Dragon Knight
Level 8 dark Mystic Knight
Max level Keeper of Rainbow
Max level Keeper of flame
Max Level Tyrra

I'm trying to build a Dark Team though I do like Siren's Healing abilities. Not sure if I have a team good enough for my level or if I should just re roll till I get a better starter leader.

My planned build was
Vampire Lord(Leader)
Dark Dragon knight
Keeper of Rainbow
Black Dragon
Siren The Enchantress

All maxed forms eventually. Is this a decent team or should I remap my strategy? Reroll or keep going with what I have now?

I eventually rerolled and started over again with AA Luci which is the account I have now but it's crazy to see my humble beginnings. I was so cute wanting to stick siren on a mono dark team because her and vamp made a full dark board. =3
Apparently LMeta is the current frontrunner for the uvo vote, with DKali in close second and Verdandi not far behind. I would be extremely disappointed if Lmeta won. With all the changes to Ra lately, DKali at the very least needs a reworked leader skill, but an uvo would be awesome.

DIzanami is way ahead on the descend vote. It would be really great to see her get some decent awakenings. She has a lot of potential.

And the God vote seems to be a race between Kirin and Hathor, with the edge to Hathor. I don't understand the logic here. Egypt 2 is next in line for uvos after Indian 2. I guess I could get behind Kirin, but I feel like the Chinese awokens are just around the corner.
I would like a D.Kali uvo, she's already THE sub for many rainbow teams and a uvo could put her into good leader contention.

First hypermax on my first REM roll! Thanks 3x normals


How is this for an L Kali team?

L Kali, L Kali, L Meta, D Meta, Sun Quan, L Kali


I need to use D meta on something since she has 180 stones and it looks like she fits well here. Ra stresses me out too much. That extra color to combo is a pain.

Also TPA team. How strong are they/Can they be? Been thinking a lot about A Dark Devil TPA team since many people are guessing Awoken Haku may be a TPA beast. This is just a random thought but what if they gave here 3 TPA's?

I would have this team.

Beezle, Haku, Haku, Dill Sirius, Lu Bu, Beezle

12 TPA team with a ton of HP. Would this team be really strong compared to the row teams we have now? It would have pathetic RCV though..
No on the DMeta unless it's a dungeon where you need the damage reduction. She just doesn't provide much help regularly.


Cao Cao was the only non-mini 3K I already had. Lu Bu used to be my most wanted, but that changed to Liu Bei since I max-skilled my Verdandi and Lu Bu has lost some luster. YOLO'd and got Liu Bei!

I'm done. I'm not even gonna roll-until-not-gold. I know GH is just trying to bait me. Lol.

Though, getting Liu Bei is bittersweet since I already wasted all my Winrons from the Blue Fairy dungeon on max-skilling 2 mini liu beis. In hindsight, the mini 3K machine was fools gold. Should've completely avoided it, and saved points for the 500pt evo mats.

Congrats man. The fairy dungeons should be in the near future rotation of coin dungeon tho.


Hehe congrats - based RNG !!

So which Gods did you end up with on your main acc for now ? This was a GF for newcomers with 3K, Heroes etc.

The rolls I got for the godfest were Red Sonia, Ra, Chrono Turtle (lol), and Bastet. So for a day 1 F2P account I guess I did pretty good!


After acquiring Sandalphon the other day, I wanted to go after Gaia but I wasn't sure I had enough levels in my team to do so. Went with Guan Yinping/Echidna/Shynee/Lilith/Gigas/GY friend. Echidna and Lilith were 4* and Gigas was only lv45. I try not to stone on Legendary but used one on Ceres as I made it further than previous attempts. Thankfully I got the drop. Now to pump some levels and get me an Awoken Hades!
No on the DMeta unless it's a dungeon where you need the damage reduction. She just doesn't provide much help regularly.
Well her stats and the 3 skill boost help. I wish a I had a D Kali to put in her plaxe but I don't and I can't think of a better sub to cover dark.
Congrats man. The fairy dungeons should be in the near future rotation of coin dungeon tho.
Thanks. Just sucks because I also max-skilled Andromeda, so I'd only be running it for Liu Bei if I do.

