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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls


Just finally got my Awoken Hinokagutsuchi. Also instantly fed him the 3 flampy I had. I think I can actually make an Urd thursday farm squad now. Gonna give it a shot once I get to 50 stam again. With as many damn red fruit as I need, I'd kill for something stable and easy.


What's the best bet for a phoenix? Throwing points at the PEM? I'm feeling way out of the loop not being able to evolve my Shiva. Feels bad, man.

Most people are getting Phoenix from Zeus Vulcan. I tried 4 times last time the dungeon was open and it never dropped. (I quit when Phoenix doesn't drop, the dungeon is too long and I don't need anything else from it) PEM is a long shot but I'm trying there as well.


The new Light/Water Apollo split evo has a nice +370 Atk boost and double 2 prongs and double light rows but -800 hp compared to Light/Fire Apollo. Still worth switching mine over when it gets here.


With updates coming a bit faster we should see this dungeon soon


Is that Guerrilla Dungeon as good as it looks? I've seen it pop up a couple times on the Japanese side, but haven't had a good enough team to actually do it. It looks pretty incredible.

With the speed of updates increasing, I sure hope that means we see Awoken Isis soon. I really need her. I also am guessing we haven't seen Zeus & Hera because they're saving it for an anniversary.


Its been hit or miss for me, either I die or desire sensor screwing me.

Assuming you can farm it safely and quickly you will likely spend stones because chances are low you will get what you want on the first run.



Hoorah! Karin invaded so I got a blue jewel too, even better it was on Floor 3 which is the most dangerous for my team due to his high rage% (75).


Its been hit or miss for me, either I die or desire sensor screwing me.

Assuming you can farm it safely and quickly you will likely spend stones because chances are low you will get what you want on the first run.

Is it a garunteed Jewel drop? If so, a 20% chance to get what you want, but with a garuntee of at least something good sounds better than running the same descend over and over for around a 15% invade.
Can grind teams come back yet? Trying to casually play my JP alt after farming plus eggs in NA and the current meta is killing me. I hate having to 10 combo or die every turn while managing a proper order of skill usage and maintaining damage reduction shields. Game wants everyone to be Anubis savants now. I just want to relax.

Also, JP Challenges 9&10, plz die. Can cruise to Lifive and ult Goemon and then get killed by huge preemptives, 9 mil+ HP, and 25k or greater "normal" attacks. I don't even...

Play Verdandi. Or Urd. Enough HP to handle some heavy hits. Super easy x9-x10 multipliers with prongs and boosters for burst. I suppose the problem is RCV though, especially for Verd.


So should I be gambling my stones at Godfests as they appear or should I save for specific Godfests?

Depends on what you need.

You're currently only running Horus correct?

I'd say both day 1 & 2 mostly supply leaders. So if you want to use a new lead you can roll on either day, imo day 1 is much better since Greco series 2 isn't that good.


tagged by Blackace
Depends on what you need.

You're currently only running Horus correct?

I'd say both day 1 & 2 mostly supply leaders. So if you want to use a new lead you can roll on either day, imo day 1 is much better since Greco series 2 isn't that good.
What's a supply leader?

What skills should I be looking for in other leaders?

Most of the Chinese gods make excellent leaders and subs, so you really can't go wrong there. What do you currently have?
I don't know who is worth a damn, but I currently have a Horus, Empress of Serpents Echidna, Icedragon Plesios (which Ultimate Evo should I be looking into for this guy, BTW?), ADK, Earth Guardian, Light Machine Golem Mk.II, Verche, and Witch of the Night Lilith.

I'm guessing just Horus is a more appropriate answer lol
What's a supply leader?

What skills should I be looking for in other leaders?

Supply as a verb, meaning most of the stuff in this Godfest make for good leaders but not-so-good at filling out slots in existing teams.

Horus can still take you far, but you may want to look for one with less stringent activation conditions to make day-to-day farming easier.


I failed the Zhao Yun descend a couple of times with fire teams before I switched to Bastet and demolished it with a skill bind proof team. I wish I had Perseus or Mei Mei to take Marine Rider's slot. I still need to skill up Bastet and Leeza.

