I just finished evolving my Awoken Neptune, just need 2 dark jewels for D/L Fagan.
someone pls add me i need a lubu, or a belzebub for a coin dungeon. ID: 369 376 278 quick got 10 min
When are the red dragon fruits changing back? i got 4 of them now but don't want to ult my ronia till i can possibly get some skill ups.
So... I need help deciding whether to focus on my Kirin team or stop and focus on this GGY team.
GGY/Artemis/Mei Mei/Gronia/Liu Bei/GGY
9 skill boosts. 6 green rows. Everything hypermaxed nets me 26k hp and 6k rcv (with leaders bonus) + 1k auto heal.
Artemis and Mei Mei won't benefit from GGY's leader skill at all since they are not dragon or physical. Stick to Kirin until you get better subs.
Congrats on your Neptune : )I just finished evolving my Awoken Neptune, just need 2 dark jewels for D/L Fagan.
Oh for some reason I thought it was Dragon or God. Oops. :-(
What about: GGY/Karin(b/g)/Liu Bei/Canopus/Gronia/GGY
27k hp, 1.5k autoheal, 7k rcv, 5 rows, 8 skill boost.
I can always run Draggie instead of Karin. Karin isn't ideal but this team seems decent?
It's not terrible but probably not going to do anything that Kirin can do better with the same dedication.
I hate Hera Beorc's dungeon so fucking much right now. Been trying to clear the Hera Challenge in JP for the free green jewel and have failed at least a dozen times. Kirin gets me all the way to the end easily as long as I'm not orb trolled too bad, but I either get hosed by Leviathan's skill bind or die trying to outlast the light absorb. Even made it past a couple times and ate Jupiter Genesis after skyfalls. Seething with rage.
anybody willing to coment on the HnK mobs, come on theorypadders lol.
so awoken gods are awesome we know that, but they focus heavily in tpas right?
Could use a couple more rows but looks decent.Ok so this must be getting annoying but I've got ANOTHER team idea since my box is so full of green subs (pls gungho let me roll Verdandi or Osiris).
Green Sonia/Melon Dragon/Dragon Shogun/Canopus/Liu Bei/Gronia
hypermaxed gives: 25k hp, 20k rcv, 9 skill boosts, 6 green rows, 6 green enhance orbs, 5 two prong, 3 dark rows _. Is this decent for a Sonia team? I'm not really sure how Red Sonia teams compare.
edit: Woah, just discovered you can chain morning stars together now. That makes Lucifer a lot better imo.
Could use a couple more rows but looks decent.
Try it out whenever you have 50 spare stamina lying around?
I lack melon dragon currently, and the 30 or so tamadra needed to awaken everything. I am just hoping to crunch numbers and see if those numbers are any good, 25k hp and 20k rcv sounds insane but is 6 row enhances enough?
No evolved drops from the dungeon. Terrible.
Congrats on your Neptune : )
I really haven't even considered working on Fagan or Beelzebub yet =__=
Aaah, collecting all 5 orbs wouldn't be easy..Congrats on Hades, now get on that Beelzebub train.
Wow! I need to Ult my Beelzebu.
Finally ult. Evo'd Ronia. The pal points and requests are already pouring in.
The other problem is that being too high level makes you get no pal points because no one sees you.I average like maybe 40 pal points a day only negative of having too many high level friends. Nobody wants your ronia unless she's hypermaxed haha.
Yes, make it your first priority. There are dungeons that it can clear that 2xRonia can't because of the double hp.
I average like maybe 40 pal points a day only negative of having too many high level friends. Nobody wants your ronia unless she's hypermaxed haha.
That's why you make a Beelzebub. Those Ronia would be all over you.
I average like maybe 40 pal points a day only negative of having too many high level friends. Nobody wants your ronia unless she's hypermaxed haha.
Just beat Challenge Lv 5 with a Beelzebub/Ronia team. Dill Sirius and Beez crushed the high dragons with their double 2-prongs but couldn't crack the defense of the pys. I had to burn 1 Ronia when I faced 3 pys at once.
Finally ult. Evo'd Ronia. The pal points and requests are already pouring in.