Congrats on the 0-stone clear of C10 Raz. I cleared it with DMeta but it cost me 4 stones. Tried it with Pandora but I really need to invest +eggs in it for it to be viable. Didn't think about Awoken Venus, but I still need to evo the Sandalphon I recently got to make her. I also don't have Fuu or a regular DQXQ. Not sure what I'd sub for them.

I've been wanting to +egg Haku because I find myself using her on every Dark team I play. The only thing I'm concerned about is wasting her skill-ups if she gets an awoken version with different active. I have a dupe Haku so I'd rather awaken that if she gets a new active.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I was more or less done with the current Challenges after i screwed up twice with U&Y and wasted the stamina. But since i had nothing else to run today i wanted to give it one more try with U&Y....but the thought of screwing up a combo again or getting stuck on the early floor...urgh...screw it lets try to use Verdandi and power through.

Well.. it worked as imagined .... Only used active skills on the final stage for OHKO.


GZL/Verd are max level but i still need a couple levels on both Liu Beis. 2nd Verd isnt ready yet otherwise i might have brought her instead Odin...but then again for No RCV he is never a bad choice.

No use for a Badpy right now - but if i ever get Awoken Hades i will use it on him.
The rolls I got for the godfest were Red Sonia, Ra, Chrono Turtle (lol), and Bastet. So for a day 1 F2P account I guess I did pretty good!

Very nice rolls for the beginning - you should be fine for now.

Are you already on the GAF Google Doc friendlist ? I also run Verdandi should be a compatible leader with your Bastet for the beginning.

wow I voted close in line with the unofficial count.


Kirin, L.Meta, Izanami
Izanami is one desc havent tried yet...but seeing her active skill i can see why people want an Ult Evo on her. Need to ger her down the line as well.
After acquiring Sandalphon the other day, I wanted to go after Gaia but I wasn't sure I had enough levels in my team to do so. Went with Guan Yinping/Echidna/Shynee/Lilith/Gigas/GY friend. Echidna and Lilith were 4* and Gigas was only lv45. I try not to stone on Legendary but used one on Ceres as I made it further than previous attempts. Thankfully I got the drop. Now to pump some levels and get me an Awoken Hades!

Awesome - congrats.

Was hoping to get GYP this weekend but died again at the same part i died last time on zhao yun when you get him under 30% or so and he one shots me lol. I will just wait until i can also use God/Healer on that stage..and after that hopefully Gaia.


I have returned to PAD some days ago. More than 100 friends have abandoned me, I understand. Invited some from GAF friend list and some randoms from padx I hope to fill my 145 friends fast enough, especially with my maxed Ronia lead.

Reviewed my box and find out that I have been making a DMeta team. I have completely forgot about this. If I remember correctly I have been away for about 5 months or so.

Easily cleared 6 levels of challenge dungeon with my DMeta team: Hanzo, Gryps Persephone and Ronia. Its the best subs that I have at the moment. All I can say that playing with DMeta is more fun that with Ronia but harder.

Is Ronia still the top lead today? I can't see how x2.5 attack (slightly more with 6+ combo) is viable anymore. She is weak and stalling is rarely an option in the latest descends. I can't clear KoG consistently with Ronia+Ronia, but when I use Ronia+Lu Bu paring its 100%.

Also rolled once in this godfest and got Hatsume. Not bad. Soon I can make Andromeda or I&I team.


Neo Member
Hey I'm new to the game (started because of the Mario game coming out). I rolled until I got something on that list in the first post (Sun Quan) and now I have an "Ancient Green Sacred Mask" which looks like something used to evolve some higher end creatures, am I right with this?

Also I'm not too familiar with the events, but generally I should really only be pulling at god events right now right? There's something that's happening since the god event ended but it didn't seem as good as the god event itself. Still learning a lot of the terms so things like the wikia don't quite make sense yet.