Edit. I forgot that Ultimate Vishnu has a skill bind resist so I'll use him when we get the new evo. I'll work on skilling him and Leeza at the same time in the wood insect coin dungeon.



Anyone playing with the new Krishna uevo?

How's this team look?


One more fire pii and I'll max skill my minerva, which might be a good option for the team. I'm tempted to throw my hypermax Shiva onto the team, but I'm not sure who to remove.

I'm going to try and max skill Krishna this weekend once the the coin dungeons change over. 45 feeds on 2x on average to max skill. So 2.25k stamina, ridiculous.
Anyone playing with the new Krishna uevo?

How's this team look?


One more fire pii and I'll max skill my minerva, which might be a good option for the team. I'm tempted to throw my hypermax Shiva onto the team, but I'm not sure who to remove.

I'm going to try and max skill Krishna this weekend once the the coin dungeons change over. 45 feeds on 2x on average to max skill. So 2.25k stamina, ridiculous.

Very similar to my own Krishna team. Krishna really needs a lot of quick orb changes otherwise he runs out of gas, so you might have to sub one of the longer cooldown monsters with Minerva but you'll have to test it for yourself.

New dungeons:

Ilsix, aka another bullshit dungeon with bullshit evo mats

The dungeons after sealed tower are being changed from wood required/no wood orbs etc. to no RCV, 5x4 dungeons
I was running Trifruits all day with essentially that team. I have normal Chiyome though, and I was switching between Urd and Minerva. I agree with Cosmo, I liked having the second 5 turn orb change over the board change. Though of course, sometimes a board change is necessary.


What's a supply leader?

What skills should I be looking for in other leaders?

I don't know who is worth a damn, but I currently have a Horus, Empress of Serpents Echidna, Icedragon Plesios (which Ultimate Evo should I be looking into for this guy, BTW?), ADK, Earth Guardian, Light Machine Golem Mk.II, Verche, and Witch of the Night Lilith.

I'm guessing just Horus is a more appropriate answer lol

Cosmoclock21 was right, I meant as a verb sorry. And as for what type of leaders, well Horus is great to get you to mid-end game if you can activate it consistently but later on you're going to want to have farming leads. Farming leaders are powerful and don't require constant attention to activate their skills.

If you roll Day 1 any of the Chinese gods would be great leaders (except Kirin who is similar to Horus) and can function as farming leads because they are much easier to activate than Horus. Also a lot of the special gods such as Red Sonia or Verdandi would be great rolls since they can both function as leaders that can get you to end game as well as farming.
I think it's really bullshit when you accidentally hit continue and it instantly takes your stone but if you press no it asks for a conformation. Just lost a damn stone because my finger slipped. So maddening.


Keep feeling Medjedra Mythical :lol: I can't even get past Isis... this past time I think I would have, but wasn't 100% HP so not full damage. Maybe if I max my Osiris or Cu Chu.


Alright, I need some advice. I want a dummy proof Thursday Mythical farm team. My current idea is Urd/Yamato/Awoken Hino/R.Valk/R/L Leilan/Urd. I'm not sure if this can put out enough damage for the final floor. Yamato is there for the S.Boosts. I do not have access to Ares or Minerva, so the only orb changers I have for red are the ones listed and the farmables. I also have a Ronia. I also have Rodin if needed. Would I be better served with a Yamato team for this? What should I be building and how should I look to play it.

In terms of other REM Red subs I'd have that could be used, Uriel, a second Yamato, Freyr and Shiva are the major ones.


tagged by Blackace
Thanks for the tips, guys. I guess I'll roll what I have Day 1 (which isn't much, maybe 2-3).

Haven't even looked into subs yet, pretty much just an assortment of dragons though I have some healer girls now. Need to look into team construction a bit more. It's mostly just overwhelming how many different monsters are out there, so it's hard to know what to work with or go after before you go after it or start prepping teams.
Thanks for the tips, guys. I guess I'll roll what I have Day 1 (which isn't much, maybe 2-3).

Haven't even looked into subs yet, pretty much just an assortment of dragons though I have some healer girls now. Need to look into team construction a bit more. It's mostly just overwhelming how many different monsters are out there, so it's hard to know what to work with or go after before you go after it or start prepping teams.

