Cosmo Clock 21
You only need 35% to "beat" Kali, and Stratios has a lower cooldown.Why do people use Zeus Strat over Zeus Hera? Isn't it higher gravity?
You only need 35% to "beat" Kali, and Stratios has a lower cooldown.Why do people use Zeus Strat over Zeus Hera? Isn't it higher gravity?
Why do people use Zeus Strat over Zeus Hera? Isn't it higher gravity?
When do the alt coin dungeons disappear?
Dear Father GungHo it's 3x in JP and I've fed like 20 cats to Osiris and have gotten no skillups I JUST NEED ONE MORE TO MAX SKILL PLEASE WHERE HAVE I SINNED TO DESERVE THIS
*New Years Gold Dragon Party*
[Duration]: 12/31 (Thurs) - 1/1 (Fri), Various Timings
Aint no party like Gold Dragon party, because a Gold Dragon party dont stop... For 48 hours!
Gold Dragon Infestation will be appearing at various timings throughout these dates, so please check back often. Dont miss your chance to party!
Does anyone else think this makes absolutely no sense at all?
- Gadius, (dupe), its 15k mp if I dont need 2
Someone save Floe. he's spent $180 on P&D Godfest tonight
Beside levels & evos I need 23 Tamadras
Uh, accidentally sold an ame no uzume that I just rolled. How badly did I screw up?
Crap. Mainly still using a kirin team but I have shiva, cao cao x2, and ares so a mono fire was definitely in the cards. Oh well, lesson learned.Is mono-Fire your key team? If so, she's pretty much the only bind-healer option they have. She's a great utility sub for Shiva, Awoken Horus, etc. Not killer, but she can be very useful.
Hah, i love how you pulled DKali and act like its nothing special... damn you xDRolls on alt
Ame No Uzume
D. Kali
Mitsuki (troll gold)
Chiyome (never had her even on my main)
Berserker Z (ugh)
SHIVA (never had one and I definitely want to use him for awoken shiva)
Overall good haul for my alt. Waiting day 3 to do 2 rolls on my main account, then I'm going to start saving once again until the new Godfest exclusives come to NA.
Oh you will have no issues finding Luci friends looking at his stats.Ok, yeah going to toss + to Lucifer. Hopefully I will find friends when AA. Luci comes.
Work in progress:
Beside levels & evos I need 23 Tamadras.
100% sbr
Rows: Luci 3, Nepnep 2, A.Haku 0, Perse 2, Vritra 2, friend Luci 3 = 12 rows
OE: 6 dark, heart, 1 water, 1 fire
Thank youI kinda wanted to do a single pull - but right now i always see 100 +eggs next to the pull button which keeps me away from it. But it looks like Gala of Tide starts tomorrow..maybe one pull.
Oh you will have no issues finding Luci friends looking at his stats.
btw. Congrats on the pulls - Meimei, 2nd Bei and Nep are really nice.
Atleast I have room in inventory. What is the "easiest" way to obtain Heavy Metal Dragon?
Thank you.
You know, impulse pulls are best pulls and then you see that you have shitton of leveled & uevod & awoken REM units that you dont use at all.
Then you sell them and buy something even you know your plan is to use it as sub and dont have stuff to evo it or cost to add party...
Seriously this game, it doesnt feel bad at all.
Atleast I have room in inventory. What is the "easiest" way to obtain Heavy Metal Dragon?
Iam sorry :/. The idea of this impulse buy was from your original pondering post to buy or not to buy YD.Shiiiiieeeeeeeet !!!
Man congrats on Yomdidragon but you really shouldnt have done this...because now you are kinda forcing me to get one as well :-/
Unless you can clear Z8 or Dragon Rush - Legendary Earth on weekends is probably your best bet, but it might take a couple tries and its a 99sta dungeon.
Damn...that Yomidragon... xD
Rolled twice today, probably buying a pack sometime this godfest.
-Saria (new!)
-Typhon (dupe)
So pumped about these rolls. I'll look at my box and see what my Saria team will look like, but the Saria/A. Thor combo seems to have a lot of success and should help me in dungeons my dark teams can't do.