Yes, finally finished up my Vegito and he is now Hyper. Thanks to the gift flampy and now the new Descend Challenge I picked up another one. The starting descend for receiving pys was Satan Descend, which I crushed with my LKali team, one shot Satan without even using enhance. Very easy to pick up the flampy. I've got to pick up some more from the other descends.

Also max skilled the Awoken Horus on my iPad with those same flampys. I switch between using him and Awoken Ra on my team. They are both okay subs for each other. Horus max skilled provides him or Ra with the extra boost from using a skill every 4 turns, plus an extra second of orb moving time. I just wish I had a Kali to use on my iPad. I generally run a Ra/LKali (friend) team to make up for the lack of a board changer like her.
Apparently LMeta is the current frontrunner for the uvo vote, with DKali in close second and Verdandi not far behind. I would be extremely disappointed if Lmeta won. With all the changes to Ra lately, DKali at the very least needs a reworked leader skill, but an uvo would be awesome.

DIzanami is way ahead on the descend vote. It would be really great to see her get some decent awakenings. She has a lot of potential.

And the God vote seems to be a race between Kirin and Hathor, with the edge to Hathor. I don't understand the logic here. Egypt 2 is next in line for uvos after Indian 2. I guess I could get behind Kirin, but I feel like the Chinese awokens are just around the corner.
I kind of hope LMeta wins the vote. I voted for her (twice). I have a dupe LMeta on both of mine, so I'd probably do the new uevo on those if she wins. My originals are both max skilled and I don't want to lose that after working on those LChasers.
I wouldn't mind a Verdandi win either.
Yeah 3 Verdandis as well - crazy.
And your Verdandi teams looks like the best one you can make with 3 Liu Beis :eek:

With new Verdandi/Liu Bei, Awoken Parvati coming soon as well as getting and leveling Cauchemar i will need a ton of Green exp in the next weeks - but it should be worth the effort.

Also congrats on the clears and getting Nim, i really like the Armored Knights Series. Only have Muse so far but they all seem useful for their specific type teams. Getting Delgado for Balanced ala Verdandi would been nice as well.

Trunks on +200 ? Nice....lately i havent been farming stages with +eggs drops but i will try to focus on it once i get my Verdandi team set up.
Congrats on the challenge clear. It's always useful to have extra pys in your box for when something comes up.
My Verdandis are way behind on the skill ups. I haven't really had a chance to run the Thursday dungeon lately. My main one is only at level 3. All three of my Liu Beis are max skilled though! I need to finish making my team when I have the time. My Vegito team and LKali team have been taking up my time lately (not to mention the FF collab. REM characters I picked up.)

I do have Delgado, but he is on my iPad and not my main iPhone account, heh. Now I just need to evolve Nim and my second Urd. That boost will be nice once I get him levelled up. I've been subbing in GZL whenever I need an attacker boost, but Nim seems to fit in much better on my teams.

Hopefully I can finish Trunks off before the event ends. I'm up to about 230ish, but once again I'm lagging behind on HP plus eggs. It always seems to end up that way. At least I've almost got his RCV up to 99. His uevo has 0 RCV so having 297 on it is nice especially with the Vegito dragon RCV boost(1.25x each Vegito) giving him effectively 464 RCV with the boost (when he is at 297.)

Still need to decide which character to plus egg next...Yuna, Hino Kagu, Liu Bei#1...
Hey I'm new to the game (started because of the Mario game coming out). I rolled until I got something on that list in the first post (Sun Quan) and now I have an "Ancient Green Sacred Mask" which looks like something used to evolve some higher end creatures, am I right with this?

Also I'm not too familiar with the events, but generally I should really only be pulling at god events right now right? There's something that's happening since the god event ended but it didn't seem as good as the god event itself. Still learning a lot of the terms so things like the wikia don't quite make sense yet.

Sun Quan is cool, the Sacred Mask is used to evolve late/endgame caliber leaders. In the meantime it's a good standin for a green monster on your teams until you get something better.

You should only be pulling during godfests, yes. In rare cases certain carnivals are also good to pull on but those are the exception, not the norm, and when they do happen people in the thread will likely be talking about it.
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