Rainbow leaders like Horus have a couple of glaring weaknesses; his sub pool is largely dictated by their ability to mitigate them. I'm only including REM monsters as examples to give you an idea of what to shoot for as you progress towards endgame, and may not have farmable equivalents:
1. Prevention of orb trolling - can't damage anything if you don't have the orbs on hand to activate Horus' leader condition. Monsters with full board conversion skills like Light Kali, Dark Kali, Lumiel, etc. will guarantee you have a valid board to work with.
2. Protection - Horus has no HP or RCV modifiers so you tend to be very fragile. Kushinadahime is a great pick for this role, most others have too long of cooldown.
3. Delay - a different way to protect your team, although easily countered if the monster has a status shield up. Sun Quan is the top pull, there are various others that also work.
4. Bind Removal - another way to shut you down since Horus has no bind resist awakenings. Light Metatron and Isis are the two best ones.

5. Fingers - each finger awakening gives you an extra 0.5 seconds to move. You really shouldn't go for a monster solely because it has fingers though.


My alt (EU / iOS) account made 7 pulls, and got:
Sylph, Thumbelina, Yellow Sky Fruit Lemon Dragon, Water Dragon Swordsman, Arcline, Incarnation of Byakko Haku, Witch of the Night Lilith.

Some troll pulls, but then I noticed that Arcline when evolved is god and Lilith should be good addition to Y&U leader.

Alt has opened Techincal Dungeons and is on "Fertile Land" last fight, next dungeon in normal is "Tower of Flare".

Where to go from here when I have the cost (and units are leveled).

1. Lilith should be nice poisoner (never tried poison)?
2. Should I keep Y&U as leader
3. Should I add Haku to party (take Vampire/xxx away)
4. Evolving is going to be pain in the ass, I might need to use stones to clear dungeons
5. Party suggestions?

Changed my name to Rixa2@GAF
EU Account ID: 799,143,269
So if you fellow EUGafers have room, you can add me :).


HOLY SHITBALLS, I was going to roll until not gold... but then it just kept going

Everything there is new for me except Verdandi and Zuoh.

That Verdandi. Two Valks! That Shiva. Hell of a set of pulls.

And I thought my back to back L. Kalis were impressive. Still my favorite REM moment.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Man Cosmo... Some really nice pulls there congrats. You guys make me wanna waste my stones on gacha again.


Wow that is a fantastic streak! My best is 6 consecutive golds with Ra being the best and the light wizard being the 2nd best so you can imagine the rest being not so great pulls.


Is that Guerrilla Dungeon as good as it looks? I've seen it pop up a couple times on the Japanese side, but haven't had a good enough team to actually do it. It looks pretty incredible.

It's really not. Without 2x rates, one or zero drop runs are common. With boosted rates, you're still not usually getting the tougher drops. I think it's only worth it if you've got a lot of different skill ups to work on.

Play Verdandi. Or Urd. Enough HP to handle some heavy hits. Super easy x9-x10 multipliers with prongs and boosters for burst. I suppose the problem is RCV though, especially for Verd.

Sadly JP meta has outclassed double Norn almost as much as double Sonias are here. I like my Verdandi team for farming, but she doesn't handle tougher stuff anymore.

HOLY SHITBALLS, I was going to roll until not gold... but then it just kept going

Everything there is new for me except Verdandi and Zuoh.

Very nice. Lead with Shiva instead of Krishna now please? Heh.

Also, reminder to others that those are JP rolls, so gold streaks are much easier with 3-star trash removed.

My JP pulls. Two troll gold (straight to MP) and Sanada Yukimura. He pairs nicely with my reds, can even use multiple A.Leilans. Wish he had a TPA so I could also put him on Shiva, but it's not like I don't have a bunch of row subs there anyway.

Water to fire is too crowded. Kagutsuchi, Ares, Cao Cao, and Sanada all overlap.


tagged by Blackace
Pull #1: Sylph
Pull #2: Sleeping Dragon, Zhuge Liang
Pull #3: Incarnation of Byakko, Haku (HP+)

I think I did okay? Seems like Haku might be useful.


Man, JP PAD really wants me to play Gadius. Just pulled a second.