I run Typhon, but don't know if I'll need a dupe so this is probably just MP, which I'm very happy about.
Now I just need to force myself to quit before I get trolled with silvers.
Wow congrats what a luck - that's the way to end this PaD year.Welp, this is one moment where my lack of willpower has paid off handsomely. One more roll, Mother fucking RYUNE! I feel like I'm on a heater. 3 rolls, 3 GFE, 2 of them 6*.
Iam sorry :/. The idea of this impulse buy was from your original pondering post to buy or not to buy YD.
I havent run Legendary Earth for many months, did clear it once. So that should be my best option (I havent tried Team Challenge there either).
Also the more I look it, I might be able to do team where YD is leader, not optimal tho (dont have Z8 / Dmeta / Akechi / Panda).
Edit: Didnt want to use my last Extreme dragon so used water super instead.
They would have announced New Years special REM already if they were going to put it up right? Need to decide whether to save my stones for that or roll GFE. ><
Welcome to A.L. Club \o/. Dont worry, it will be there, I just switched it to 2nd team place and Yomi D to first. Took A.Shiva away.F yeah.. all these good pulls here tempted me enough to Yolo pull. Lakshmi. YES. No Dupe gold and with her Awoken version getting an upgrade im hyped for that team.
Rixa you better keep your Laksmi up in 2016 as well xD
Very nice... Looking forward to see how your dark teams evolve in the next months. I might join the party soon.
Thank you.
You know, impulse pulls are best pulls and then you see that you have shitton of leveled & uevod & awoken REM units that you dont use at all.
Then you sell them and buy something even you know your plan is to use it as sub and dont have stuff to evo it or cost to add party...
Seriously this game, it doesnt feel bad at all.
Atleast I have room in inventory. What is the "easiest" way to obtain Heavy Metal Dragon?
I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen. This godfest is better anyway.
They would have announced New Years special REM already if they were going to put it up right? Need to decide whether to save my stones for that or roll GFE. ><
Anything that uses Extreme King Metal Dragon as a material.Anyone see 8* Amon yet? How many Uevos require a Uevo's monster to start?
Two pulls for bjork
Dragon Rider
The Norn Skuld
are either worth investing time into?
Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but if I don't care about mini 3k, the special PEM looks likes crap, and I'm not missing out by pulling the regular PEM instead.
Yes! Picked up a badpy for my Eschamali. Having the Alt. Dungeons in multi is really nice. Especially now that they are half stamina. 13 stamina for 24k exp/55k coins. 1 or 2 plus eggs usually drop as well. Since my "partner" was my iPad, I was able to get the exact same drops on it as well including the badpy, hehe.
It's tough if you're trying to build a team from scratch.After i read your post yesterday i was all like " F Yeah..i can do it, Yomidragon im coming..." but the reality hit me again. I have other teams i could be working on anyway and without Haku or the necessary Pys, half a year could go by until i would get all the materials to have the team ready... honestly if hadnt spend the couple Blackpys i had to finish off Z8 i probably had bought YomiD already.
What i will do instead i save up some materials so that i can get him down the line if it still makes sense.
Wooohoo..congrats - what an awesome pull. Talk about working on a perfect YomiDragon squad...and the Synergy Kite/Yomi etc.
Your REM Luck is nuts
Didnt know that GFE were 4X again for the upcoming Fest. I wish you good luck on your GF rolls - maybe it will get easier to justify Yomi Dragon after your pulls.
I've thrown 50 pal rolls at it trying to get Arthur and the only three golds I've gotten are the 3k chibis. 50 kings/queens would've been much more useful.Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but if I don't care about mini 3k, the special PEM looks likes crap, and I'm not missing out by pulling the regular PEM instead.
I got Arthur on my third try, which might have used up all of my luck for Godfest.I've thrown 50 pal rolls at it trying to get Arthur and the only three golds I've gotten are the 3k chibis. 50 kings/queens would've been much more useful.