Thinking of going Gadius/Yamato/Gadius/Ronia/Hurricane Volcano/Gadius

It's not Gadius/Yama/Yama/Uriel/Uriel/Gadius, but it seems like a good start.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I was dumb and pulled again. 3 pulls... Shitty Golem, Dupe Krishna, Shitty Golem.

I never learn, done with pulling and will only lyrics make an exception for whenever DKalis Uevo is released.

Good news. 3 Friday runs resulted in 3 Angelit drops, Awoken Ra is great for that stage xD
Sadly JP meta has outclassed double Norn almost as much as double Sonias are here. I like my Verdandi team for farming, but she doesn't handle tougher stuff anymore.

Very nice. Lead with Shiva instead of Krishna now please? Heh.
But I just finished max skilling Krishna...

Also, Verdandi was always super borderline; doing great against late game content but having issues against endgame. Now the power level increased again and she hasn't been able to adjust. She was a front-runner in the last uvo vote; so maybe she'll be good again if she wins.

Pull #1: Sylph
Pull #2: Sleeping Dragon, Zhuge Liang
Pull #3: Incarnation of Byakko, Haku (HP+)

I think I did okay? Seems like Haku might be useful.
Zhuge Liang is kinda unfortunate in that he was really good for a while but then GungHo started making dungeons specially to counter his playstyle, but he is still good in the right situations.

Haku is good and beginner friendly. She'll help teach you about orb management too.


Keeping my stones for tomorrow, assuming I'm not making a mistake (really could use Persephone, but I'm afraid I'm setting myself up for disappointment).

That being said, I go 2 Dub-Mythlit right off the bat today. Ult-Evo Durga and Ult-Evo Pandora get! I just need one more for Ame No Uzume. After that, it will be stocking up time for future evos.

Edit: And Ult-Evo Ame No Uzume. This feels soooo good.


One pull in NA


Aw yiss. Now I'm just missing Haku.

JP pull: Dragon Rider

:| this is why I nuked half my box and bought a Shiva Dragon there lmao


But I just finished max skilling Krishna...

Also, Verdandi was always super borderline; doing great against late game content but having issues against endgame. Now the power level increased again and she hasn't been able to adjust. She was a front-runner in the last uvo vote; so maybe she'll be good again if she wins.

I always felt the Norns were top tier farming leads and amazing subs rather than true challenge leads. Their abilities are far more suited to longer dungeons like the Coin stuff and their burst was just barely scraping by, even with the best possible subs. They also tend to not have very good multi-burst options.

That being said, what the Norns are good at, they're very good at. Godly subs and Urd is such a damn great coin farmer.

What are some good sites for looking for JP Friends? I need Gadius friends and I need them like yesterday. Just barely scraping by with what I've got.


Is it me, or are the Greek Gods 2 pretty lackluster? I guess they can be useful as orb changers, but they seem to be decent subs at best. Or maybe I'm just difficult and nitpicky. Oh well, now that my Durga is fully evolved, I need to stop complaining and focus on getting good subs, and Persephone looks like a nice addition indeed. Yamato Takeru would be a great addition to my Ame No Uzume team too, and Ares would be one too I guess.

... And just remembered I had the weirdest dream about a pyramid in Minecraft... I don't understand my mind.


I was almost bursting to tears when my pulls were shit after shit. Literally last pull \o_ saved something.

My 11 pulls in pull order:

Is Leilan ok sub for Verdandi and should I ultievo it to Divine Flower Suzaku, Leilan?
What about that Avalon Drake as sub, comments seem to be praising him in Puzzledragonx

Kinda lost about what to do with these, who to enhance :)

So many meh pulls, silver after silver :(.


Well, thank you for the reminder that I can get trolled by the REM and that I really should stop bitching about things I don't have yet. I feel for you man.


Well, thank you for the reminder that I can get trolled by the REM and that I really should stop bitching about things I don't have yet. I feel for you man.

Ouch. I would be super sad.

At least Avalon Drake and Leilan are good.

1:X 2:X 3:X 4:O 5:X 6:X 7:X 8:O 9:X 10:X 11:O

You got robbed.

Were is my GodFest when I need one :(. I feel bad.

Next step is to boost Drake & Leilan levels right?
And to think how to form a party.
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